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Author Topic: would you change your aw profile,contact the police or both...  (Read 3176 times)


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Firstly,this isn't a troll post.I 've been getting prank calls for a while and last night about 1.30,I got one that lasted a few minutes and the person never spoke-then they rang back and did speak-some old bloke pretending he had the wrong number and was after some girl he met on the train but he still wouldn't let me get off the phone-anyway,I rang off and he rang back about 15 times on my mobile...and then my mum's house phone rang-I only gave that number to two people and he wasn't one of them.Anyway,today he rings back about 3.30pm,and says I want to do some buissness with you,to which I replied I don't do that any more(I immediately suspected he was something to do with either my boyfriend or my ex),he then got a bit aggressive and starts talking about people I know-he bought up 4 different names of boyfriends and boyfriends friends and then preceded to tell me about the glamour modelling I've been doing and which studio I had my portpholio pics done at and I was getting freaked out so I asked him who told him,he said oh I know everything about you bla bla so I asked him my sirname-he told me,I asked him my working name he told me,he told me all about the sport I do for a hobby and where I train and whenever I hung up he'd ring straight back-he then rang the house phone again,so by then he had my attention-he then changed his tune and reckoned he got my number from my ex's friend and said don't go on that booking you have for tonight (I've since checked and there isn't one as yet,just an e-mail from someone wanting an incall)it's him and he will have his friends waiting and theyre going to gangbang you-I'm saying this to warn you.then he started asking me if I went on a date last week and describing how my date was near london bridge and how I was taking pictures by the river-well the only person I showed those pics to is my boyfriend,so he's obviously been telling people all about the escorting and my life in general and giving out my number!anyway,he kept saying I have to meet him so he can warn me about something else and after I questioned him a bit he reckoned there is a dvd of me in circulation (at christmas somebody I know drugged me and raped me with a bottle and made me eat a choclate mixture that they told me was shit-they filmed it on a video camera and showed it to me the next morning but as far as I knew they'd just thrown the memory card away)anyway,he was being really nasty,talking about how it was a big bottle and trying to tell me it was really shit and he kept saying if you meet me I'll give you the dvd I have-he refused to e-mail me a clip 1st and refused to let me take my mum with me and reckoned I had to fuck him to get the dvd,so he's probably bullshitting cos I offered to buy it for a grand and he said no.anyway,he said think about it for 20 minutes and I'll ring you back and you can let me know-well,he hasn't rang back and altogether I've wasted 4 hours on the phone to him/trying to ignore the phone/waiting for him to ring back-my boyfriend has obviously got onto my profile and got my working name and he is obviously giving out my number to random people-I don't know whether the bloke was serious or just trying to upset me or what-I don't know whether to call the police?I don't really want to get my boyfriend in trouble but it's getting completely out of hand now.Also-this is probably a spooky co-incidence but the french windows in the room where I sleep were wide open this morning and somebody keeps throwing bricks or something against the side of the house (probably just some stupid kids lol)

Hot Pepper

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Re: would you change your aw profile,contact the police or both...
« Reply #1 on: 18 May 2012, 11:57:53 pm »
I am concerned for you  Mee, don;t protect your boyfriend sounds like he has put you at loads of risk, hard to go to the police but you probably should, do not see how changing profile will help if he knows who you are ?

best of luck and hugs  xxx
And Still I Rise, Maya Angelou a real inspiration x


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Re: would you change your aw profile,contact the police or both...
« Reply #2 on: 19 May 2012, 12:18:49 am »
« Last Edit: 09 October 2012, 12:55:34 pm by La-lique »


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Re: would you change your aw profile,contact the police or both...
« Reply #3 on: 19 May 2012, 07:45:39 am »
OMG! And you still manage a "LOL" during the post!  ??? Get yourself to the police straight away, the situations you have been in without doing anything already suggests to me that this kind of behaviour isn't uncommon which is concerning to say the least!


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Re: would you change your aw profile,contact the police or both...
« Reply #4 on: 19 May 2012, 10:00:10 am »

Police and Counselling for you sounds like the best way forward. 

x x x x
"Good things come to those who hustle" Anais Nin


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Re: would you change your aw profile,contact the police or both...
« Reply #5 on: 19 May 2012, 11:44:54 am »
I might contact the police-definately if he rings today,I'm uncomfortable at my boyfriend having my aw details cos I keep getting new members with no feedback book me and then cancel-I was starting to think it was something to do with him,trying to make my life difficult,knagging me for money and then setting up a fake job and cancelling it but now I'm almost certain-only thing is I had this idiot stalker on aw it took me ages to get rid of and he has new member alerts,so if I set up a new profile I get him bothering me again... :FF


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Re: would you change your aw profile,contact the police or both...
« Reply #6 on: 19 May 2012, 05:12:46 pm »
I personally think your boyfriend is heavily involved in this!
Get to the police and dump the boyfriend too!

sweet jane

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Re: would you change your aw profile,contact the police or both...
« Reply #7 on: 19 May 2012, 05:33:17 pm »
hello 'meeee' - hey reading your post the first thing that comes to mind is that everyone deserves better treatment than this. reach out for some help, believe that things can change....and I don't mean your aw profile - sounds like you have serious assholes in your life that you could do with out xx


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Re: would you change your aw profile,contact the police or both...
« Reply #8 on: 22 May 2012, 12:33:22 am »
Go to the police and get rid of the boyfriend, quite seriously, you need to get yourself away from these kind of people!
..Some would say I am selling my body but I know I am selling so much more than that..


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Re: would you change your aw profile,contact the police or both...
« Reply #9 on: 22 May 2012, 08:01:26 pm »
Thanks guys.Well the phone calls have stopped but if they start again I'm definately going to the police.


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Re: would you change your aw profile,contact the police or both...
« Reply #10 on: 25 May 2012, 01:34:19 pm »
Even if the phone calls have stopped still go to the police so they have it on record. Just thinking, is it a coincidence that the calls have stopped if you've mentioned going to the police to your boyfriend!? He is definitely involved in this somehow. Get rid of him, go to the police & be careful who you tell what to in future.

You've been raped and abused get some help babe & tell the police everything.

Good luck hunni.



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Re: would you change your aw profile,contact the police or both...
« Reply #11 on: 25 May 2012, 04:45:49 pm »
yep,I'm going to the police-thanks for your advice ladies :) prick rang again this morning chatting some bullshit about how he's been watching me and how he's telling my boyfriend I cheated on him (which I didn't-he dosent count escorting as cheating and considering this bloke obviously got all his info off my boyfriend,if I cheated he must know anyway lol)he reckons he was in the next room when I supposedly cheated,clearly trying to freak me out but too stupid to check his info properly first lol.And this bloke reckons he has 7 kids, yet he can find nothing better to do of a morning than prank call a girl he barely knows.How sad lol