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Author Topic: What do you tell people you do?  (Read 4873 times)


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What do you tell people you do?
« on: 29 October 2007, 07:04:43 pm »
This is a question for the wg's who haven't told their friends and families what they do.  What do you say you do?

My husband is worried about people finding out.  It's not really a huge problem from the off because I already work full-time during the day and part-time in the evening.  When I give up my part-time job we'll just say that he had a pay rise so I didn't need to work part-time any more.  I'll just work evenings and weekends at first to see how it goes.  But if it goes well and I give up my day job, how do I explain that - what will I tell my family I'm doing - my husband definitely doesn't want anyone to know (not even family).

Just wondering what other people tell their friends and family when they're not telling the truth?


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Re: What do you tell people you do?
« Reply #1 on: 29 October 2007, 07:11:26 pm »
This is also made more tricky by the fact that we have a large, close family.  Plus my Mum plays big part in my life and phones me at work a couple of times a day!  Love her to bits but she's nosey and clever and if I'm going to tell a lie it had better be a good one.


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Re: What do you tell people you do?
« Reply #2 on: 30 October 2007, 03:21:52 pm »
Depending on how long you're considering doing evenings and weekends, could you say you're studying for something like counselling or financial sales?

Both of these can have high 'per hour' earnings combined with the irregular hours / fluctuations in income. With counselling, you can have the client confidentiality boundary as a way to say 'I can't tell you', and sensible financial advisers do not do anything business related with friends and family in case whatever they advise goes wrong.

If neither of those are plausible with your personality, find something else that leads people to back off. Say you're doing multi-level marketing or worse pyramid schemes, and for only ten grand they can join your 'downline' :)


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Re: What do you tell people you do?
« Reply #3 on: 31 October 2007, 08:04:02 am »
you could allways mention that you do telemarketing(in the evening to start off with) its so bloody boring that no one would question you about it
and thats when most telemarkets call (in the evening when you are having dinner watching telly


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Re: What do you tell people you do?
« Reply #4 on: 01 November 2007, 09:11:36 am »
telemarketing .. no one would question you about it

Yeah, it's only one step up from 'I perform experiments on rabbits for cosmetic companies' or 'I club baby seals' as a conversation stopper :)


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Re: What do you tell people you do?
« Reply #5 on: 01 November 2007, 10:37:56 am »
Thanks guys -  you're great and you make me smile.

I'm going to go with the telemarketing and I think I might really do a course in counselling, then if and I when I do this full-time that will be the perfect cover as it does fit with my personality.
