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Author Topic: Any other clients-turned-escorts out there?  (Read 1111 times)


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Any other clients-turned-escorts out there?
« on: 31 January 2023, 09:19:15 pm »
I'm a trans woman. Throughout last year I was a client a handful of times of some lovely providers; All the while I knew I wanted to be an escort myself.

This month I took a leap and started, and have now seen a couple clients; Two of my previous providers have even helped me find safety apps and this forum and I'm super greatful for them

I wondered if there are many other clients-turned-escorts out there? If so, how do you navigate boundaries between being someone's ex-client and potentially being in the same spaces and safety networks as them?
I'd actually be interested to hear what everyone else thinks about this too, and how you would navigate it if a client of yours became an escort.


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Re: Any other clients-turned-escorts out there?
« Reply #1 on: 31 January 2023, 09:26:08 pm »
Well my clients are overwhelmingly straight men, so ir's pretty unlikely (although I've been booked by a few optimists with a 'straight male escort' profile on Adultwork, which isn't quite the same thing ;D).

It isn't that likely that we'd cross paths tbh, and unless you live in a very small place I wouldn't worry about it too much :).