Mine are pretty varied but with the caveat that I don't get many past their late fifties/early sixties (I suspect because of my location; I'm in the City of London so most of mine are coming from work).
The majority are between thirty and fifty and I get a lot of black and asian punters of all ages too, but often younger (thank you racial profilers - you're paying my rent
), and every nationality I can think of. Most book an hour or less, turn up and pay, get on with it and then bog off back to work without any faff, which suits me perfectly.
They also tend to be very clean and relatively fit; every time I read a post here from someone who finds that bad hygiene is a regular occurance I count myself lucky, because I cannot remember the last time I had any worse than a bit of a manly armpit (which I don't mind that much anyway provided it's not OTT).