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Author Topic: Loveing the job  (Read 3083 times)


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Loveing the job
« on: 28 July 2010, 07:52:58 pm »
Okay guys I need some advice

A few months ago my boyfriend found out i was escorting and I vowed to stop, and as a result we lost evrything, the house, I had zero moeny and we had to move back sepretly to our parents house, We are not completly right and we are trying to work together,  I have a part time job and start soon, I know i should change and I love him so so much, but i just cant bring myself too change, I loved escorting and it just didnt effect me and I would like to continue doing it, but i see no way, as he is watching my evry move, he will be looking on adultwork for me and i dont live in a massave city, is thee any ideas you might have?

Also, My partner just wont have sex with me, I have no Idea how to approch and try and make it right between us, im a size 22 and i LOVE my body its sexy scaly and just hot stuff, but i know without the escorting, without the confadance boost and the moeny to make me look and feel good it soon enugh will go, so ideas guys.

Kind regards
Hay x

Lucy Chambers

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Re: Loveing the job
« Reply #1 on: 28 July 2010, 07:57:37 pm »
Hi Hayley

Er, ok. My only advice could be - dump him.


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Re: Loveing the job
« Reply #2 on: 28 July 2010, 08:01:13 pm »
I also like the job and I have decided that I will not have a boyfriend during the time I work. I have had many boyfriend before, since I was 13 LOL but it was long term relation and I just like to have sex with other men so much and I know that not many men can understand it. You must decide what you like and explain to your boyfriend what is going on. Sneaking for an appointment is not good idea, better tell him.
He came in the morning and woke me up with killer instinct. Wish I could stop this now.

Lucy Chambers

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Re: Loveing the job
« Reply #3 on: 28 July 2010, 08:07:23 pm »
*yawns and stretches*

Ok Candy. I am glad you love the job, but can I just explain the etiquette of a support and advice forum? We listen..if possible EMPATHISE and then we ADVISE. We do not hijack a thread to give a insight into our previous history- that would be somewhat selfish.

Slap me mods, I probably deserve it- but seriously?


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Re: Loveing the job
« Reply #4 on: 28 July 2010, 08:19:08 pm »
I think the main problem is that here on SAAFE, none of us are qualified to really tell anyone else what to do with their boyfriend/husband/partner/whatever. And most of us are acutely aware of how irritating it can be to receive unwanted bad advice.

Obviously, the OP is looking for advice. And I'm glad for everyone in this thread who is enjoying the world of prostitution - this industry can provide confidence, independence and lots of marketing & customer service skills. Not to mention free time and the ability to travel almost anywhere and do almost anything you want.

If you have a boyfriend who is in some way hindering your life and desires - well, why is he your boyfriend? But I'm the opposite of a relationship expert - I'm not going to be in one while I'm working. But I also know nothing about other peoples' lives and so do try to keep out. I'd imagine that other women and men here are similarly hesitant to step in and say anything - the answer seems obvious but of course things are always more complicated in reality.

Why doesn't the OP try searching the forum for old threads about relationships? This is a potential search and it has tons! :)
Disclosure: The other person behind


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Re: Loveing the job
« Reply #5 on: 28 July 2010, 08:25:31 pm »
sorry, you can only give advice from your point of view, right? We can't tell her what she has to do, she will decide it. There are many ways to deal with this; leave the boyfriend, stop escorting and have kids and marry the guy, sneak around undercover with fake hair on head doing escorting anyway and having the boyfriend... Just choose!  ;D

Also you have to think about that the boyfriend can be for longer or shorter period of time and to do escort is the best to be in certain age. See yourself after 5 years from now. Look which decision would be better from the long time of period. Maybe also you can convince your boyfriend to stay with you while you do this work.
« Last Edit: 28 July 2010, 08:29:38 pm by candy »
He came in the morning and woke me up with killer instinct. Wish I could stop this now.

Lucy Chambers

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Re: Loveing the job
« Reply #6 on: 28 July 2010, 08:34:22 pm »
very true. Apologies.


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Re: Loveing the job
« Reply #7 on: 28 July 2010, 09:17:13 pm »
Its not easy decision.U have to do what u feel thats makes u happy.

One of my best friend has a boyfriend and she is always in stress that he is going to find out.

 I have no boyfriend and feeling ok.I have no one to answer all question where,why,when..I know I have to relay on myself only and it is whats makes me happy.But it might not be for u..

But remember whatever desision u make it will always bring out new way..


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Re: Loveing the job
« Reply #8 on: 28 July 2010, 11:03:11 pm »
If you want direct advice, well I'd say dump him as well. At least for me dealing with both financial and relationship problems would be too much and if you feel escorting is what you want, you should maybe put your job before your relationship at this time in your life.

It is possible to find a partner who is okay with your job. And no, he doesn't have to be a client/a pimp/a perv.


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Re: Loveing the job
« Reply #9 on: 28 July 2010, 11:36:03 pm »
Thanks all for your fantastic advice, Braking up with him is basicly not an option,  He will hopefully be my husband one day and I do see him in the future, in my future, In normal curcumstances I would have broken up, but theirs something about this guy, wev been together 2 years and they have been the best 2 years of my life.
He is an extreemly moral person and I can understand that he wouldnt want his girlfriend doing this type of work, not that its wrong, because to me it feels as if i am providing a service, its just givern his job I can understand and also , I guess that the descion I have to make is do I choose to carry on in another part of the country, behind his back.

Theirs allso the issue of the sex, will it ever come back?

God Knows! Im confrlozeld.


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Re: Loveing the job
« Reply #10 on: 29 July 2010, 07:57:45 am »
Hi Hayley

All i can say really is that in that if you love him and you see this man as your future husband and he will not tolerate you being an escort then you cant be an escort. Others may have differing opinions of course but in my own humble opinion if you really love and care for someone then you don't lie to them or do things behind their backs that will cause them huge amounts of pain if you are found out.

I speak from someone who has been in a relationship for 4 years and who has being escorting for 2 of those years after being made redundant. My fiance knows what i do and he hates it. The pain it has caused us has being immeasurable and i can firmly say that although we still love each other very much we are not the same couple we were 2 years ago and this fact causes me immense sadness.

Escorting and relationships in the majority of cases do not work and really why should they? what man should really feel comfortable with the woman he loves being intimate with other men? The fact that it is just a job and just for money rarely makes it any easier. I could not cope if the tables were turned in my relationship (utterly hypocritical of me of course) The thought of my gorgeous other half with another woman makes me feel utterly ill.

So basically you have 3 options, give up your boyfriend, give up escorting or continue escorting and lie to your boyfriend. If you take the 3 rd option then believe you me it wont be long before he finds out, men are very resourceful when it comes to things like that. If your last 2 years with him have been the best 2 of your life do you really want to walk away from that? It is hard to find a good partner in the best of circumstances so you need to decide if you are happy to go down a path that will mean you are likely to lose someone so important to you.

Also with regards to the sex thing, has he just stopped having sex since he found out about you escorting? If it has been since then that is one thing as its probably a reaction to what you are both going through. If though its been a problem from before this time then thats an entirely different kettle of fish. Sex is an important part of a realtionship and theres nothing makes you feel more like shite than a partner who doesnt want to sleep with you. If the only thing making you feel good about your body is the fact that clients desire you then thats not a good sign for your relationship. It should be your partners job to make you feel sexy not paying clients.
Sorry if i sound like I'm preaching (and i know it sounds like i am) best of luck with whatever you decide to do.
« Last Edit: 29 July 2010, 08:04:37 am by Simone »

Anika Mae

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Re: Loveing the job
« Reply #11 on: 29 July 2010, 10:49:59 am »
I agree. If the relationship is important enough to you that you're willing to deal with the current problems, and you want to be with him for the rest of your life, I can't understand why you'd want to jeopardise it by doing something that would obviously devastate him. When people take the lying route I assume it's because they just want someone in the "boyfriend" role, not a life partner.

Escorting ruins a lot of relationships and it may have already ruined yours. If you don't intend to give up the relationship for escorting then you need to sort out the issues you have between you now before you even think about bringing prostitution back into the equation.


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Re: Loveing the job
« Reply #12 on: 29 July 2010, 01:35:18 pm »
First off I would like to say that what I'm about to type is in no way meant to be mean but I warn you, you may not like it at all.

A good relationship cannot happen if there is no trust and if he is watching your every move then he does not trust you. If he is or will be looking on escort sites to see if you're on them, he does not trust you. If you truly believe that you love him and want to be with him then you should not even be considering doing escort work behind his back. Building back the trust between you both will be a long and hard road, and if he finds out that you have lied to him that trust that you have worked so hard to build back up will be gone in an instant.

As for him not wanting to sleep with you, I suspect that it is because you have been an escort which is putting him off. While they don't show them as much as we do, men can have alot of insecurities, especially when sexual partners are concerned. He could be worried about your sexual health/his performance in bed/the size of his penis compared to others.

You need to have a sit down with your bloke and have a very long talk about why things between you are the way they currently are and what it is that you both want. I think that just allowing things to continue like they are will do more damage than good.

Lastly. You need to be prepared. It may be that your man will not be able to get past the fact that you have been an escort in the past and that he might want to end the relationship but not know how to go about it without hurting your feelings.

This is purely my opinion and advice on your situation and in the end it is up to you on what you do. I'm not an expert.


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Re: Loveing the job
« Reply #13 on: 29 July 2010, 11:57:38 pm »
thanks for the message, I think your right.

We are making good progress and Im just taking things one step at a time, for now that seems to be working, my list is Love, (which he does) job (which i start in about 10 hours at a shop :( ) House- because mooving back home is awfull and my mum is driving me MAD, and then sexy time! I guess i should practice what i preach becasue iv been telling him for weeks that its only sex!!!

who knows what the future will bring, its very exciting!!!