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Author Topic: Aggresive time waster, don’t book. Week later his wife calls.  (Read 1041 times)


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Hi girls…

So on 1st February I had a call, that I couldn’t take and was exchanging text messages with this number: +44 7554 6378**.
Checked app, he has awful reviews ( being a time waster and Aggresive ), he sent me text message that he is semi professional boxer so I just stop replying from fear.

Today 9 Feb at 2pm I got a call, women. Ask me if I’m this and this person, I said yes and wanted to say that I don’t offer services to women, but she keeps going on talking anyways…

Very nice overall lady, but she gave me time, date and end of the number 868, saying her husband was texting with me and messages stops, she wants to confirm more than anything.

Told her that I’m professional and can’t give her details and that I don’t have messages with this number ( a lie ) and that maybe it didn’t go with initial booking.

Then she asks me where I got his phone number, I said : lady, it’s customer who goes on websites, pick a girl and call her or text. On Monday 11:30am I’m usually in busy so I couldn’t answer and send a message: please text me, as I wouldn’t answer call in public.

She apologies for even calling, wished me a good day and that was it.

Her number is: + 07305 3619**

Cheers xoxo

[spaces removed from numbers]
« Last Edit: 08 March 2024, 12:52:48 pm by MichelleCute »


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Re: Aggresive time waster, don’t book. Week later his wife calls.
« Reply #1 on: 09 February 2024, 05:08:33 pm »
Can you put the third from last digit back in the mobile numbers so only the last two are censored please? Then people can search for them.