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Author Topic: Do you put your contact number on your website or are you email-only?  (Read 2044 times)


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I'm debating whether I should put my contact number back on my website, because I just don't want to deal with TWs over the phone (In the past, I have had more than one guy call just to hear my voice just in time to finish himself EWW LOL :P)..Email TWs are way easier to deal with in my opinion.

The problem is, since I have taken down my phone number this past week, I haven't gotten neither emails or calls. My logic was to have just a contact form on my site to promote advanced bookings, and once I verify the client, I would call him.

The other reason might be the length of my reservation form. It might be intimidating. Could you ladies check it out? I feel that almost all of that info is needed for verification. Ladies who go by email only: Do you get only basic info initially to contact them and then conduct a phone screening?

Do you think supplying your phone number helps with inquiries or, increases the occurrences of TWs?


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I used to be email only but found adding my number really increased my business by approx 400% over the last 6 months

Sadly time wasters just go with the territory I think. I had one today dangling a 4 hour booking over me if I would only give him some teasing texts to read as he drove home. When I text him saying he probably shouldn't be reading texts while driving he replied "I'll just have a tug then" which is fair enough. (If anyone noticed a lot of traffic or an accident around Sunderland this afternoon we know why!) You just have to ignore them.

If possible I would really recommend a smart phone or android phone, I love that my HTC remembers convos so if a timewaster I forget to black list texts I can point out exactly how much of an ass he made of himself last time. You can also download call blocking/black listing apps and text management apps for free from the market place that make life a little easier.

As to your form, it is a little on the hefty side, you could always ask "how did you find me" and everything after that once you answer the request? Also it's a really nice site, but it took a long time  to load for me on both explorer and google chrome. Most punters seem to have the attention span of a gnat, so that may need looking at. (sorry to be over critical!)



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Thanks for the reply. The page loading for me isn't lightning fast either, but I pegged it up to it being a completely flash site..I took out all the unimportant questions ('like where did you find me' and uploading an optional picture). I also condensed two questions and made the form "smaller"--no gap between the last question and the "send" button, which makes it look like less work to fill out! LOL Hopefully that helps.

I haven't advertised my phone on any of my ads over the internet, so I will have to go back and change them if that means I will get more inquiries. Its just that me being newly indi, I have no clue in how to "screen" but not act like I'm interviewing them for a job lol.

I'm sure it has been asked already, but how do you ladies handle phone screenings?
« Last Edit: 22 July 2011, 09:52:47 pm by TatianeXoXo »


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I do have my contact number on my site, but I don't answer it often and encourage people to email their initial enquiries; most of them do but it varies. I get very few timewasters ringing but I think that's more because my advertising is pretty no nonsense and I daresay it puts them off. One thing I would suggest if you have a smartphone is downloading one of the call blocking things which are widely available - I've just upgraded my phones so I'm using my old BlackBerry for work, and never having to reach for it only to see that it's withheld number or 'Wanker 1, TextTwat 4, 3.37 am 14 June' or whoever is bliss.

Your situation is a bit different to that of most of the ladies here, so as far as the reservation form goes it's going to be pretty alien to most of us as prostitution is legal in the UK and we don't have to bother with such convoluted faffing about (and it obviously gives you another reason to be more careful on the telephone, since anything you say which could be construed as offering sex for money could get you arrested).

I worked in New York earlier this year and I'm familiar with the screening and verification processes as well as the screening sites and reference system, but I'll be honest, I think it's a bit over the top. How keen the local law enforcement is will vary wildly from state to state, so I would keep as much of the identity/occupation checks as you need to make you feel comfortable (and have a look at what other local ladies have on their sites too) but the physical description/photo stuff is completely unnecessary and I can see that putting a lot of punters off. They are paying good money not to be judged on their appearance, after all - do you plan to turn potential clients down if you don't find them appealing, and if not, why bother asking about it on your form?

Without knowing what Chicago is like, I would maybe give clients the option of providing two different verification methods (say a workplace check and then one of the others). Otherwise, keep it but I would simplify everything else. You just need to know when they want to book you and how long for, after all.

And I also found it took ages to load - Flash sites don't work on phones either. I'm not techy, but is there any way you could add an HTML version too?
« Last Edit: 22 July 2011, 09:51:23 pm by amy »


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People will timewaste via email too, well in my opinion anyway - unless it's just naiivety at play (which I think some of it is too). Things like pingponging questions, asking in more and more depth exactly what you will do expecting you to sit at the pc all afternoon answering immediately - can  you have sex on the bed, when can he undress you, how will he get undressed, can he have oral first, what will happen after that, and after that, can he go down on your before undressing, can you send some more pictures, or some of a particular body part. I'm not entirely sure what the end user gets from it, but it's pretty boring and unnecessary if it's done out of sheer nervousness (which sometimes it can be but most ladies would have switched off by then), but I also have a feeling someone is often sat there having a laugh too.

I like email because it means I can answer when I have chance, and that the phone isn't constantly ringing with calls (which is nice but not very practical). Only issue I have is that folks will email with short notice enquiries, which unless you happen to be right at the pc, or able to type several emails back and forth generally isn't great for getting something arranged in a quick, easy, simple and relaxed manner. And with all the goodwill in the world, IBlackberries and Iphones do not always receive email instantly. Instead you are both hovering over the keyboard for twenty minutes, bashing out the details when a 2 minute conversation would get the ball rolling, and everyone on their way to a sweet meeting.

So that's my take on email!


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Oh I agree completely when it comes to short notice appointments, and if I took them I would expect to find that a far more significant percentage of my work came from phone calls - I'm quite happy for clients I've already met to text me too. But since the whole booking process in the OP's situation is more protracted and doesn't really lend itself to making arrangements quickly I don't think it would be as important there.

The main thing is for everybody to find a way which suits the way they work, whatever that is. But we're fortunate that we don't have legal aspects to consider and I would be loath to take phone bookings without an introductory email first if I was based in the US.


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Well, one aspect of my booking procedure is adding at least one rather arbitrary instruction just to test a client's willingness to follow instruction and his seriousness about meeting me. Obviously I don't tell them to get in a helicopter and call me while hovering over Buckingham Palace (if I can't hear the queen's voice in the background, I won't take his booking! ;D) so I keep it simple and flexible - I always request a second phonecall for confirmation at a particular time, for example. Timewasters seem to hate following instructions so they forget all about you as soon as they discover you're not going to be easy to trick into phonesex, and potentially-genuine but disrespectful clients obviously don't give a damn about your rules or safety procedures, too - so if he doesn't call back at the right time, his appointment goes to someone more considerate and no amount of whining fixes a bad first impression. (If they have some sort of genuine-sounding reason, then of course I'm open to them perhaps calling again another day. But generally I don't try to make every caller into a client - I just try to make it easy for timewasters and wankers to get bored/frustrated so they give up.)

Anyway! Why not advertise a phone number (I know certain US ad sites are a total pain to use :-\) but then never spend too long on the phone - just tell callers that you are indeed genuine and looking for dates or whatever silly euphamism, but he just needs to pop on over to your website and send you some details if he'd like to arrange something. And if he has any questions, he can just pop them all into a single email which you'll answer when you're free later.

If he tries to keep you on the phone after that, he's a bad egg. Real clients know that random silly phone chat is unwanted and unnecessary. Genuine clients will be happy to follow your instructions cos they want to pay to bang you ASAP. :)
Disclosure: The other person behind


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Your reservation form reminds me, once again, how lucky we are to be working within the law in the UK. I just pray it stays that way.

I really don't understand the need for the physical description and agree with Amy that it could be off-putting. I can understand you may want to be certain that the man that shows up is indeed the same one you have references for, but surely this is something that could be left until an appointment is confirmed?

Having had no experience of working in the States I couldn't begin to say whether it's a good idea to publish a contact number. In the UK however I've found business increased greatly when I added my mobile number. Funnily enough I get more time wasters writing emails than I do calling my phone. 


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You could hire an assistant who answers your phone calls and you could deal with your email enquiries yourself.  Its a completely different kettle of fish in the US and so maybe you should ask advice on a US forum to see what they suggest there.  I personally know a woman who was busted in Chicago and deported back to Europe after spending a bit of a spell in the clink.  I hear Chicago is one of the harsher cities in terms of Law Enforcement going after the ladies so you really need to have your A game on there


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I think TWs come with the territory, if I'm honest. I take about 15 calls a day, and over 50% are people wasting my time, calling to finish themselves of, or just asking very odd questions.