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Author Topic: What do u say to a guy in real life when trying to fish him as a client?  (Read 882 times)


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How do you approach a guy in real life


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How do you approach a guy in real life

Look up “freestyling” tips on here… there is threads already just can’t find them to link right now

Other than in very specific circumstances like at a posh hotel bar in known areas of a big city, I’d be careful about approaching anyone in real life to be honest

I can only speak for my area in which I don’t think there is very many great freestyling spots honestly  and the big hotels which are known places to work have really cracked down on this recently, such as only allowing you to buy a drink if you give your room number, no longer accepting cash etc. etc.

I’m too much of a worrier I’d be concerned that I approach the wrong guy and get in a trouble situation tbf. Also how tf are you screening properly ?

I like to see their feedback and check phone numbers with other local ladies, see if anyone else has booked before … you can’t do that IRL. Someone who freestyles will be able to answer this better tho  :D


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