What makes you think that just because you dont like my posts that others will follow in suit? I'm not concerned as of what you think about me or my stories. Im sure someone has probably learned something from them. If you dont like them, dont post or read them then.
I'm just saying. And you know the answers to your own question there because we had our row in pm's a while ago. I know about some others as they have told me.
Its not a matter of just not reading and not posting, you have alot to say and you are in this forum as much as anyone else. That is an option that some have chosen (there are some who choose to ignore your posts, they are the ones who have told me) but its not my way. Just because i dont like you doesnt mean i cant have and share an opinion,shit, i could even agree with you from time to time (I just doubt it would be very often). You asked the question of why someone might not want to say hi to you, i gave my opinion.
I'm not trying to be a bitch, i was just using myself as an example. My point really is that you and i both know that i dont like most of your opinions or the way that you dramatise situations and make something out of nothing so if you saw me on another forum and chose to say hi to me in a PM i would most likely ignore you too. I wouldnt want to give you the impression that we had something in common just because we post on the same sites. What if you exchanged a few pm's then wrote something on the forum that made it look like we were buddies? others then might think that i agreed with your opinions or your actions etc and i wouldnt want to be associated with you so i would choose to ignore you instead. Do you see what i mean?
This would be a boring old world if we liked and got on with everyone, the beauty of the internet is that we can interact with whom ever we choose and ignore whom ever we choose but there is no point in taking something like a non replied to email to heart.
Who knows, maybe they just havent had time to reply. Any one who has sent me an email or PM from saafe will know that i might have popped in and written a couple of posts in a day but i dont get around to doing my emails everyday. I dont see them posting about it though, they just wait till i get the time.
Chill out, life is to short to give a shit about whether people on the internet like you or not.