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Author Topic: When to pull advertising?  (Read 3648 times)


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When to pull advertising?
« on: 03 August 2011, 02:58:36 pm »
I have been advertising with since early April. I have an ad with a picture.

I don't believe the ad has brought me any business so I've decided to cancel it. Especially as I've been swamped with other things and have stepped back from this business (I rarely even sign into AW at the moment) a lot recently so I'm not bringing any income in.  The ad is a monthly expense and I can hardly justify it if it isn't doing anything for me.

But, I'm hesitating before I pull the plug completely- is there some sort of time frame for these things? Is four months long enough? Is there any reason to believe it would be worthwhile to let it run another two months for an even 6?

Does anyone have any experience with the marketing side of this or any thoughts on the usefulness of paid for ads, maybe on particularly?  When I asked about cancelling I was told the ad is very active- if this is the case, is there something I should add to turn those views into bookings?


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Re: When to pull advertising?
« Reply #1 on: 03 August 2011, 03:04:14 pm »
First thought is 'they would say that, wouldn't they?'

Second thought is that you need a way of knowing where your bookings come from. Do you know where visitors to your site come from? If you put phone numbers on the ads, do you have a different one for each site / ask?

Third thought is that if you don't actually want the bookings that much, why pay for ads?
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."

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Re: When to pull advertising?
« Reply #2 on: 03 August 2011, 03:14:37 pm »
Thanks for your reply, XW5!  :D

To your first point- yes, I did think of that.  He said it had been viewed over 11,000 times. I guess that's good for four months?

Most of my bookings have come through AW. I'm not where some of the time wasters have come from, and one that didn't come from AW, I didn't enquire as it seemed a bit crass. Yes, I definitely need a good way to ascertain the information though...

Third- I do want the business, I just haven't been able to devote myself to webcamming and spending hours a day on it through AW. If I'm going to pay for advertising  at the moment, I want it to be doing the work for me. One booking would pay for 5 months of advertising, so even just a few bookings a month from it would be worth it.


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Re: When to pull advertising?
« Reply #3 on: 03 August 2011, 04:21:14 pm »
I stopped advertising with them a while back as I wasn't getting any bookings through them. And like you say it's a monthly expense you can do without. I may go back if I get more work, but right now I'm lucky to get 2 jobs a month!

Coty x


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Re: When to pull advertising?
« Reply #4 on: 03 August 2011, 04:37:53 pm »
He said it had been viewed over 11,000 times. I guess that's good for four months?

It wouldn't matter if it were 11,000,000 times if you didn't get any work out of it.

There's an ancient saying that half of a business's ad spend is wasted, but there's no way to know which half. Thanks to website log file info, there is a way.
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."

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Re: When to pull advertising?
« Reply #5 on: 03 August 2011, 05:42:25 pm »
Sorry, missed your post, Coty. That is important to know. And, really, even if it had gotten me a few bookings, I'm not sure I'd keep it as when I'm active on AW I get plenty of bookings + cam work without having to fork out advertising fees.  Thank you!

XW5- Would establishing website log file info be privileged information?  :-* I can't work out how to track where my visitors are coming from. I've installed something by google but it just seems impossibly complicated. I've spent hours trying to learn how to do things on my website and never seem to come up any more knowledgable, just more confused!

« Last Edit: 03 August 2011, 05:50:23 pm by Adamas »


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Re: When to pull advertising?
« Reply #6 on: 03 August 2011, 06:14:52 pm »
I used to advertise on Punternet, but then I found out a way of seeing where all my hits came from.  The majority came from Punterlink, with AW not far behind.  The majority of the remaining hits came via other ladies' blogs  :)

When I ask my new clients where they found me, most find me via a Google search for escorts in my area, with a large number also finding me via AW.  I can count on one finger the clients I received via Punternet.

I think Punternet is more London-centric and if I was London-based I would probably advertise there, but I came to the conclusion that it just wasn't worth it.

Anika Mae

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Re: When to pull advertising?
« Reply #7 on: 03 August 2011, 06:18:23 pm »
Google Analytics should do the job fine. Can you log into the dashboard and see some wiggly lines? If so then you're most of the way there. Click on "traffic sources" from the top menu in the left side-panel, and you'll see your main sources of traffic. You can then select "referring sites" if you want to specifically investigate which directories are sending you traffic. If this doesn't work for you I can try to explain further.


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Re: When to pull advertising?
« Reply #8 on: 03 August 2011, 07:24:18 pm »
Thanks, Angela and Anika! That is a great help, both for the decision and for figuring out where my traffic is coming from.  :-*


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Re: When to pull advertising?
« Reply #9 on: 03 August 2011, 07:30:20 pm »
Thanks, Angela and Anika! That is a great help, both for the decision and for figuring out where my traffic is coming from.  :-*

Anika's good with t'internet stuff  :), I'm a bit rubbish and only stumbled across my site's stats by mistake!  Google Analytics sounds great if you can get it to work.


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Re: When to pull advertising?
« Reply #10 on: 03 August 2011, 11:17:05 pm »
You should be able to see for yourself how many views your PN ad has had, I can when I log in x