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Author Topic: Registering late  (Read 1626 times)


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Registering late
« on: 20 January 2008, 01:12:37 am »
Hi everyone

I started working few months ago and hasn't paid any tax, mainly because it seemed like no one was actually doing it around me (I work with an agency). I read that if u don't register yourself within first 3 months, then u gonna be fined. But then how can they actually find out when I started? I can put in my form that I have been working for only a month. Is there any way they can check it?

Hope you're all ok x


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Re: Registering late
« Reply #1 on: 20 January 2008, 12:26:34 pm »
As I understand it, the fine is optional and is less likely to be levied on people who approach them before being discovered by them. They want the money more than they want to penalise people who want to pay it.

The risks of being caught lying would probably depend on..

.. whether or not the agency in question is paying its taxes. If no other staff are doing so, the owners probably aren't either and you may well further reduce your chance of being fined by pointing this out.

.. whether there are any reviews that are identifiably 'you' dating back prior to any claimed date, or if your agency blurb similarly gives the game away.

If you started working with a new agency or with a new working name, this would remove any doubts in those areas, but if you're happy with your current ones, you may not wish to do that.
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."

Anika Mae

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Re: Registering late
« Reply #2 on: 20 January 2008, 03:19:23 pm »
Yeah, they're not that fussy as long as you give them the money. I have yet to submit my tax return before the deadline, but I've never been fined.

A lot of people don't declare and get away with it. It's your choice, but not a risk I take myself. I also want to get a mortgage at some point, and having three years of accounts helps with that.


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Re: Registering late
« Reply #3 on: 09 January 2009, 03:41:29 am »
that definently makes sense Anika...