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Author Topic: Abusive Guy [on phone]  (Read 10911 times)


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Abusive Guy [on phone]
« on: 09 November 2017, 10:15:43 pm »
Hello I'm not sure if this guy only targets dommes so sex workers should be aware too.

He keeps changing phone numbers and disguising his voice and has managed to time waste and harass me twice.

He calls up asking for whipping/bdsm then the phone cuts out as someone "interrupts him" at work. He'll then book by text but shortly before the booking will ask a million sexual questions such as "What colour knickers are you wearing?" How will you get me hard?"

If you are onto his game and don't text back elaborate answers, he wait's until the booking time then starts texting abuse and saying things like "You are too dull, you slag so I'm not coming." "I only wanted a bit of sexiness to build up" "You should give some sexy talk like all the good fucking prossies do."

The fact that he has done this twice with different numbers demonstrates that he goes out of his way to target sex workers and become abusive. I think he may be dangerous and I dread to think what would happen if he targeted someone a bit more 'willing to please'. He would probably turn up and carry on the abuse in person.

His number is 074971995** and he calls himself Sam or Charles G**** from Debenhams. I am very happy to give his full number to anyone who would like it. It's also on my twitter profile as a warning to other dommes and SW's.

Be safe ladies :)

[name censored/titled edited for clarity]

« Last Edit: 09 November 2017, 10:24:54 pm by amy »


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Re: Abusive Guy [on phone]
« Reply #1 on: 16 December 2017, 02:24:02 pm »
Hi ladies this is a long story wow I had a rather hilarious idiot a few days ago when I was touring stoke a client phoned me and I was pissing about doing my makeup so missed the call I rang the number straight back and the person didn't answer, but I got a text saying hi it's G***** B***** at (big department store) sorry for missing your call, will call you back as soon as I can or call HO on (the number) many thanks. I thought nothing of it then he called back and arranged a booking for 8pm for 2 hours he sounded genuine on the phone so it gets to around 7 o clock and he starts sending messages like you wearing nickers or a thong and what colour I ignored him and then he text again 10
Mins to 8 saying how you going to get me hard and how and where will you make me explode so I text back saying your not coming are you, well he didn't like that started saying you know what scrap this you seem dull as dust and have the personality of a plank of wood and don't be a boring slag and you may then have fun as the best prossies do, he sent a few stupid messages like that and I thought fuck this he's wasted my time and trying to insult me nope. I text back saying ok g***** B***** who works at (department store) maybe I should call them and let them know your being abusive to prostitutes, he shit himself I got like 5 messages at once like how do you know my name, what is this? Who are you how do you know my fucking name, look I'm sorry this doesn't have to get out of hand. I let him sweat for a bit then said chill out I'm not going to do anything but the way you speak to women is vile sort your head out before a stupid prostitute ruins your life be careful of who you think you can bully. Then he started going on with himself saying he would give me the money to delete messages and number because it's his work phone then said he couldn't afford it then said a working girl had blackmailed him into doing it in the end I said i really don't care I'm not going to phone your work fuck off it got so boring wow I'm not a spliteful person I wouldn't do that even tho he is a cunt xx
Not today satan


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Re: Abusive Guy [on phone]
« Reply #2 on: 16 December 2017, 04:35:08 pm »
Do you have a number for him?


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Re: Abusive Guy [on phone]
« Reply #3 on: 16 December 2017, 05:10:20 pm »
Yeah forgot to post it sorry it's 079818511** I'll pm u full number x
Not today satan


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Re: Abusive Guy [on phone]
« Reply #4 on: 16 December 2017, 09:42:50 pm »
Are you sure that's happened in Stoke? :D

I am South East and had exactly the same messages from the same twat 1 week ago. Completely same shit calling me dull and boring, boring slag, saying I lost out and maybe a lesson lesson learn for the future etc...


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Re: Abusive Guy [on phone]
« Reply #5 on: 17 December 2017, 02:24:33 am »
 I live in stone, so most of my clients come from stafford or stoke. I have just checked my phone, this guy contacted me on Friday 15th.

He did this weird thing where HE sent text message saying: "missed call:this person/number called at 17:00 on 15th Dec but left no message."

He sent this twice.

I KNOW that it was HIM that sent those messages because:

1) my phone does not give me texts like that if somebody phones/ i have missed a call. it never has. I turned the option off to notify me of missed calls.
2) even if my phone did leave a message like that he hasn't phrased it correctly.

My personal phone does do this. and it is phrased (word for word) like:"you missed a call from me at 17.00 15th Dec. This is a free Call Alert from O2. To disable this dial 901, press *, then option 4 and option 5."

Its very convincing and probably a lot of people could fall for it.

He then sent a normal text. saying "hi blonde bombshell. are you available for a booking".

But what is the point in him doing this? Why not send a normal text message in the first place? instead of faking a missed call text twice (which was really unnecessary) and he didn't actually phone anyway.

But i run a SMS service so only. So even more so, what was the point in those texts?

Im guessing the reason why he would be faking a missed call (or two) is to actually avoid phoning the escort.

He sounds as if he doesn't want his voice to be heard. Weird.

I'm glad that i did not have the time to give this guy a chance. What a dick  >:( 


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Re: Abusive Guy [on phone]
« Reply #6 on: 17 December 2017, 11:32:09 am »
Just wondering what he wants? Clearly he was abusing a few of us. When I asked him to call he said:

I've actually tried ringing 4 times I either get voicemail or it keeps cutting out, are you in a low signal area, would love to book with you and no rush but could you call me when you get chance as I prefer to arrange a meet when I've heard a friendly voice

Then the same message as OP:
Hi it's G***** B**** at (department store). Sorry for missing your call, will call you back as soon as i can, or call H.O. 079818506** many thanks

After this message I got about 10 abusive messages.


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Re: Abusive Guy [on phone]
« Reply #7 on: 17 December 2017, 11:40:18 am »
Someone should complain to the HO that one of their employees is sending abusive messages, that'd stop him in his tracks.


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Re: Abusive Guy [on phone]
« Reply #8 on: 20 December 2017, 07:29:06 pm »
Wow he is fucking Weird he's contacting pepole all over who has a job and has time to do things like this it's disgusting, I would love to ring his work but I just wouldn't xx
Not today satan


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Re: Abusive Guy [on phone]
« Reply #9 on: 20 December 2017, 09:56:11 pm »
This one has been brought up a few times on here. He?s just a waster, wouldn?t give him much thought or the attention he craves.

He also makes out that he?s trying to level the score with another wg by making fake outcall bookingsto you but sends the messages to you instead of the other wg.


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Re: Abusive Guy [on phone]
« Reply #10 on: 29 December 2017, 05:04:48 pm »
This one had me baffled till I searched on here. Kept getting texts saying I missed a call from this number but had no missed calls on my phone. He asked me to call him but I didn't then he said he'd give it a miss as he likes speaking on the phone first. Not sure what he gets out of pretending to call mind.

079818506** using that number still.


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Re: Abusive Guy [on phone]
« Reply #11 on: 29 December 2017, 06:06:52 pm »
Yep... he's just contacted me too with 2 "missed call notifications" texts. He then sent me a 3rd straight after asking if I'm available. I'm in Newcastle. Dipstick


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Re: Abusive Guy [on phone]
« Reply #12 on: 29 December 2017, 06:20:03 pm »
Am I the only one who?s confused that he?s sent his name in original messages then shit himself when you?ve said it back to him?!  ???


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Re: Abusive Guy [on phone]
« Reply #13 on: 29 December 2017, 07:59:05 pm »
Am I the only one who?s confused that he?s sent his name in original messages then shit himself when you?ve said it back to him?!  ???

I think it sounds like he gets off on it. Weirdo


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Re: Abusive Guy [on phone]
« Reply #14 on: 29 December 2017, 08:46:02 pm »
Yep... he's just contacted me too with 2 "missed call notifications" texts. He then sent me a 3rd straight after asking if I'm available. I'm in Newcastle. Dipstick
I?m in Newcastle too.

Didn?t send a real name to me just fake missed call texts then got huffy when I said it must be a problem his end. Although now I know the problem is not with his phone, but his head  ;D