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Author Topic: Yeast Infections and UTI  (Read 5470 times)


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Yeast Infections and UTI
« on: 08 June 2008, 06:22:30 am »
K this is kinda gruesome but I had to ask it...

So I've been working just over a month now and I got a yeast infection followed by a lovely urinary tract infection!  My boss says she gets them ALL the time and it's common for the industry.  Do you guys have any tips on how to avoid getting them?  It wouldnt be such a nuissance but there is some pain involved and I don't want it to keep me from working a couple of days. 

Thanks :)


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Re: Yeast Infections and UTI
« Reply #1 on: 08 June 2008, 11:00:26 am »
Applying natural yogurt (with no fruit bits!) to your vagina will help with yeast infections.  It helps restore the natural  balance of things.  We tend to wash ourselves a lot more when working than we normally would.  I have stopped using perfumed washes for my intimate area, I now use a special wash, either Vagisil or the Femfresh one.  Thats worked well.  I also tend not to wear undies if Im at home on my own, or between appointments if im working.

Im sure other girls will give you some advice too.


Penny x x x

Anika Mae

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Re: Yeast Infections and UTI
« Reply #2 on: 08 June 2008, 11:48:43 am »
People treat yeast infections with yoghurt, garlic and other natural things, but the anti-fungal treatments you get from the pharmacy are far more effective for me, so don't forget to get some of that.

To avoid yeast infections, you can eat lots of live yoghurt or take acidophilus supplements. Don't try to clean your vagina, it takes care of that itself, just wash your vulva with warm water. I find that I usually get a yeast infection after lots of vigorous sex or anything that makes me sore, so when that happens I use some anti-fungal cream preemptively. It seems to help a bit.

For UTIs, keep hydrated. Cranberries (and blueberries) are used as treatment although there's no evidence that they help shift an infection, however there is some evidence that they could help prevent one so you can consider that. Watch out for unhygienic ass-play men who are likely to transfer bacteria from your anus to your urethra. Try to pee right after having sex.

If you take antibiotics (such as for a UTI) there's a good chance you'll get a yeast infection, so be prepared to treat it.
« Last Edit: 08 June 2008, 11:50:58 am by Anika Mae »


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Re: Yeast Infections and UTI
« Reply #3 on: 08 June 2008, 08:53:57 pm »
Hmm, my GP told me off for douching daily, but I do it, especially in the Summer.

I use natural yoghurt, if you apply some to the top of a tampon before insertion and
leave it in overnight, it treats the infection and soothes the itch too.

If it's really bad tho, or recurring, you're probably better to get the Canesten duo kit
from the chemist, it's an oral capsule and cream too, and gets rid of everything very


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Re: Yeast Infections and UTI
« Reply #4 on: 08 June 2008, 09:47:03 pm »
If you do have antibiotics from the dr and it cause thrush infections, wait until you finish all the antibiotics before treating the thrush as it can reoccur.  You can use the canesten creams for the discomfort, but it is best to use the tablet as well as the cream to treat it from the inside out, so to speak!  So take the tablet after you finish the antibiotics.

Good luck

Suzy x


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Re: Yeast Infections and UTI
« Reply #5 on: 09 June 2008, 02:49:24 am »
Hi All
Yes its a minus point of sex work - getting thrush and / or cystitus . A good remedey for water infections is Waterfall d mannose

"Waterfall D-Mannose is a pure natural glyconutrient extract of Sweet European Forest Timbers, used to 'support a healthy bladder'. Word of the product has spread from person to person, and from therapist to therapist, worldwide. The product can now be obtained from a number of independent health food shops, and alternative health clinics, both in the UK and abroad"
Cranberry won't help stop cystitis in most cases. Fortunately, there is a substance that uropathogens can't become immune to, because it doesn't kill the weaker bacteria and leave the tough ones alive. It doesn't kill any of the bacteria - it just stops them from attaching, so that when you urinate, you flush away the bacteria too. It's a completely natural substance called d-mannose, and it works in a totally different way to antibiotics.

The other way, and by far the easiest way to deal with E.coli infections, is to provide a richer supply of mannose into the urine than the E.coli can find in tissue cells. You can do that simply by taking a level teaspoonful of sweet tasting Waterfall D-Mannose in a glass of water, or a cup of tea..

For most people, the Waterfall D-Mannose is in the urine within about an hour, and many users say they feel it beginning to work within that first hour, and that within the first 12 hours or so of beginning to use Waterfall D-Mannose, they are able to resume normal life.

It's simple, foolproof, and apparently works better than any antibiotic for E.coli, and doesn't have nasty side effects. You just get rid of the bacteria, now unable to stick to the bladder and urinary tract lining, when you urinate normally."

the above i copy n pasted from elsewhere - it was meant as advice to be passed on !! Get it in health food shops , ive been taking it and it is very good !!
Cleo X ::)

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Anika Mae

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Re: Yeast Infections and UTI
« Reply #6 on: 09 June 2008, 01:14:38 pm »
Ladylux is in the US, where I don't think they have the Canesten brand. From what I remember there are a few common brands, and unlike in the UK they're not all the same.

For UK ladies: everything that's on offer is the same, so there's no need to buy Canesten. Every chemist I've bought my stuff from stocks creams, pessaries and capsules from both Canesten range and a cheaper (often own-) brand that doesn't advertise. The oral treatment is under ?7 for the generic, compared to ?12 for Canesten.

Once you remember the name of the drugs it's easy (clotrimazole in the topical treatments, fluconazole in the one you swallow), but if you describe what you want instead of asking for the brand, you'll be offered a choice.
« Last Edit: 09 June 2008, 02:47:10 pm by Anika Mae »


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Re: Yeast Infections and UTI
« Reply #7 on: 09 June 2008, 01:51:16 pm »
I had one since I started this like of work in January.  I now use Femfresh on my bits my local poundland had lots of it so i stocked up! Also once a week i have a  bath with a bit antiseptic disinfectant liquid (they will say if you can use it in the bath on the back of the packet) dont know if that helps prevent anything but since ive used femfresh and dettol i havnt had any infections


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Re: Yeast Infections and UTI
« Reply #8 on: 09 June 2008, 03:11:49 pm »
Hmm, my GP told me off for douching daily, but I do it, especially in the Summer.

I can't add much advice to that already given here. *Touch wood* I've never suffered from yeast infection or other related ailments.

But I do remember watching Dr. Mehmet Oz on Oprah one day and he strongly advises against using douches. He says it upsets the natural ph balance of the lady bits. Apart from eating acidic fruits such as cranberries etc., I can't remember what else he recommended as I didn't know the name of the products.

Hope you manage to get it sorted Ladylux.


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Re: Yeast Infections and UTI
« Reply #9 on: 12 June 2008, 02:08:35 pm »

It was recommended to me to use Femfresh and stop using highly scented soaps or body washes.  Wearing thongs and g strings can aggravate a yeast infection so it's best to wear cotton panties that let your 'intimate' area breath and not wear tight fitting jeans.

With UTI's drink loads and loads of water to help flush your kidneys out.      I was told by my Doctor that drinking Robinson's Peach Barley Water was just as good as drinking cranberry juice and so always have a bottle in the cupboard (just in case).    

Hope this helps.

Georgi x