I didn't intend on upsetting you with my brutal honesty, this is just an area I have strong feelings about, particularly due to my experiences.
I am rather concerned about the information your sw organisation is giving you, although I suppose it would depend on the age of your child. But for anyone else reading this, I want to clarify the stance SS will take if working from home where children live - have no doubts, they will 100% get involved.
I have never worked from home but have had SS and police at my door unannounced, whilst my children were present, no less than 6 times over the last 4 years. My ex is a nasty guy and wanted to make sure my life was less than breezy, so has continually made false reports to SS and police.
When SS came to interview me, they made it clear that if it were found that I was working from home in any way, even just webcam, they would be taking matters further, including removing my children. The latest visit from police was around 6 months ago, with the accusation being that I work from home whilst my children were present - I was made to feel like a criminal in my own home and they were insinuating that my partner is my pimp.
Thankfully, I had all the documents to hand which show I own another property, where I conduct my work. But this ongoing treatment towards me was carried out with zero evidence, just a few hoax phone calls. Imagine how they would treat you if they accusations were true.