Text me at least ten times in five minutes asking for "pics and info". Text him and said that if he wanted details, to call me. I dont "do" texts with new clients. Explained this politely and he kept pestering me, another 5 texts in the space of less than five minutes. Left an answerphone message asking him to ring, and stop texting me.
He stopped for half an hour then started again, and I made it VERY CLEAR that he was to stop texting me ("please stop texting me!") and then followed another four or five text messages "i need info/pics/are you white/English?" etc.
Replied with "i have asked you to stop texting me, if this continues I will consider it harassment and inform the correct authorities to take this matter further. Additionally, if you require information, feel free to ring me."
Abuse then followed. Im fat, ugly, got saggy tits amongst other things...oh and he also reckons im not worthy of the money I charge. Guess he will never know how good I am now lol!r