Hi everyone
I worl for an agency at the moment, and I'm really happy with them, they really look after their girls. However, their policy is only 2 clients per girl per day, occasionally 3 if they know we're skint! I was wondering if anyone has any experience of working for 2 different agencies at the same time? The one I work for at the moment are mainly day time clients, so I was thinking I could be available for another in the evenings? I dont want to piss my agency off by mentioning it, but I really could do with a few more clients over summer. I dont want to leave who I'm with at the moment, and I dnt want to go independant because come September I will be back studying again, and my current one is perfect to fit around that.
I think most of the people on here dont work for agencies, but if you have any suggestions at all it would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks, love