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Author Topic: What would you do if a look and go slapped your bum?  (Read 1715 times)


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What would you do if a look and go slapped your bum?
« on: 11 January 2024, 08:10:39 pm »
This happened to me a while ago. Bloke comes in and up to bedroom, slaps my arse gently (more like a heavy tap) and asks if a bank transfer is ok. I glower and kick him out. Would you have been angry? Because I was furious that he dared touch me before payment. If so, would you have swallowed your anger and just tell him to leave as I did? What I really wanted to do was slap him hard. I sometimes think I take things too seriously and I know that I'm easily offended so just wanted to ask the question. Thanks.


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Re: What would you do if a look and go slapped your bum?
« Reply #1 on: 11 January 2024, 09:10:16 pm »
This happened to me a while ago. Bloke comes in and up to bedroom, slaps my arse gently (more like a heavy tap) and asks if a bank transfer is ok. I glower and kick him out. Would you have been angry? Because I was furious that he dared touch me before payment. If so, would you have swallowed your anger and just tell him to leave as I did? What I really wanted to do was slap him hard. I sometimes think I take things too seriously and I know that I'm easily offended so just wanted to ask the question. Thanks.

Sounds patronising, do you accept bank transfer? What are your rules and boundaries?

English Green

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Re: What would you do if a look and go slapped your bum?
« Reply #2 on: 11 January 2024, 09:37:08 pm »
Sounds patronising, do you accept bank transfer? What are your rules and boundaries?

I would have thought to most men that are not there to assault someone's bum and leave with no payment and a grope would know these things are not on offer no matter what her rules and boundaries are.

It's only scum men that think touching someone in a private area without consent and then not paying up but using that excuse to get out of paying would think that is ok.

I would have been fuming too. They have zero right to touch your bum or boobs etc without consent and payment. Especially in today's society.


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Re: What would you do if a look and go slapped your bum?
« Reply #3 on: 11 January 2024, 09:40:29 pm »
Why do I sound patronizing, Mirror?


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Re: What would you do if a look and go slapped your bum?
« Reply #4 on: 11 January 2024, 10:07:24 pm »
Touching you is not ok.I would have accepted the transfer after slapping him!!
 I like bank transfers, they can’t be reversed ( see the cash in your account before any hanky lanky. Most transfers are instant. Don’t use PayPal).Money can’t be snatched back. If there is a problem with the client you have proof of visit with a name. No fake notes.Payment is immediate.
 It’s good for tax purposes, banks etc. I think ladies appear more professional as well(I can understand the reluctance for a newbie). Some of these men are not nice.
  Open a separate bank account for clients.


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Re: What would you do if a look and go slapped your bum?
« Reply #5 on: 11 January 2024, 10:11:02 pm »
Oh sorry, I see what you mean Mirror - that he sounds patronizing. I don't accept bank transfer but might do in the future with the way things are going. Oh my rules are payment first before you get  to handle my parts!! :).


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Re: What would you do if a look and go slapped your bum?
« Reply #6 on: 12 January 2024, 05:15:07 am »
Why do I sound patronizing, Mirror?

You don't, but he does.

Patronizing, controlling, bullying.

I do kiss on arrival but I've gotten a deposit or he's a regular client. Money handed over in first 5 minutes BUT if someone behaved as he did I would not be comfortable. I clearly state payment method 'cash on arrival' when the booking is made. Bank transfers must arrive 2 hours prior to avoid fiddling, apps not working, not enough signal etc plus I don't want to be putting my passwords in in front of clients/punters and I don't think they should in front of me either.
« Last Edit: 12 January 2024, 06:50:04 am by Mirror »


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Re: What would you do if a look and go slapped your bum?
« Reply #7 on: 12 January 2024, 09:18:29 am »
I don’t know what  I would do probably say something sarcastic like does it lol lilt my vagina is a atm 😂
But I do recommend that if you don’t take bank transfers then put  in a confirmation text that it’s cash only no bank transfers

When anyone contacts me for a booking even if it’s just an enquiry I always put in the inital text it’s cash only no bank transfer

It means the ones that want to pay this way know that they can’t and they either say ok or don’t book

I’m sure if I didn’t do this I would get a few people each week turning up expecting me to accept a bank transfer

English Green

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Re: What would you do if a look and go slapped your bum?
« Reply #8 on: 12 January 2024, 09:53:01 am »
That guy just used the bank transfer as an excuse as he knew she does not offer them.

I had someone come in tried to avoid paying by saying ok for shower and starting to try getting undressed i said i need the payment before and he then came out with the bullshit of sure give me your details for bank transfer. He was told on phone and text cash only and it is written on my profile. Sometimes you can scream cash cash cash only but if someone has bad intentions of taking the piss then they do not care they will ignore everything you said.


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Re: What would you do if a look and go slapped your bum?
« Reply #9 on: 12 January 2024, 10:30:59 am »
I once asked a client to leave because the second he got through the door, thought it was ok to slap my bum while closed the door behind us.

He looked absolutely dumbstruck that I took offence and asked him to leave. It was worth losing the money for.


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Re: What would you do if a look and go slapped your bum?
« Reply #10 on: 12 January 2024, 07:44:26 pm »
That guy just used the bank transfer as an excuse as he knew she does not offer them.

I had someone come in tried to avoid paying by saying ok for shower and starting to try getting undressed i said i need the payment before and he then came out with the bullshit of sure give me your details for bank transfer. He was told on phone and text cash only and it is written on my profile. Sometimes you can scream cash cash cash only but if someone has bad intentions of taking the piss then they do not care they will ignore everything you said.

I’ve not yet had anyone turn up without cash so far 

English Green

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Re: What would you do if a look and go slapped your bum?
« Reply #11 on: 12 January 2024, 09:19:18 pm »
I’ve not yet had anyone turn up without cash so far

He was obviously trying to scam me but never worked as i insist on the cash straight away so him rushing into bathroom getting comfy removing is outer clothing to get changed, never stopped me from saying no sorry you need to pay now.


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Re: What would you do if a look and go slapped your bum?
« Reply #12 on: 13 January 2024, 08:15:52 am »
That guy just used the bank transfer as an excuse as he knew she does not offer them.

I had someone come in tried to avoid paying by saying ok for shower and starting to try getting undressed i said i need the payment before and he then came out with the bullshit of sure give me your details for bank transfer. He was told on phone and text cash only and it is written on my profile. Sometimes you can scream cash cash cash only but if someone has bad intentions of taking the piss then they do not care they will ignore everything you said.

I can’t see that the OP said she told him she doesn’t accept bank transfer

But I agree that if someone has bad intentions that they will do what they want regardless
He shouldn’t have touched her before payment

English Green

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Re: What would you do if a look and go slapped your bum?
« Reply #13 on: 13 January 2024, 12:07:36 pm »
I do think RB1 that guys who only want to pay by transfer ask this on a text or phone call, even the ones that cannot be bothered to read your profile with the mention of cash only still ask this if they are genuine because most punters that use escorts know most accept only cash and small handful now do transfers.

I have read on warnings it can be the new look n go. Excuse where many women reported some piss takers that do this as an excuse to get a cheap thrill knowing the women states on her profile it is cash only. I suppose another excuse of sorry left my cash in the car be back in 1 minute.


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Re: What would you do if a look and go slapped your bum?
« Reply #14 on: 13 January 2024, 12:34:20 pm »
I do think RB1 that guys who only want to pay by transfer ask this on a text or phone call, even the ones that cannot be bothered to read your profile with the mention of cash only still ask this if they are genuine because most punters that use escorts know most accept only cash and small handful now do transfers.

I have read on warnings it can be the new look n go. Excuse where many women reported some piss takers that do this as an excuse to get a cheap thrill knowing the women states on her profile it is cash only. I suppose another excuse of sorry left my cash in the car be back in 1 minute.

It's happened to me unexpectedly twice, once a new client, once a repeat booker. Both had my details from paying their deposit, the problem is phone signal at location for first can vary. He just plonked himself down on the sofa said "I'll pay remainder by bank transfer", luckily went through smoothly. The other guy said "I always pay this way", this was incorrect he paid my deposit that way but had usually paid cash for the balance.

Bank transfer is easier for me than cash due to my location, but I want it all sorted before the booking to avoid any delays, issues with apps, signal etc as well as security. Several regulars pay by transfer sending either when they make their booking, or when they confirm their booking on the day. When accepting a booking from new client I send a text containing amount to pay "cash on arrival", this wasn't in the text when I accepted the two clients who sprang it on me.