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Author Topic: Working indie and drivers  (Read 644 times)


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    • Cleo Of Sheffield
Working indie and drivers
« on: 12 September 2011, 06:46:23 pm »
This might sound like a stupid question or a bit naive, but I thought i would ask as it may come in handy for future plans.

A lot of you have said it would be better to work indie rather than agency which as i have said in other post is what I aim to be doing eventually, but how do i go about getting a driver?

I have no friends who could do this (mainly because either they don't drive or I haven't told them what I want to do).

And is it worth adding my profile to the sites that have been mentioned for advertising if I don't have a driver?




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Re: Working indie and drivers
« Reply #1 on: 12 September 2011, 07:20:28 pm »
There's an article on the main site about hiring a driver here, and plenty advertising in the Seeking/Offering section - you can have a scan through the board and use the Search box to see if there's someone near you (obviously some will be a better bet than others but I seem to remember at least one in your area from not too long ago).

I wouldn't add anything to ads about not having a driver - at worst it could lead you to be targeted by people up to no good (as they will know you are alone, which is another reason a security call is so important) and besides that it isn't relevant; if I call an electrician or a plumber out I don't care whether he gets to me on magic carpet as long as he's on time. What you do before and after you get to the booking is no business of your clients, and I would give as little information away as possible for now, at least.