Just to let you girls know who display your number for escorts that tour or operate in the glasgow/renfrewshire sort of area..
guy called me last week and wanting to have a meet. kept changing on what he wanted. asking if i were alone.. then booked saying he was already on his way... he didnt show, dispite several contact attempts i was ignored.
just got a text from him today to say that his phone just broke later that night * not after the call* and couldnt get back to me to cancel, dispite taking my address over the phone, and again via text and said thanks. he was a no show. He said that it was because of his phone but no excuse as to why he didnt just show up if he was already on his way and took note of my address..
anyways, his name is craig. Refuses to set up an aw account to book me as " doesnt fancy it" number is 079287690**