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Author Topic: Working days  (Read 1679 times)


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Working days
« on: 13 August 2019, 02:21:59 pm »
Do you work daily as full time or set days when you've noticed it's busier ?
Part time
Do you have to work the specific days you have off  do you change them or always stay with those days weekly.
I've changed my days to sat or sun but no longer Mondays as it's dead.
I'm going back to try Thurs.
First 2 weeks of month busier have you noticed this also ?


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Re: Working days
« Reply #1 on: 13 August 2019, 02:25:26 pm »
Typically i work the end of the week before the weekend. I detest working weekends but I will if outcalls or if my personal life isn’t up to much lol.
I’ve been trying out the beginning of the week, for the last month or so. Also trying to find which days seem to have any sort of pattern to them.
I imagine weekends are great for the clients without families and who work through the week. But weekdays are probably better for those with family or busy social lives and who can pop by on their lunch break or just after work and needn’t work hard for an excuse. Xx


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Re: Working days
« Reply #2 on: 13 August 2019, 02:57:56 pm »
On AW I'm on call usually Tuesday Wednesday and Thursdays. Thursdays are usually my best day.
I am around from 12.00 and knock off work around 5-5.30 but am only at my location a few minutes before the booking, I don't like sitting in.
I don't always bother Mondays as it's unpredicatable....I'm thinking of cutting that out.
Strange thing is I didn't put myself up one random day and they all found the number and I did 5 jobs!

Some days I don't bother and a few people still ring as they save the number.
The last week of the month and full moon is normally busier.

I experimented with writing a schedule of limited days and get less work.It doesn't work for me.
I am only interested in immediate jobs with someone standing in the area and  20-30 minutes notice not advance bookings.
I will take a few advance bookings but forget about them till 30 minute prior to the booking.

Punters change their booking behaviour constantly and have huge choice..they can swipe right to the next gal.
« Last Edit: 14 August 2019, 10:08:02 am by saltysweet »


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Re: Working days
« Reply #3 on: 13 August 2019, 03:03:10 pm »

Some days I don't bother and a few people still ring as they save the number.
The last week of the month and full moon is normally busier.

Is this genuinely a true pattern ?? Amazing   ???  xx


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Re: Working days
« Reply #4 on: 13 August 2019, 03:05:05 pm »
The police think so according to their stats...they put more cops on the streets to calm folks down. ;D wolf howwwwllllllllll!


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Re: Working days
« Reply #5 on: 13 August 2019, 03:10:11 pm »
I've given up trying to predict the future by analysing past patterns. Every time I try it, whether it's escorting or webcam, the pattern I've noticed changes. So not only is it a total waste of time following the pattern, it's a waste of time trying to analyse it. Who knows how many guys are out there on a specific day or time? You'll never know.

Unless you have advance bookings then you won't know. I used to have amazing Fridays for a few weeks in a row. So the minute I decide to pay over the odds for a hotel for the next Friday, well you can guess the rest!

I think efforts can be better used on more advertising and other stuff.

Just my opinion and experience though!


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Re: Working days
« Reply #6 on: 14 August 2019, 08:43:51 am »
I've given up trying to predict the future by analysing past patterns. Every time I try it, whether it's escorting or webcam, the pattern I've noticed changes. So not only is it a total waste of time following the pattern, it's a waste of time trying to analyse it. Who knows how many guys are out there on a specific day or time? You'll never know.

Unless you have advance bookings then you won't know. I used to have amazing Fridays for a few weeks in a row. So the minute I decide to pay over the odds for a hotel for the next Friday, well you can guess the rest!

I think efforts can be better used on more advertising and other stuff.

Just my opinion and experience though!

My experience over many years too, I work as and when based on bookings and keeping my life as flexible as I can. I'm also in an area which requires travel so there isn't a 'passing trade', equally I need to travel for outcalls hence not suiting setting hours or days (in my opinion).


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Re: Working days
« Reply #7 on: 14 August 2019, 09:58:34 am »
I have tried working all different combinations of days and times. I have a structure now but that's only because I like to have a work routine so I can plan my life accordingly.

Mondays are always consistently busy for me between 9am and 6pm

Tuesdays are less so, but still worth working 9am - 6pm.

Wednesdays are dead.

Thursdays used to be one of my busiest days but now it is the last day to get fully booked and I regularly have to accept bookings on the day. I used to do 10am - 10pm but have now cut it back to 10am - 6pm because I just wasn't really getting that many evening bookings.

Fridays were my ultimate busiest day for so long, then it went through a period of being really quiet with other days taking the lead. I used to work 10am - 10pm, then cut it back to 6pm when it was quieter, now that work seems to have picked up, I advertise late again.

Saturdays were always hit or miss, especially until 3pmish. I work the odd Saturday late afternoon to 9pm / 10pm. I'll do ok  ut not as busy as other days.

Sundays are good from 12pm / 1pm if you dont mind seeing hungover people.

To sum up, where I am based, I will get work any day if I don't mind sitting about for hours in between bookings. But I hate this, so I now zone in on the days I will be fully booked so I can show up, do my bookings then leave and go home for dinner and enjoy my evening. Tues, Wed and Sag being the slowest days for me, the remainder being consistently good.


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Re: Working days
« Reply #8 on: 14 August 2019, 10:13:46 am »
My experience is also that there's no point trying to predict what people are going to do when you don't even know who those people are, so I work set days and hours. I find that punters get to know when I'm available and will make firm arrangements, and if they can't get to me inside my working hours then at least they know that and can book somebody whose availability suits them.

My hours are fixed to suit me - my pet hate when I had civvy jobs was having to work on a Sunday so now I don't (nor Saturdays unless they're booked in advance) and I can usually make my money and be done for the day by mid-afternoon. I'm not missing out because I'm not available at midnight or on Sunday afternoons, any more than I'm 'missing out' because I don't do OWO or bareback - they're not bookings I've had and lost because I was never going to do them so I don't lose any sleep over it :)

I also find it easier to switch off by having set times for both bookings and for my phone going on and off. Once I'm done, I'm done :D.


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Re: Working days
« Reply #9 on: 14 August 2019, 10:38:50 am »
Seems random for me some days will be dead busy then the next week that day will be so quiet. I think you can’t predict it.


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Re: Working days
« Reply #10 on: 14 August 2019, 10:44:13 am »
Seems random for me some days will be dead busy then the next week that day will be so quiet. I think you can’t predict it.

Well there isn't any logical reason why it being a particular day of the week would make a majority of punters punt that I can think of - they're individuals and each has different circumstances? The type of things that have a significant effect on business in my experience are those that collectively affect numerous people's situations and movements; religious holidays, appalling weather, big sporting events, tube strikes, power cuts and so on. Not Wednesday :).


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Re: Working days
« Reply #11 on: 14 August 2019, 11:40:12 am »
I work two set days each week, my regulars know when I’m always going to be available & so sometimes I’m busy enough with advance bookings that I don’t need to advertise.
I usually do anyway though just incase I have any cancellations and also just so it gives potential clients chance to save my number & note down my next available day.

I work the two set days because I have to work around family life, but I do find that I like knowing exactly when I’m working and I can switch off on the other days.
In different circumstances though, I’d be happy to be flexible and work as and when on other days.


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Re: Working days
« Reply #12 on: 16 August 2019, 12:35:17 am »
Everyone experiences different business levels, but givenghat I have been working for 4 years in my city and amfully booked weeks in advance for every day except a Tuesday and Wednesday, I can confidently DA that for me, Wednesdays are dead. If you were that interested in client behaviour patterns, there will be a logical reason as to why some days are busier than others.

Find what works for you, then zone in on those days.


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Re: Working days
« Reply #13 on: 16 August 2019, 09:29:46 am »
That Wednesday thing!  :)

Many Wednesdays for me have been dead but I just call that coincidence. There is no possible reason I can think of why a mid week day should not produce calls or clients. One of life's mysteries but not worth giving too much time to thinking about.

What I don't do is take every Wednesday off though! That law of sod will surely get me lots of regs wanting me on those Weds if I do that.  ::)


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Re: Working days
« Reply #14 on: 16 August 2019, 03:23:13 pm »
Being stateside I can never predict. Well, not really true lol. There'll always be some asshole wanting an outcall at 11 pm Friday night (noooo), & I'm already in bed!

Weekends here are dead man, dead. It's rare I see more than a cpl clients those 2 days, but naturally the second I decide to take Sunday off & go to service, someone wants to show up for some early a/m canoodling🙄.
An American on a British site, still learning the slang😉