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Author Topic: Working from home  (Read 2588 times)


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Working from home
« on: 25 March 2021, 08:24:10 am »
As above
« Last Edit: 06 April 2021, 09:01:11 pm by PinUpGirl8 »

English Green

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Re: Working from your family home
« Reply #1 on: 25 March 2021, 09:27:57 am »
I think if you are offering sex and clients are coming to your home where your child lives social services could get involved if they find out and potentially you could have your child taken away so it's up to you if you want to take the risk.

I know this because a friend of mine who only did outcalls and had a baby sitter when she was out the house working had someone tell social services she was a hooker they investigated came out spoke to her and the children and the school. She never admitted she was doing sex work but what they did say was if she was offering sex from her home
where her kids lived she could lose them.

Just to point out obviously if your teenager was 18 or above it would not be a problem but depends on the age of your child.
« Last Edit: 25 March 2021, 09:32:08 am by English Green »


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Re: Working from your family home
« Reply #2 on: 25 March 2021, 09:34:01 am »
Thanks for your reply, before I started working from home I had all of that checked out by my local sex work organisation as I wanted to ask specifically if I would get in trouble with social services because I would of just stuck with agency work. But the organisation told me that all I am doing is running a business from home and I’m not doing anything to harm my child. Plus he’s an older teenager and 16+ children can decide where they want to live as it’s not up to social services once they’re over 16, but I appreciate your input xx


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Re: Working from your family home
« Reply #3 on: 26 March 2021, 10:31:10 am »
This is always going to be a controversial topic topic it really looks as though you've made this post to find people who agree with you, as opposed to what their real feelings are on this matter.

The previous poster is right - SS will 100% step in if you are hosting meetings in your home where children live, whether or not they are present at the time.

You say your child is older and therefore, SS is not a problem. You want an opinion? I don't agree with your decision. Your child lives with you because he or she feels safe in THEIR home. Regardless of your vetting procedure and who you invite, you are essentially having sex for money in the place your child (age irrelevant) sees as their safe place. I imagine you don't want people to disagree with you, hence the reason you came here asking for advice that contradicts what your friends says.

Go book a hotel for a few days at a time or tell your child what you are doing so they can choose whether or not they want to continue living there. Imposing these circumstances on your child is selfish and really unfair.


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Re: Working from your family home
« Reply #4 on: 26 March 2021, 10:49:53 am »
To be honest veggiegal, I was looking for peoples true opinions on the situation as I am now tooing and throwing with the idea and if iv made myself believe I’m not doing anything wrong when in fact I am so that’s why Iv wanted peoples genuine opinions on the matter. Iv got a friend that doesn’t think it’s a problem but now Iv had my old friend has turned up who said I shouldn’t, I am now wondering whether I am right in what I’m doing.

As for SS, this hasn’t been something Iv been worried about it’s been more on a moral ground I have been concerned. That is because I have been under the impression from my local sex worker organisation that SS wouldn’t get involved and I was very specific on getting that information clear before I started working from home. But now I am thinking I may need to delve deeper on this subject to find out if they have misinformed me, because if that’s the case I will knock it on the head straight away.

Thank you for your reply


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Re: Working from your family home
« Reply #5 on: 26 March 2021, 11:12:15 am »
The more I have been pressed with the matter, the more I am deterring from my original post and I am feeling terribly guilty!! I suppose Iv had my rose tinted glasses on over the past few months of doing it. I think I will definitely look into hotels for when they open, so if anyone has any advice on how hotels work post lockdowns and Covid it would be much appreciated!!

English Green

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Re: Working from your family home
« Reply #6 on: 26 March 2021, 11:52:11 am »
I know you say you vet clients as much as you can i do too but i got attacked and robbed by a psychopath when i worked from a hotel and he sounded so sweet and polite on the phone. It was a vicious attack with a knife at my throat I was lucky it was in a hotel and not my home. I called police they got him quick and he got sent to prison.

I know quite a few ladies work from home and obviously it's there choice but do remember it only takes one nutter or stalker to do something bad and they know where you live.

If you did ever have anything bad happen would you be comfortable calling the police in your situation?

I have heard of nutter clients turning up randomly when the woman is not working and banging on door and there child or family member has answered the door and never knew about there mum working.

It's a lot to think about but it can happen.


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Re: Working from your family home
« Reply #7 on: 26 March 2021, 01:20:56 pm »
Oh god that’s horrible and I’m sorry that happened to you English Green. I hope he was dealt with accordingly by the police.

There are definitely risks in this job and I think I have blind sided myself due to keeping it in a low profile but in retrospect anything could happen with any client even a regular. Iv always worked through agencies until recently and I have now realised the agencies girls probably did put up with a lot of flack!! And I always had a driver for protection which the clients knew about.

Thank you to you both, and I guess to my friend too. As I probably wouldn’t of thought about this in the ways I am now if the subject hadn’t been raised. I guess it’s hotels and serviced apartments from now on. I’ll have to get in the know of how if all works



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Re: Working from your family home
« Reply #8 on: 26 March 2021, 03:34:55 pm »
On the plus side, I've only ever had one client turn up unannounced (twice!), but to me it would seem sensible not to work at home if your child is under 18. After that, at least social services wouldn't become involved at all if you were e.g. reported by a neighbour. But I do see Veggie's point about it being their home, and there is some risk for potential issues.
"There is no sin except stupidity" - Oscar Wilde


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Re: Working from your family home
« Reply #9 on: 26 March 2021, 04:41:20 pm »
Thanks Kay, I’m glad Iv shared these points of views and it has opened my eyes up to a bit of reality to be fair. I think we can live in a bubble sometimes can’t we, especially when everything has been hunky dory but the sad reality is there’s another side to our job that can cause a risk to ourselves and others.
I have enquired with a work friend and she is going to give me a list of apartments to use in our area.


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Re: Working from your family home
« Reply #10 on: 26 March 2021, 06:10:53 pm »
Some years ago I was robbed in my home at knife point, also had clients turn up unannounced perhaps once or twice a year that I know of (could have been out other times). Also a lot of indiscrete punters/clients many of whom were intelligent, professional, discretion requiring individuals.

Although I no longer work from the same property I live in, I pre-empt and prevent incall slip-ups with a little privacy brief when accepting the booking.


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Re: Working from your family home
« Reply #11 on: 28 March 2021, 10:15:43 pm »
First of all don't worry bout social services. I work from home and have done for 3 years with no issues regarding the safety of some. His safety is paramount! He is always first and always at school when I do this and if he's ill or gets sent home wouldn't skip a heartbeat to cancel on someone. I have found no issues with working from home to be fair except for the fact they know I have a child and sometimes ask about my family life but that is quickly nipped in the butt! I've had 2 people report me to social for doing this in the family home. Social phoned me, I said I'd rather speak to them face to face but they said they don't do home visits anymore for some reason! Anyway I'm out to everyone, family, friends, officials I always find if your honest from the get go it really helps. If they find outbyou lied about 1 thing they are going to question everything you have said. They said they weren't worried about my extra curricular activities along as my child is not in the house when it takes place. They were happy with everything and I've never heard off them again. I'll probably get flack for this post but I thought I'd share my view. May not be an ideal situation but it's been fine with me the past 3 years never once have I worried that child is at risk. Obviously I'm at risk doing this job like every single person here but I don't feel like my child is in danger, I may get held up at gun point or robbed or hit by a bus or mugged on the street but my child is safe and sound in school. Seen alot of posts locally that random people been trying to walk into their houses and they aren't sw. We can all have these ifs and buts but at the end of the day anything can happen at anytime to anybody were just a higher risk.  Different strokes for different folks though I spose xx


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Re: Working from your family home
« Reply #12 on: 28 March 2021, 10:34:45 pm »
Thank you MissTDI for your reply to my post and that’s very honest of you to say so thank you for sharing that.
I did get back in touch with my local sex workers organisation to raise the subject again and asked them if I had been doing anything wrong and would social services ever get involved and I wanted real clarification of the rules regarding my son and working from home.
They did clarify with me once more that social services wouldn’t get involved because I’m a SW working from home and the only time they would be concerned about my child is if I was neglecting him or being harmful to him, so that was a real peace of mind that any working from home up until this point wasn’t a cause for concern and it’s been a weight off my mind.
Thank you for your support xx
« Last Edit: 28 March 2021, 10:45:04 pm by PinUpGirl8 »


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Re: Working from your family home
« Reply #13 on: 31 March 2021, 10:50:18 am »
I didn't intend on upsetting you with my brutal honesty, this is just an area I have strong feelings about, particularly due to my experiences.

I am rather concerned about the information your sw organisation is giving you, although I suppose it would depend on the age of your child. But for anyone else reading this, I want to clarify the stance SS will take if working from home where children live - have no doubts, they will 100% get involved.

I have never worked from home but have had SS and police at my door unannounced, whilst my children were present, no less than 6 times over the last 4 years. My ex is a nasty guy and wanted to make sure my life was less than breezy, so has continually made false reports to SS and police.

When SS came to interview me, they made it clear that if it were found that I was working from home in any way, even just webcam, they would be taking matters further, including removing my children. The latest visit from police was around 6 months ago, with the accusation being that I work from home whilst my children were present - I was made to feel like a criminal in my own home and they were insinuating that my partner is my pimp.

Thankfully, I had all the documents to hand which show I own another property, where I conduct my work. But this ongoing treatment towards me was carried out with zero evidence, just a few hoax phone calls. Imagine how they would treat you if they accusations were true.

English Green

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Re: Working from your family home
« Reply #14 on: 31 March 2021, 11:28:43 am »
Veggigal that is exactly what social services told my friend they said she had a lovely house and can see the kids are in a healthy happy place and if she was escorting that is her business if it is completely away from the house and no clients stepped through the house where kids lived.

I know of 2 other ladies who had social services on there back and same rules and different boroughs.

Are social services giving out different advice for different people or are incompetent ? I have no idea.