Hmm, this guy was obviously using a fake name when he booked. Called himself 'Julius Gonnes' but sounded strongly from Pakistan. Against my better judgement I let it pass, as he was extremely polite and I decided he just wanted the discretion. He had booked the day before and confirmed early with full address, but no landline.
It was a mid afternoon booking.
When I arrived and had told him which car I was in ( so he could let me into the parking

) he said he would be " down in 5 minutes". Meanwhile a very skinny, dark skinned Asian taxi-driver got out of his car parked along the street and proceeded to "chat" on his phone for ages in front of my car. Talking in English and the sort of chat a guy has with us ladies. Sure enough, when I tried the number again, all I got was a message to say I had dialled the wrong number - as though he had instantly removed his sim or something

I asked the loitering Taxi Driver if he was Julius but of course he said no, but continued to hang around my car.
Look out for him Liverpool ladies, this is sure to be a regular gig for him.
Moral - no landline? A text photo of a household bill or a bloomin' deposit..