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Author Topic: What to wear!!!  (Read 2312 times)


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What to wear!!!
« on: 02 April 2009, 03:22:39 am »
Hi I am a new escort and I just wondering what you wear to your appointments, or bring to change into.  I just started so I don't have too much money to spend on sexy clothes or lingerie,  so I wanna look hot without spending a ton.  Any advice?  Thanks!


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Re: What to wear!!!
« Reply #1 on: 02 April 2009, 10:27:01 am »
Well I buy all my undies from Primark or Lasenze, primark you can get a nice set for a fiver and thats what I did when i first started they sell hold ups aswell which are worth stocking up on at a few quid.  For outcalls to home addresses I tell the client I will be arriving casual (when i first started I didn't) and turn up in some nice jeans or trousers with a dress to change into if needed, hotels I don't mind arriving in a dress and for incalls its normally a dress aswell or the business look skirt, heels, blouse which you can't really go wrong with. 
You don't need tons of make up on especially and that can rub onto clients clothes and you can always buy nicer things when you are earning.

Hope this helps.


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Re: What to wear!!!
« Reply #2 on: 02 April 2009, 11:20:22 am »
I agree that you really don't need more than one or two sets to get started - I tend to have fads on a particular outfit and wear it incessantly until something else takes over! The only time you really need other things is if a certain colour, say, is requested (I get asked for all-white or red sometimes) but this really isn't that common IME, the most common request I find is for stockings and suspenders (and whilst I'm a confirmed FF girl, which isn't cheap, the vast majority don't know and don't care about the difference - Stockings HQ is brilliant and sells great suspender belts as well).

I can't wear holdups because the sticky stuff gives me a rash and I find that clients don't like them, but obviously not everyone's clients are the same! With summer coming, bare legs are as good as anything unless you've been requested otherwise (and keep a couple of pairs of tights handy - I have guys who like these too).

From an outerwear point of view I wear a plain black pencil skirt and either a silk blouse or a button-up cardigan (with jumper if its freezing), or a nice dress in summer - the black stuff is habit really because I can have a pile of separates that go with each other so I don't have to think about it! And wear heels, even if you take them with you and carry some flat pumps in your bag to wear for travelling.

Agree completely about makeup - I hardly wear any and your client won't thank you for foundation streaks on his clothes.

Good luck and let us know how you get on!

Anika Mae

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Re: What to wear!!!
« Reply #3 on: 02 April 2009, 11:55:23 am »
I wear whatever I feel like that day as long as it's presentable, and some nice lingerie underneath.

The most common request is for stockings. If you don't have a suspender belt then SHQ is indeed great, but a cheap bedroom one will do if money's tight.

The only other requests I get with any regularity are for uniforms and fetish stuff, so when you've got into the swing of things you can get a pvc dress and whatever uniform you can wear without feeling like a pillock.

Welsh Lass

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Re: What to wear!!!
« Reply #4 on: 03 April 2009, 11:12:25 am »
Stockings. I would def invest in stockings and a suspender belt. It's the most common thing I am asked for.
You can get the cheap stockings to be going on with but you will not use them more than twice. They will ladder easily.
The cheap ones are worth it when your starting out and have little cash to spare. They get you through the first few weeks.
If you get a black suspender belt and look for underwear in all the places already said here, Primark and so on, try TXMaxx, they are cheap as well, try to get underwear that has some black in it, red and black, green and black, then you can use the suspender belt with those and not have to buy a new one to match all the time.
You will soon be able to get more stuff, you really will. I was the same as you when I started out so don;t worry too much about it.
Good luck
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Re: What to wear!!!
« Reply #5 on: 27 June 2009, 09:00:52 pm »


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Re: What to wear!!!
« Reply #6 on: 27 June 2009, 10:46:34 pm »
Stockings are a must definitely although i must admit i tend to wear hold ups generally and only put proper stockings on when specifically asked as i find them very fiddly to put on.

I like Jasper Conran at debenhams for hold ups because they have a wide lace band and 'hold in' the top part of your thigh better,thin bands tend to lead to bits poking over the sides even if your slim,not a good look!

La Senza is great for underwear,they very often have sales on and you can get lovely lingerie and great prices. I find there sizes very small however,I'm an 8 but i always have to buy a 10 in their knickers (and i know other WGs who have found the same thing)  EBay is fab for finding lingerie as well,i get some great bargains but you have to do quite a bit of trawling sometimes.

Invest in some sexy high heels as well,they don't have to be expensive (i love New look and garage shoes) if you get them in black they will go with lots of different outfits.

For outer wear i tend to favour pencil skirts and blouses or a nice galaxy style dress or similar,something that is sexy without being OTT and you wont raise eyesbrows if you are going into a hotel. I really think it is important to dress like you are a lady because then your clients will treat you as such. If you dress in an overtly tarty manner then that's the way you will be seen I'm afraid.

Most importantly,dress in a way your co mfrtable with,if you aren't relaxed clients will pick up on it.


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Re: What to wear!!!
« Reply #7 on: 28 June 2009, 01:14:47 am »
I don't tend to wear any panties (ever), so I don't wear them with clients unless they ask me to. I wear a nice bra though. Aside from that, I dress however I like -- usually like a quite normal person -- and if the client would like something different, then they must request that. Otherwise it's just jeans and a t-shirt and a nice bra. I know that isn't very exciting, but my clients seem to like my girl next door look.