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Author Topic: Why doesn't anyone want to book me?!  (Read 10415 times)


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Why doesn't anyone want to book me?!
« on: 04 December 2008, 01:40:04 am »
Hi Everyone,

This is my first post, although I have been reading lots of the posts in this forum for a while now and they are really helpful! Im very new to escorting, I have only had 4 clients, who were all lovely and im really enjoying it so far. My only problem is in the last week I have had no interest from potential clients at all. For the first 2 weeks I had at least  one email a day at the very least but since this time last week I have had only 2 emails, who after one reply seemed to lose interest anyway (even though I was perfectly polite and willing to meet them) I have followed all the tips on this and other forums for setting up my website, and despite me being crap on the computer I think its turned out ok, Theres a few varied photos and its quite easy to navigate. The only thing Ive changed since last week is ive added a review (surely not a bad thing?!  ???) and added a few new photos, I just can't understand it! I know people are looking at my site as the site traffic thingy goes up by about 50 every few hours, potential clients obviously just dont like my website :(

It would be really great if you could take a look at it for me and tell me if theres anything glaringly obvious that ive done wrong (or even if its just 'the photos arent very flattering') Im thinking of giving up because although I love it so far theres no point in carrying on if I have no clients, its just making me feel crap!

Sorry about the long post,

Amber xx
« Last Edit: 06 December 2008, 01:39:40 pm by brandy@saafe »


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Re: Why doesn't anyone want to book me?!
« Reply #1 on: 04 December 2008, 02:02:45 am »
I'm fairly new too so they'll probably be better advice to follow, but here's what I thought when I looked at your site.

You have a lot of conditions that might put people off - emailing a few times before giving them your number, visiting hotels before you see them at home, etc.  It makes you sound difficult.  Also, the line about 2 to 3 appointments a week and needing to be well-rested is too much info. No one needs to know how many appointments you take, nor do they care about your sleep schedule!!! :D

The tone of your writing sounds cautious - it makes it seem as though you're not new and excited, but new and uneasy. Even if you do give a great GFE, it sounds like a lot of hurdles to get to experience one! 

So that's my perspective, whatever you wish to make of it.

Good luck and hope it picks up for you!


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Re: Why doesn't anyone want to book me?!
« Reply #2 on: 04 December 2008, 02:10:35 am »
Hi and welcome.

I know how you feel, i had a moment a few weeks ago where i nearly went off and got myself a full time office job.  Within 10mns of me moaning on the phone to one of the saafe girls i had a 2 hour booking arranged and ended up having a fantastic week of business.  i then had a couple of weeks of what i would consider a good amount of bookings (im dont really need 10 or 20 a week so as long i get a few im happy) and then this week i have had nothing except for enquiries from men miles away that i just cant get to.  well not unless they want to help me with travel costs anyway lol.

im no expert as i am still pretty new to it myself but will happily take a look for you and if i spot anything obvious i will pm you.  im sure some of the more experianced ladies will have some tips for you.

Good luck, have fun on saafe.


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Re: Why doesn't anyone want to book me?!
« Reply #3 on: 04 December 2008, 02:10:50 am »
Amber Im sorry you havent met as many clients as you have desired yet. Your gallery is stunning so there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with that. I'm in a similar situation, these past 2-3 weeks have been shit! I think its putting a damper on my mood along with the recent 'surprise' I got earlier this week also. Eventually it will pass and things will get going. But may I comment on one thing please? I notice in your ad you say...

I love to pamper and please a man, and I find the thought of catering to a mans every need quite a turn on!
im not afraid to admit I have always had strong desire to fulfil a mans every fantasy!

You sound very nice...but a tad bit too eager. Remember, escorting usually involves them catering to your every need, not vice versa. Maybe some of the others here could give a bit of an advice to make you sound desired by all the guys around. You dont have to say you want to cater to them and fulfill their needs...they want to fulfill your every needs, which is partly why they are paying you. Oh and one more thing I didnt see..

I guarantee you wont want our date to end In any sales industry the word 'guarantee' should be avoided at all costs, unless its something you know 100% you can guarantee.
« Last Edit: 04 December 2008, 02:17:01 am by UrbaneAspects »


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Re: Why doesn't anyone want to book me?!
« Reply #4 on: 04 December 2008, 02:20:24 am »
Thankyou so much for replying everyone, its nice to know theres people out there I can can get advice from! Cecilia.chic you are right, I do sound extremely difficult, I hadnt actually noticed that before, im definately going to change that! and UrbaneAspects thankyou for your advice, although I have no idea how to create that kind of image for myself, Im going to go on my website and change that bit about fulfilling mens fantasies, I wasn't sure about that one either lol (must admit I saw something quite similar on a girls profile on AW and thought it sounded like what men want to hear!) When I take a few more bookings I might pay for some professional photos aswell, or a web designer, as I know my photos look a bit crappy and you can tell I took them myself on my cameras auto-timer!

Thanks again

Amber xx


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Re: Why doesn't anyone want to book me?!
« Reply #5 on: 04 December 2008, 02:38:32 am »
Sorry UA.  Feel like im constantly disagreeing with you lately but im not doing it on purpose.  however.... i disagree.  Men arent spending ?140 an hour to please me they are paying to please themselves otherwise they would stick to wives and girlfriends.  Most of them like to know you are getting pleasure from it also but from the minute i have my security call done to the minute i leave i do my best to make it all about them and finding out what they want and how they want it.  They love a bit of pampering and knowing your doing everything in your power to please them... some of them anyway.  So i wouldnt say you need to change that but dont over egg it and maybe add something that lets them know you are virsatile and are happy for them to please you too.  Just play with the wording but dont be affraid that telling a guy your going to focus all your attention on his sexual pleasure is a bad thing lol

edit: oh and the thinkg about having a domain name rather than the thing (im no techy so im sure someone else can explain it better than that) i didnt really understand the importance of this until i changed my web address to but now i have im sure it has made a difference.  its hard to tell how much but for the ?5 it cost me im sure it was worth it.  i think the thinking behind it is that guys dont always think you are genuine if you have a free site?  im not sure but it might be worth considering.
« Last Edit: 04 December 2008, 02:48:20 am by lexie »


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Re: Why doesn't anyone want to book me?!
« Reply #6 on: 04 December 2008, 03:12:59 am »
Ok so ive changed some stuff on my profile, mostly just cut out all the unecessary crap that I didnt actually need on there!
I have changed the part about wanting to please a man, because when I thought about it 'I love the thought of catering to your every fantasy' just doesnt sound right, so it now says 'I love to touch and be touched'. Maybe a little too much info (sorry if it is) but I think this sounds better and less fake in general.

I have also cut out the part about hotels completely, and the bit about excanging emails, instead ive explained that I prefer to take booking by email as I cant always pick up my phone (if im in a lecture etc) and said I can call back if they would prefer.

I cant believe that although I looked through my proflie 100 times I missed all this stuff! I think I was more worried about the pictures and ignored what id written!

Thanks again everyone, hopefully il get some emails tomorrow!  :D

Amber x


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Re: Why doesn't anyone want to book me?!
« Reply #7 on: 04 December 2008, 03:22:37 am »
i think the thinking behind it is that guys dont always think you are genuine if you have a free site?  im not sure but it might be worth considering.

I have to disagree with you on this one. Seems like we just cant to get along anymore  :D  I've been listed on free sites in the past and have gotten pretty good business. Dont think it matters  ;) But if someone is listing as an ultra-high end courtesan from a heir of a billion fortunes, then wouldnt give off such great impression


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Re: Why doesn't anyone want to book me?!
« Reply #8 on: 04 December 2008, 03:26:54 am »
the pics are gorgeous dont give them a second thought.  probably best to show a phone number though and just explain that you cant always pick up but if they leave a message your happy to call them when you can or they can keep trying until you are available.  If they are genuine they wont mind.

I personally think the phone call is so important to me.  it saves time with batting emails back and forth and you can tell if someone is nervous or experianced and all sorts just by chatting to them.  id be reluctant to take a booking on emails alone, i would always want a call before confirming any booking.


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Re: Why doesn't anyone want to book me?!
« Reply #9 on: 04 December 2008, 03:48:44 am »
i think the thinking behind it is that guys dont always think you are genuine if you have a free site?  im not sure but it might be worth considering.

I've been listed on free sites in the past and have gotten pretty good business. Dont think it matters  ;)

But if someone is listing as an ultra-high end courtesan from a heir of a billion fortunes, then wouldnt give off such great impression

I dont understand the first sentance maybe someone else mentioned it but i never said she shouldnt be on free sites.  infact i would say the opposite, get on as many as you can.  i dont pay for any of my advertising and i dont plan to anytime soon either.

i do agree with the second bit but in this case i dont think amber was trying to advertise as a courtesan and didnt mention high class, just as someone who aims to please and enjoys it.  At least thats how i read her site anyway.  i dont think there is anything wrong with that, some men love it.  And when we show up to a booking and get asked to lay back and take all the pleasure... well thats good too  ;D  thats why i said not to over egg it but not to think its a bad thing and to show she can be versatile.  Its a matter of showing you can deliver whats required.  For me its about making sure the service i offer on my site is the service i deliver when I am there.  i only offer services i know i can deliver.  i wouldnt offer domination or humiliation because i know id be shit at it (im no actor) but i can offer a gfe where the pleasure is all theirs because its something i enjoy doing and im honest enough to mention other services that im happy to partake in but admit that its not my speciality.  i try to be honest about it and it seems to work for me, i think thats all you can do really.

Someone told me when i started to think more about what im NOT prepared to offer and go from there.  it helped me because untill then i hadnt really thought about my limits.  i think i thought i would just have to do whatever men wanted me to do and put up with all sorts but you dont. so if for now you want all the pleasure to be theirs thats fine and as you get more confident you can add more services.  its about being comfortable with what your offering and what your doing and who you are doing it to/with.


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Re: Why doesn't anyone want to book me?!
« Reply #10 on: 04 December 2008, 03:54:01 am »
i think the thinking behind it is that guys dont always think you are genuine if you have a free site?  im not sure but it might be worth considering.

I have to disagree with you on this one. Seems like we just cant to get along anymore  :D  I've been listed on free sites in the past and have gotten pretty good business. Dont think it matters  ;) But if someone is listing as an ultra-high end courtesan from a heir of a billion fortunes, then wouldnt give off such great impression

Oh i just re read what i said.  i see the confusion.  i dont mean advertising on free directories is bad i mean having a free website can sometimes be interpreted as not so professional.  i think it has something to do with them thinking you might not be genuine, im not really sure but i know that it has def been discussed here and on other boards before.

I didnt get it at the time but i went from being lexienight@rareescort (or something like that) to and it looks more professional... apparently??  it only cost ?5 to get the and i have it for 2 years.  you can then pay for .com etc if you want them all and i think it helps with google searches??? 

Like i said,im no techy so someone will come along and explain all that much better im sure  ;D


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Re: Why doesn't anyone want to book me?!
« Reply #11 on: 04 December 2008, 07:48:00 am »
Right to me your site looks fine, hadnt seen it before the changes, but right now I like it  :)

The only thing is, your an outcall only escort, that will limit your bookings a great deal unfortunatley, im sure i read here or somewhere that it can be as much as a 70% difference, or maybe i dreamt that.

Regards the domain name, do get one, longer term it will prove invaluble and you can take it with you if you decide to get a site built, so you dont have to spend many hours changing directory links, trust me on this, its a pain in the arse

Regards the free/paid site, personaly i think if your charging ?100+ an hour then have a site that costs nothing, it does look a bit..... but at the same time they are a great launching point, and it doesnt seem to put many off, and thats the important thing.

Hope that helps


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Re: Why doesn't anyone want to book me?!
« Reply #12 on: 04 December 2008, 07:51:15 am »
seems im not going mad after all  :-\

although the figure given there was 90% rather than 70, but the message is the same


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Re: Why doesn't anyone want to book me?!
« Reply #13 on: 04 December 2008, 08:08:50 am »
although the figure given there was 90% rather than 70, but the message is the same

Not always the case. I had my own studio in Miami and only got 2 incalls the entire time I lived there (4 months). Any other time I had to jump into my car. Glad I had a car before I escorted because I took the bus for 8 months. Most people, paranoid with boyfriends and nosy neighbors still wanted me at their place.

And even now, I cant do incalls at all unless I have money to get a hotel, which right now I dont  :(  Outcalls are much more popular. I almost  :'( when I read that link, but remembered my own experience.
« Last Edit: 04 December 2008, 08:12:04 am by UrbaneAspects »


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Re: Why doesn't anyone want to book me?!
« Reply #14 on: 04 December 2008, 08:24:41 am »
Hi Amber, I think your site is great, the pictures are fabulous, and the text is good. :)

I do agree with some of the others about a domain name though. It does look more professional, and doesn't cost much. (this is a bit silly coming from me who hasn't even finished her website in a month!)

Most of my bookings come from Incalls, maybe not 90%, but definately 70%. There are many ways to offer incalls if thats what you want to do, but it is a lot of faffing about to get it all set up.

Make sure you are listed on all the free sites with a reprocial link to your website.

Business has been a bit slow for me the past few days too, so maybe it's just a slump.  :-\

Good luck anyway x
Anna xx