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Author Topic: Very bad PMS week before affecting work  (Read 787 times)


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Very bad PMS week before affecting work
« on: 30 August 2019, 11:31:24 am »
Hi get extreme PMS around a week before I’m due on. It’s really affecting my work. I cry randomly, get pissed off easily, I end up being really rude to clients, in bookings I don’t want them to touch me and I am harsh with them. I end up seeing like one person a day because I don’t want to answer my phone. I could be earning more money during this time but it’s so extreme, I just feel depressed. I feel fat and just stay in my bed all day. I don’t feel motivated. I told a client to go early because I was getting pissed of with him for no reason  :'(  Then when I come back from my period I work non stop. It is just the week before period is so terrible. Can anything help it ...


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Re: Very bad PMS week before affecting work
« Reply #1 on: 30 August 2019, 11:36:52 am »
Hii - Did you already think about take the pilul everyday (it is a kind of pipul) that you don't have period. You take this pilul everyday. You just need to go your GP talk with your doctor. It is low hormonal, less risks for your healthy. Take Care.


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Re: Very bad PMS week before affecting work
« Reply #2 on: 30 August 2019, 11:42:55 am »
Maybe speak with the doctor. Would a different contraceptive help? I'm on the implant. I dont get any periods and dont suffer from PMS at all. I used to be on the pill and would get it when my period came


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Re: Very bad PMS week before affecting work
« Reply #3 on: 30 August 2019, 01:58:19 pm »
I agree GP or they can refer you to a specialist Gyny who knows more about the matter. I eventually went direct to a private Gyny as not happy with family doctor's methods and it did the trick.

In the meantime....If you're a mess during that week I suggest take a self-care break for those 7 days, eg sunbath, read, walk, as you're distressing both yourself and clients and it's really unfair to use them as scapegoats. It's unprofessional to charge clients when you're not capable. My friend put herself in isolation during her PMS as she was a hateful, spiteful cow and came back her usual lovely sweet self when it passed.

From what you say you're not very productive during that time anyway so better to pamper yourself a bit so you're fit to rock.  :)
« Last Edit: 30 August 2019, 02:41:31 pm by saltysweet »


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Re: Very bad PMS week before affecting work
« Reply #4 on: 30 August 2019, 11:21:31 pm »
Yes there's loads of things that can help. You won't get offered them on the NHS though because you're a woman.

Personally I'm on Depo Provera injections (after shouting at my GP "OH YOU REALLY THINK i'M GONNA PUT UP WITH ANOTHER 6 MONTHS OF THIS BITCH" And he referred me for a next day appointment to the nurse)

Personally for me, when I'm on "normal" or "natural" hormones, I go fucking crazy around period time.

If you've been calm on hormonal contraception before, then get back on it.

When I was trying to TTC with ex dH I got put on Clomid. Fuck knows why because my ovulation was on point. Jesus Christ. I took the first dose and ended up getting sent home early from work because I couldn't make something out in Excel. On the way home I cam very close to driving my car into a bridge or the canal.
So... my advice is don't make any major decisions unless you're clear about your reasons and you're confident they aren;t hormone  related!
And me, I am not a mess, I am a wilderness, yes
The undiscovered continent for you to undress


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Re: Very bad PMS week before affecting work
« Reply #5 on: 31 August 2019, 09:28:30 am »
The week before I’m due I’m horrible all I want to do is clean my house sleep and rage at anyone and everyone  as soon as I get my period I’m fine but the week before is pure hell I would burst into tears at anything and be completely irrational

So I started taking  northistene ( the pill delay) it’s made a massive difference
 I’m just chilled out 😂 I no longer get those up and down emotions

I take it for around 3 months them stop have my period  and then take it again when it’s due
I still cancel the odd tour but it’s not because I’m a hormonal raging cow more so because I can’t be assed 😂

I buy my online and get the pack if 60  your supposed to take 3 a day but I take 2 so that they last longer
For me they have been an absolute life changer


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Re: Very bad PMS week before affecting work
« Reply #6 on: 29 September 2019, 02:33:08 pm »
I'm so happy I read your post because I'm going through exactly the same thing. I'm a week before my period and my depression is severe--I've paid £700 for a weeks apartment rent, 3 new dresses but I literally can't even get out of bed. I'm meant to be working next week but I'm absolutely dreading it. Maybe it's burn out. I hope you're ok, if you want to talk just DM me xx


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Re: Very bad PMS week before affecting work
« Reply #7 on: 01 October 2019, 06:51:24 pm »
I get so tired I literally cannot get out of bed and the headaches and depression and back pain is just horrible. Taking Noreisterone does nothing to stop me feeling like this, it just delays the bleeding. I cannot work in this state full stop. Its rare that I feel up for doing bookings the week before but if I do its because I feel horny rather than like crap for a change but sometimes, in fact most of the time that week before can be worse in many respects than the actual period and terrible cramping I always get. It just that extreme tiredness that is the absolute worst, makes me feel like I am in a coma.