I was going to put an ad on Cherry girls but too lazy to go and meet the man who runs it. When I get round to it I'll report back. Try tryst as it's free and had a booking from the site from an American as it's more popular there. That's one in 5 months but its free so why not! For me unfortunately AW is the main place as I don't use twitter like a lot of ladies do.

just come across Tryst this afternoon!! Lo' and behold, I've come to check it out here & there it is, mentioned merely hours ago

So I'm taking that and your comment as a sign to register. I've been looking at a good few platforms and directories today and that one really stood out for me as it looks great (clean & simple interface) and looks easy to use (verrrrry important for a luddite like moi!!)
Their FAQs cite a 3 month free trial before deciding whether you want to continue being listed with them & if so there are three grades of membership profile - basic, standard, and premium I think...49, 79, 119 are the figures respectively -off the top of my head- BUT it's quoted in dollars so will need to do further homework ....
I'm wondering if that's Aussie dollars, as well

as the Tryst creators are also the guys behind Switter (I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere- possibly on here- that Switter was Oz-based...? I could well be wrong like, I often am

I've found it's well worth doing a search here before joining/uploading to directories/ profile platforms & I'm SO lovin' that I can check out the consensus of fellow SAAFE members (oxymoron?!

) Doing this has probably saved me so much time, frustration & hassle (going by other ladies experiences); being able to easily find which are the resources worth investing my time & effort and likely to send some traffic my way and/or translate into actual bookings. Then there are the sites we'd all do well to avoid for various reasons (ranging from the general pointless- wastes-of -time

right the way through to those who perpetuate downright criminal actions

) and appear to be 'Flash In The Pan'/fookin' clueless/ unprofessional/ unethical etc...including all those wanna-be types who have ultimately ended up proper showing themselves up, in the 'Spamming....' section