I've found that Twitter and blogs are great for networking with fellow sex workers but it's not a huge marketing push or anything like that; it can definitely be a way for clients who like to browse blogs and whatnot to find other escorts, but Twitter tends to be used by people in their 'real' lives - at work or with their friends so they're hardly going to set up an appointment with a prossie right there and then! Quite a lot of guys create what I vaguely refer to in my head as "sex twit" accounts so that they can follow the many adult service providers (HoD do lots of announcements there) who are on Twitter but they rarely have much (other than a cock pic or two, of course) of value to add to your own Twitter stream in return. I've had a LOT of site hits from putting my website in my Twitter profile but only one new client from there and hardly any of my clients mention following me (whereas most mention enjoying my blog).
I think Violette has mentioned using Facebook for advertising purposes? I have developed a dread fear of their privacy settings and also don't feel like it would be worth the risk of advertising to so many 'regular' people - if someone wants to punt, they'll go to punting sites and directories. But Facebook is apparently full of people I've met like
one time in my Other Life and I don't want them all ever even glimpsing my sex work stuff, however anonymous (and not much on Facebook is easily kept private).
MySpace is only really used by kids and pervs. Not the good kind of perv, either. Oh, and spammers!
Then again, my reply might just be a bit of a negative one because I'm not sure about all this (free) online socialising with clients. I love talking to fellow escorts at every opportunity and have all sorts of fun and interesting people on my twitter but I think I'd rather keep a lid on the amount of touting and wooing of potential clients I'm expected to do online. I built and maintain my site, keep my blog, post pictures regularly, and answer calls and emails. This already takes bloody ages and doesn't even include the appointments themselves!
Some kind of Facebook thing where you have to post a new gynaecological picture every two minutes in some sort of desperate competition with other hookers to give guys who may never book an erection sounds dreadful to me. But if someone wants to build a social networking site where prossies can make money for the content that they produce and upload, well, that's good. AW is good! As long as the owners can keep their mental ideas for "improvements" somewhat in check before the whole thing blows up.
Oh, and I talk openly about fees and services all the time! Twitter totally needs to know how my blow job skills are progressing.