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Author Topic: New year new start.  (Read 3122 times)

Kerry Ncl

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New year new start.
« on: 20 December 2011, 11:45:57 pm »
I've been working in  the North East for a couple of years and for a while now I have been considering moving to pastures new. I just want to ask if anyone else has made the move to London ? The main reason is to move away from friends and family while I escort and another part of me wants to try a bit of London life. I would like to remain an independent escort, is establishing yourself easy or is London too overcrowded and work hard to come by ?  Also anyone recommend any areas of London or just please offer me any advice



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Re: New year new start.
« Reply #1 on: 21 December 2011, 03:31:48 pm »
I work in London and make a decent living, but it is a pain trying to establish yourself. It's worth it though  :)


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Re: New year new start.
« Reply #2 on: 21 December 2011, 04:00:51 pm »
I love London and work there often but that isn't the same as living there - if you're used to North East living expenses (which are less than they are here in North Yorkshire, never mind London) then you're in for a nasty shock. I'm not trying to sound patronising (and please forgive me if you've looked into all this already), but the amount of money you will need to earn just to have any sort of reasonable standard of living will be at least two and probably three times what you need to now, even if you're not that central and the competition is huge. I can understand how the low going rates and cheapo agency scene in Newcastle would grind you down though, and I know of one lady on this board who successfully made the move so she may be along to help :).

I'm lucky enough to be fairly established and I'm always busy when I go, but even I know that if I was there day in and day out I would probably be nowhere near as well off as I am at home in terms of housing, food and drink and the chances of ever being able to buy anywhere would be ridiculously slim. But everybody's different - have you tried going down there to work regularly to see if you like it, for starters? Have you thought about relaunching yourself (new website/pictures, and maybe a price rise to offset some of the extra costs?) as that would help too?

Kerry Ncl

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Re: New year new start.
« Reply #3 on: 21 December 2011, 06:04:06 pm »
Thanks for the advice. I realised  expenses would be greater in London but I thought not having to work  for North East minimum wage rates would compensate for this. I'm not really chasing a pot of gold in London, I just want to have a decent standard of living and be quite anonymous. Which brings me to another point, If anyone has made a similar move how did you cope moving to a strange city not knowing anyone, is it a lonely life?
I feel I have reached the end working in Newcastle, I feel it is eather move or stop working.  ???


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Re: New year new start.
« Reply #4 on: 21 December 2011, 08:23:36 pm »
Hi If you do not want to go right into London go just North of London.  Equally as good around the Milton Keynes area and lower overheads.     Good luck.   


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Re: New year new start.
« Reply #5 on: 21 December 2011, 08:38:29 pm »
I know someone who moved from the Northeast to London and it's been tough. I mean, it's a REALLY long distance to be from friends and family, and train tickets are expensive. :( London is fun but it's hard to settle in - making friends requires a ton of effort, let alone establishing yourself work-wise and all that! Everything is just quite busy and manic and tiring. It's exciting and interesting, too, but I really enjoy my weekends visiting family in the countryside these days! But then I feel guilty from having time away and for not spending the weekend working furiously on all the stuff I need to get done, and blah blah - London is rather stressful, basically!

I think it's important to seriously think about the fact that, to pay for a flat in London - just a dinky one-bed with noisy neighbours and a kitchen that's so small it only fits a mini-fridge - to take incalls in, plus the basic bills, you will have to shag at least twelve clients, more if your hourly rate is under ?130. That's twelve men *just* to pay for the basics. No food, clothing, drinks, cinema tickets, Oyster (travel) card, none of that; JUST the basics. If you're used to seeing that many in a week, never get burnout and can find a place that's discreet enough to have that much foot traffic then that's lucky and you'll have nothing to worry about here! But it's really something to think about because London's a bit relentless. You can't go taking a week off here or a fortnight's holiday there unless you've literally worked your bum off the previous month. I dunno; maybe that's not much different from anywhere else? I do take a bit of time off here and there (and I'm only part-time in the first place, but I set high rates to compensate for that) but generally I have to sacrifice any contribution to my savings for that month if I do.

It's definitely anonymous - I moved here for uni five years ago and have never bumped into anyone randomly anywhere! That's a lie; I bumped into someone I recognised the other week for the first time ever, ha. The whole rest of the time you're completely surrounded by strangers. I like that about London and find it soothing, but I know it drives some people mad!

Competition is insane in a way but my friend who moved here brought the most ridiculous work ethic with her and she's not had a problem except being inundated with bookings! Maybe not ten a day or anything mad like that, but her rates aren't low and she gets tons of calls and has a whole bunch of regulars after only four or five months. Honestly, I feel completely lazy in comparison so I think if you come to London with a mindset to work hard (like those who tour here successfully do, for example) then you can reap the rewards. As long as 'time off' isn't one of the rewards you're hoping for!

Oh, and definitely think hard about your web presence, advertising, website, marketing, images, escort persona, all that stuff. You're probably completely used to it from working in the Northeast (isn't competition there far worse?! Competing agencies driving rates down and not giving a damn about the standard of service lowering due to overworked, exhausted escorts who resent earning peanuts after paying the agency share?) but of course every town/area has slightly different ways when it comes to making your ads prominent. There are one or two quite expensive listings sites that are worth trying but they unfortunately don't work for everyone, so be prepared to literally gamble with ?90-200 depending - see the main site article called "Where to Advertise", written by ParisB, for a good starting point. And whatever you do, don't get on Adultwork and start trying to compete with the pimps who are running all the profiles for bunches of women in flats who get all the bad reviews on Pnet etc because the woman on the phone says "Yes, darling" to all services but the real sex worker says "Please don't touch me with your stinky willy, not for ?69 an hour, and there's no shower in this crappy flat!" - it may be intimidating to look at all those profiles on AW advertising all services for peanuts, but so many of them are fake or worse (pimps etc). Focus on building up a unique identity that will make you stand out in a far better way. Again, sorry as you probably already know all this back to front, but I don't know anything personally about working in the Northeast so just sharing my experience with working here!
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Re: New year new start.
« Reply #6 on: 21 December 2011, 10:11:30 pm »
I Iived in london  years ago  when at uni and just before i had my son  i had a love  hate releationship with london  -  but would never live the , couldnt afford to and rarely tour there although i may start again next year on my way to other places as a stop of point 

my thoughts on london area

its to busy  everybody is in a rush  to get somwhere even if you have 3 hours to get there you rush with everyone else
no one smiles  say please or thank you

you  hold  the door for some little old lady at tescos and she  looks at you like your a serial killer or have escaped from a mental hospital   

expensive, overated,  and expensive even for the shit places to live 

lonely  unless your a student , have family,   

there are no londoners in london  everyone  is from somewhere else

Competition is fierce you will be competting with  just about everyone and everthing from 30 walkups to 3000 pound a night courtesans 

Prices for escorts  arent that good in real terms in comparison to the cost of living there  because there are so many of them  it drives the price down  so i would imagine that to make good money you have to be prepared to work long hours unsociable hours
do outcalls at a moments notice
i found when touring  most of my business came  early afternoon late evening which i hated as im a morning afternoon person and dont like working late nights but in london i found thats often the case 

 but dont let me put you off xxxxx 

Kerry Ncl

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Re: New year new start.
« Reply #7 on: 21 December 2011, 11:19:51 pm »
Thank you very much  for the advice, London seems to be more Midnight Cowboy than Pretty Woman. I've had a quick look on AW and that is a lot of competition. I am 100% sure I will stop working in Newcastle, I think the next step will be a soft tour of London. Maybe spend mornings checking out different areas and just how far money goes  and work in the afternoons and evenings. I dreaded being found out in the North East but the thought of not having a basic social life is not appealing either.


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Re: New year new start.
« Reply #8 on: 21 December 2011, 11:50:07 pm »
Hmm, my only link with London in recent times is through the city business men that occasionally book me to their fancy Hotel when they come 'oop North ..
It always goes the same - very impersonal and not in the least interested in having a friendly chat beforehand.
Havn't a clue who I am and frankly, don't care.
 They tend to be rich and arrogant and tell me that London is overrun with eastern european girls who speak scant English and give a perfunctory yet methodical service ( that's what they tell me anyway )
 The bookings leave me feeling cold and I can't wait to visit a friendly northerner again. who will make me a brew and  some butties to eat afterwards  :D  I wonder if it is a north/ south divide as I never experience this in Manchester, Liverpool, Preston etc  :-\


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Re: New year new start.
« Reply #9 on: 22 December 2011, 01:30:26 am »
Hmm, my only link with London in recent times is through the city business men that occasionally book me to their fancy Hotel when they come 'oop North ..
It always goes the same - very impersonal and not in the least interested in having a friendly chat beforehand.
Havn't a clue who I am and frankly, don't care.
 They tend to be rich and arrogant and tell me that London is overrun with eastern european girls who speak scant English and give a perfunctory yet methodical service ( that's what they tell me anyway )
 The bookings leave me feeling cold and I can't wait to visit a friendly northerner again. who will make me a brew and  some butties to eat afterwards  :D  I wonder if it is a north/ south divide as I never experience this in Manchester, Liverpool, Preston etc  :-\

I don't think there's a north/south divide here - this particular stereotype exists worldwide, and I've met them from virtually every large city I can think of. None of my London regulars are remotely like this, and I haven't regularly met any of these guys there since I stopped working over near Barbican on the edge of the City (which is what you might expect, since it's their stomping ground). Rich and arrogant in a suit is not limited to London, and I don't find it there anywhere near as often as I have in Edinburgh and Jersey, for example.

I'm always a bit mystified when I read posts about how cold and unfriendly London is - it's not my experience at all and I can only think the actual area you're in has a massive part to play. When I first started working there regularly nearly four years ago, I found the easiest way to get my head round the size of the place was to think of it as a lot of different villages all joined together and I still think this is helpful as different bits have different characteristics (like Paris, I don't like working late but I get fewer requests for this in London than I do at home, and normally do about 9am - 8pm which suits me fine - Barbican used to start the phone going at 7am which was too early for me). I do find it very anonymous but not unfriendly in any way and I find it very easy to chat to people in shops and cafes (not on the tube, obviously) and so on - you just have to have every conversation knowing you'll probably never clap eyes on that person again but I don't mind that, and the lack of agendas is a blessed relief when you live somewhere small where everything you say to anyone could drop you in the shit.

The thing I like more than anything else is that people aren't the slightest bit interested in your business which I hate about the people at home and as much as I love where I live, I'm a complete hermit when I'm here. And as far as life outside work goes, it isn't as bleak as it might sound but it depends how you like to spend your time - if you like galleries, museums and just walking around looking at stuff (and I do), there are hundreds in London which don't cost a thing as well as beautiful parks and lots of interesting shops and markets and so on. There are cinemas showing virtually any kind of film you could want to see and they don't really cost any more than cinemas anywhere else if you skip anything within half a mile of Leicester Square. On the other hand if you like going out to eat and drink often, nightclubbing, shopping and so on then, yes, it's going to be tight.

Have a look at the Touring section - there are a lot of London posts on there too. And I would skip it now until February, to be honest (it'll be picking up then but the hotels are still a fair bit cheaper than the peak times). You could also see if there's anything temporary that might suit you in terms of flatshares (have a look at Seeking/Offering) if you want a more realistic idea of the day-to-day stuff for a month or so?


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Re: New year new start.
« Reply #10 on: 22 December 2011, 02:21:45 am »
I've been working in London for some years and  hate to admit that I agree 100% with Emily. Working in London can be a tad exhausting because it's a really expensive city and the competition is insane. This is not a place for the "lazy" thats for sure! On the other hand I didn't find it difficult at all to start from scratch and settle my business. Luckily enough I was busy from day one. I do find it very hard to maintain loyal regulars and I think it's mainly because guys here have too many options so after several appointments they move to the next hot thing. But then  the influx  of tourists and visiting men on business is appalling here and it makes up for the "fleeing" regulars. I need to see 10 people a week in order to make ends meet and save some money on the side, and that means some weeks (when it's slow) I can't take a day off.

 "Social life"? what is that?  >:( Oh I remember now! It's something I used to have before the recession!
Mornings were made for sleeping, wild sex and bacon.


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Re: New year new start.
« Reply #11 on: 22 December 2011, 05:49:47 pm »
Yeah, I would say I meet plenty of very nice, sweet clients (quite a few of them may originally be from up North! But I like the fact that nobody in London is from here except the cabbies, practically; I love me some diverse populations) and not that many twats-in-suits. To be honest, I don't mind them either because a cut-and-dry booking without much connection can be a relief after a week of soppy wotsits gazing into your eyes and snuggling you half to death. ;D So basically, I like the variety. It does depend what work you do (daytime incalls like I do cater to local businessmen, "high class" agencies cater to super-rich foreigners in ridiculous hotels, etc etc).

I just can't agree more with the others about the fact that rates are not great compared to the cost of living, though. Rents can be 2-3 times as high while rates remain the same or even lower than other parts of the country. And the fact that you just can't take time off unless you've been very lucky to have twice as many bookings and twice as much energy the previous month. And even then, you don't want to take a holiday because you'd rather save the money just in case of future disaster! It's stressful. I'm usually far too tired in the evenings to go out - and who wants to spend ?12 on a cocktail (seriously - I love going out to lunch with the occasional client but my jaw always drops when I see the bill) when you work so hard for your money?! No, I put aside every spare penny to pay for my studies or to stash away for the future so there's very little carefree gallivanting to be done meanwhile. I've probably mentally aged about twenty years in the last five, since I arrived here. There's just no time for messing about. :-\

I plan to leave the country altogether and explore pastures new in a year or two so I don't mind scraping by til then, experiencing London and taking advantage of its various opportunities (a uni with part-time course options, galleries with free exhibits and all sorts of fancy things to walk past and gaze at, not to mention almost any sort of job opportunity if you're prepared to half kill yourself chasing after it!) til I get truly knackered. Then off somewhere a bit more sedate, methinks!
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Kerry Ncl

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Re: New year new start.
« Reply #12 on: 22 December 2011, 11:14:40 pm »
Thanks again for the advice.  I now have a much better idea of what to expect, a lot of hard work but maybe a once in a lifetime opportunity with galleries and museums etc. I am sure in London people are people  just like anywhere in the country which unfortunately means a lot of nutters. ?12 for a cocktail WTF, if I go I will have food parcels shipped in from the north.