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Author Topic: Where To Advertise  (Read 414730 times)


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Where To Advertise
« on: 14 September 2011, 07:12:00 pm »
Dont really know where to post this  but i have  put this together for ladies setting up there own website and not sure where to advertise 
I have advertised on all of these places in the past and present  and i am listed on all of them as well as either free or paid for advertising
If anyone wants to add any more then feel free   
Viva st  lots of girls use this   i only use it for scotland and belfast  (i think of it as a paper advertising   

Main Escort Advertising Websites 
Punternet   15 -30 a month    2 posting a week on the message board / plus the review section and a good touring section PL
(tip) just post for  7 days then you can renew it so that you always have 2 adds showing   ) 
Very active fourm worth joining to get yourself known ect   free and paid for  advertising
(tip) to get featured advertisng cheap buy one month in advance at midnight ( keep clicking on buy and keep refreshing page untill it allows you to buy) prices can be as low as 3 pounds up to roughly 10 -11 pounds but that a hell of a lot cheaper than 25 -35 if you buy a few days later or nearer the time  very good imo  15 a month and you can be listed on as many areas as you want

60 a month for gallerys  outside of london

Forum for advertising
Classified section where you can post up to 20 adverts for different areas  ( this is part of punterlink and quite usefull for when working /touring in london you buy credits to promote yourself higher in the ranks ect very good free and paid for advertising ( Very Good and knowlegable  Webmaster for anyone needing a website  i have been with him for several years ande highly reccomend him )
Again you can list yourself in loads of areas  pretty much unlimited and post tours  which i reccomend as well

Uk Belles   Escort directory  free and paid for links  (paid for is 50 a month featured on main pages  )  Can be difficult to get listed but do keep trying as i get a huge amount of traffic and work from it free and paid   Very Very good for York & Leeds  and you can speak to a real person  ;D  Free and paid

Escorts Southwest free and paid  Very good for the southwest region  and Wales 
Punting zone
 27  a month  plus forums to post on free and paid for listings  nationwide  You can edit your profile so that you stay at the front 

http://www. paid and free listings paid and free listings paid and free listings paid and free listings paid and free paid and free listings  paid and free listings paid and free listings        Good for black / ebony  escorts    Good for black/ ebony escort lots of traffic 

North and North West Areas  paid for advertising for manchester and surrounding areas but very active fourm as well  Directorys and Forums For York Leeds and Surrounding areas  paid for advertising   free and paid  free and paid 

SCOTLAND paid for advertisng  at 20  a week or  40 a month and forums for Scotland   paid for advertisng  30 a month   very very good for scotland  highly reccomend it  if touring or working in scotland 

escort ireland  ( same as escort scotland escort wales ect ) but expensivie but dont tour ireland without it as its the busiest website there  dont just rely on adultwork

link removed]
« Last Edit: 12 August 2013, 06:15:52 pm by amy »


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Re: Where To Advertise
« Reply #1 on: 14 September 2011, 07:53:22 pm » free with banner exchange or paid for without your own website


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Re: Where To Advertise
« Reply #2 on: 14 September 2011, 08:21:37 pm »
Thanks for that Paris, it's brill - if you don't mind it would be great to use on the main site when the articles are getting updated  :).

The only thing I would say is that Platinum Select is a known scam site (which is why I've removed the link); although it does fall somewhere between just mindblowingly shite rip-off advertising and full-on scam, I don't think it's somewhere we should be recommending here. I'm not sure SexyIndependents has free ads either, but will have to have a look as my paid one ran out ages ago  :-\.


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Re: Where To Advertise
« Reply #3 on: 14 September 2011, 09:53:05 pm »
Brilliant, Paris, thanks (I've not heard of half of them!  :o).

For some reason, I can never get listed on UK Belles - no one ever responds to me, and my listing never appears.  But there are loads of others there for me to try, so thanks again  :-*


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Re: Where To Advertise
« Reply #4 on: 14 September 2011, 10:09:56 pm »
Amy  - no probs  just delete any that are not appropriate and yeah i think it would be good in the main section as well

Angela -   I do a paid premier listing on uk belles -   150 every three months and i get a lot of work from there  it can be hard to get listed as well

i also do paid listings on  every month on 
uk bells 50  s
punternet   30
punterlink  60
escortlocal  15
selectanescort  10
punting zone 27

These are ones that i have tried for when touring the northwest so probably wont renew unless im going back again
lbb                  90 ( six months )
forum x  50 three month
xnorth 50 three months
wysg  50 three months

every three months i renew my adverts on  escort list and oad as well  

I also post every week without fail on the above websites forums  even if im not in there area or on holiday (sad)   ;D   Lots of guys travel and will put you on there list of  To do's  ;D  and its just reminding them that im still around
im also reasonably active on punternet forums and a few others by doing that it gets you known ( if you want that and it all helps)    

another thing is to swop banner with other escorts that you know,  i have a few ladies on here that i have swopped with ( it all helps)   ;

« Last Edit: 15 September 2011, 01:44:58 pm by ParisB »


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Re: Where To Advertise
« Reply #5 on: 15 September 2011, 01:30:40 am »
Backpage is bringing me quite a lot of clients from the US... and it's like 5 pounds  a month... I strongly reccomend it.
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Re: Where To Advertise
« Reply #6 on: 15 September 2011, 08:45:58 am »
Backpage is bringing me quite a lot of clients from the US... and it's like 5 pounds  a month... I strongly reccomend it.

Maybe only for London though. I took a free trial when it was offered and hardly got any hits, never mind clients.

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Re: Where To Advertise
« Reply #7 on: 15 September 2011, 09:12:44 am »
Thanks for this Paris.  The more ads the better I say  ;D
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Re: Where To Advertise
« Reply #8 on: 15 September 2011, 01:19:17 pm »
It may be worth reminding new people that Paris takes the attitude that lots of ads = lots of work, and while it works for her, that may not be what you want or can get.

That level of ad spend also means 'about' (it depends on how much you charge) one client every week is needed to pay for it, or, in other words, you'd be shagging roughly fifty men a year to pay owners of websites, at least some of whom do not put escort safety as high as they might, before you get paid anything.

I'd agree that the person behind selectanescort is lovely in many ways, but you can pay rather less for a basic template site and still get great support :)

'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."


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Re: Where To Advertise
« Reply #9 on: 15 September 2011, 01:41:21 pm »
 I agree with what you say, in that it might not work for others,  but i always work that as a rule you have to speculate to accumulate or spend some money to make money

My regular paid for  adverts ( the ones that i have up regardless of if im working or not)  work out at roughly 50 per week which is less than one half an hour booking  and under a tenner a day  so i dont think that a huge expense  for the possible returns  - 

i did pay out a bit more in recent months as i was planning trips to leed york chester areas so did advertise on forums that are in the northwest area  and i have adjusted the post to reflect that 

Before i switched to working from just my website a few years ago  , i use to advertise in the local papers  which were a massive  80quid  a week for  one add in the local paper and  100 a week for an advert in Trade it.     There was no where else to advertise  -  It was the papers or nothing and they had you over a barrel so you paid it or didnt work  -
 It was where all the other escorts in bristol and the southwest had to advertise  
Before the sport went under it was a huge  150 a week to advertise in there and although i only used it a few time when in scotland lots of escort up there used as there only way of advertising
 So  i see the cost of advertising  as actually being in profit  compared to what i was use to paying out each week and  not a loss  and there was  a period of six months when i spent  both money on both internet and on paper advertising while i was weaning myself off the paper adverts          
I agree that it might not work for others but  most of them offe  free listings with the exception of punternet  i think so  every little helps   

It may be worth reminding new people that Paris takes the attitude that lots of ads = lots of work, and while it works for her, that may not be what you want or can get.

That level of ad spend also means 'about' (it depends on how much you charge) one client every week is needed to pay for it, or, in other words, you'd be shagging roughly fifty men a year to pay owners of websites, at least some of whom do not put escort safety as high as they might, before you get paid anything.

I'd agree that the person behind selectanescort is lovely in many ways, but you can pay rather less for a basic template site and still get great support :)

« Last Edit: 15 September 2011, 01:57:02 pm by ParisB »


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Re: Where To Advertise
« Reply #10 on: 15 September 2011, 05:37:26 pm »
I agree with what you say, in that it might not work for others,  but i always work that as a rule you have to speculate to accumulate or spend some money to make money

My regular paid for  adverts ( the ones that i have up regardless of if im working or not)  work out at roughly 50 per week which is less than one half an hour booking  and under a tenner a day  so i dont think that a huge expense  for the possible returns  - 

i did pay out a bit more in recent months as i was planning trips to leed york chester areas so did advertise on forums that are in the northwest area  and i have adjusted the post to reflect that 

Before i switched to working from just my website a few years ago  , i use to advertise in the local papers  which were a massive  80quid  a week for  one add in the local paper and  100 a week for an advert in Trade it.     There was no where else to advertise  -  It was the papers or nothing and they had you over a barrel so you paid it or didnt work  -
 It was where all the other escorts in bristol and the southwest had to advertise  
Before the sport went under it was a huge  150 a week to advertise in there and although i only used it a few time when in scotland lots of escort up there used as there only way of advertising
 So  i see the cost of advertising  as actually being in profit  compared to what i was use to paying out each week and  not a loss  and there was  a period of six months when i spent  both money on both internet and on paper advertising while i was weaning myself off the paper adverts          
I agree that it might not work for others but  most of them offe  free listings with the exception of punternet  i think so  every little helps   

Well I agree too, although I'm not quite as dedicated as Paris - I really can't be arsed with the punting boards and don't have the patience for Vivastreet (I do exactly the same thing separate phone-wise with Adultwork, and anyone ringing it gets a recorded message telling them to email me through the site just like it - guess what - asks them to do on my profile page). I used to only advertise in the papers and my local one alone cost me ?50-80 a week depending on how many days I was working and wanted to run it - the bigger regional one cost an arm and a leg, and I'm always slightly baffled when I read posts complaining about how expensive a Punternet ad is, for example. I also notice that the people who are often complaining about how slow/quiet it is are the ones who seem to rely heavily on Adultwork, and I don't think that's a coincidence.

I would add Eros to the list for London folks and also for anyone planning on working in the US - it's not cheap but I've had lots of nice clients from it and like so many others, one short booking easily pays for it. I wouldn't bother with it anywhere else in the UK though. I also get lots of website hits from one called, which nobody ever seems to have heard of but is worth a mention.


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Re: Where To Advertise
« Reply #11 on: 16 September 2011, 12:20:36 pm »
Paris that is fantastic thank you!

Do you know of any useful papers which still do advertising? The Daily Spurt or such likes?

I need to up my advertising as have a new pad and decided to work properly rather than being the slack tart I have been for the past year or so.
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Re: Where To Advertise
« Reply #12 on: 16 September 2011, 12:25:35 pm »
This is brilliant! Thank  you so much for this post!  :) :) :)


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Re: Where To Advertise
« Reply #13 on: 16 September 2011, 01:02:05 pm »
I think the daily sport still operates in scotland but only 3 times a week
i used loot when i was in manchester and they have one for york as well i think its 50 a week

Paris that is fantastic thank you!

Do you know of any useful papers which still do advertising? The Daily Spurt or such likes?

I need to up my advertising as have a new pad and decided to work properly rather than being the slack tart I have been for the past year or so.


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Re: Where To Advertise
« Reply #14 on: 16 September 2011, 01:11:54 pm »
I think the daily sport still operates in scotland but only 3 times a week

It comes out twice a week now, once on a Sunday and once on a Wednesday.  :)

Thanks for that list Paris.  8)