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Author Topic: working standards scheme  (Read 9301 times)

aging hooker

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working standards scheme
« on: 30 March 2007, 08:50:27 pm »
For several years I have thought about this given all the advice on saafe and other sites predating this wonderful site about a badge of honor so to say that would be displayed on a girls site that clearly states that she follows what is consider the norm in t he way she runs her business...

ie All appts must be at least confirmed from a non with held number,that we will carry out security check, all outcall appts must provide xyz info for such, that girls support saafe, that do not take cheques, and so on - the label or badge on front page could link back to a industry standards list or something similar.

What do others think?

It would be nice to have a wg's approved site scheme too but with such varying views etc that would be difficult



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Re: working standards scheme
« Reply #1 on: 02 April 2007, 10:26:25 am »
Another group has been considering something similar for 'employers' (agencies, brothels etc).

(For the rest of this post, group 'A' allows employer 'B' to display the good conduct logo.)

I can see the advantages for both sides. It builds awareness of A and allows B to have a competitive advantage against its rivals, both in recruitment terms and in getting them clients. It sets out to everyone, workers, employers and clients, that there are standards that everyone should uphold. It can be used as an argument with government etc that this would be easier if it weren't for the laws making it impossible to be a employer legally.

The 'buts' are that it'd ideally need to be done in such a way that B's site display the logo via a direct link to the actual image hosted on B's site (so if the 'award' is withdrawn for whatever reason, this can be done) but this would let A see how much traffic B's site gets. Not everyone may find this acceptable and it's also not really relevant for your scheme.

Deciding exactly what should be in the guidelines B would sign up to was also proving 'interesting'. I can remember one particular argument around OWO: while I'd expect to have it say something like 'no insisting on any particular service', there are people who think that it should insist on the highest levels of sexual health safety, and in particular no OWO.

Personally, I refuse to use condoms for blow jobs (I'm aware there are risks, but I find them acceptable and I love giving OWO too much) so it'd be unacceptable for me to have someone insist that I do so. Spreading it to male escorts generally would also be difficult - while there are plenty of female escorts who won't do OWO, the percentage is much, much lower for male escorts.

This brings up another issue: either way, any sensible set of guidelines is going to involve B effectively admitting that what they're up to involves prostitution, and again not everyone is going to be happy with this.


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Re: working standards scheme
« Reply #2 on: 07 April 2007, 01:38:27 pm »
For several years I have thought about this given all the advice on saafe and other sites predating this wonderful site about a badge of honor so to say that would be displayed on a girls site that clearly states that she follows what is consider the norm in t he way she runs her business...

ie All appts must be at least confirmed from a non with held number,that we will carry out security check, all outcall appts must provide xyz info for such, that girls support saafe, that do not take cheques, and so on - the label or badge on front page could link back to a industry standards list or something similar.

What do others think?

It would be nice to have a wg's approved site scheme too but with such varying views etc that would be difficult


A fine idea in theory, however with so much difference in the way people do conduct their business I feel it would be extremely hard to implement and 'police'.


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Re: working standards scheme
« Reply #3 on: 10 April 2007, 01:01:36 pm »
i think it is a good idea but can see the complications that could arise in setting it up and maintaining the standards.

i am speaking as a novice but how about a graded scheme with different sections- eg
total protection, owo, mature etc. i know there would be loads of different sections and this would be the hardest part to set up, but things would be a lot clearer for all parties and once established, would be a  way of finding a particular service. perhaps if it worked like myspace, things would run easier and people could link to the areas they were interested in but all still be part of one big interconnected site

i have been looking at different sites and agencies and am dizzy with the quantity and variation of services offered. ther seems to be no index system and definately no set standard of quality or professionalism. other businesses and organisations have marks of quality. in this day and age it must be time professional wgs had the same

i have noticed that a lot of the ladies are tax payers and therefore upfront with their business dealings - perhaps this is a way of monitoring the members and keeping up the standards as the members would all be certified as legal businesses and would have more to lose if they were poorly run or misrepresented. also there would be more protection from dodgy punters as they would be vetted prior to joining and regularly re-checked, eg after 3 months the member should reapply and be re-checked.

i am perhaps rambling but wanted to post on this subject as i do think it is a good idea and worthy of following up.

Jen xx