Well, on the part of the client who bought the phone, made a booking with you on it, then subsequently lent it to a family, I think that was a rather thoughtless thing to do. So are you saying now that if he's going to confirm he's going to withhold his work number which he doesn't want to reveal to you? Which in itself is fair enough. But how does he expect you to respond if he calls at an unexpected time? Sorry, I'm a lazy hooker and I wouldn't be arsed. If he was silly enough to give his only means of communication between the two of you to someone else then that would be his problem to rectify.
And the one who called from a hospital payphone whose voice you couldn't remember? I would treat that with extreme caution. There are some guys out there who, would you believe it, like to collect addresses. I don't know why. And some will call saying that they've seen you before and ask you for the address in full.
I don't give out my full address unless I know for sure I've seen the person before. And if I'm not sure then I'll give them the standard directions.
I don't trust anybody who says I've seen them before unless they go into more details. I'm good with details so something's bound to jog my memory.