Hi Roxymae
You do undoubtedly need a separate phone, some proper advertising and all the rest, but please before you do anything else read through the
main SAAFE site completely - it contains a great deal of information for newbies and will help you decide how you want to work, advertise and most importantly inform you about aspects of health, personal safety and security and tax which you may not have thought of. Do not give money to any 'agency' which asks you for an upfront fee - they are scams.
Prostitution is not a licence to print money and you need to prepare and run your business properly like anyone else if you are to be successful - it is VERY hard work indeed and not for everyone. Have a read through the articles and bring your specific questions back here and we can help.
For what it's worth, Adultwork is worth joining for a free kickstart but it dwindles to virtually nothing after a few months unless you are prepared to spend a considerable amount of money on it. They also have a 'New Member Alert' facility to inform punters when new profiles are added which can make you a target for the unscrupulous, because they know you will be green. You don't have to build a website yourself - if you are not techy you can get a template site built very cheaply and have the SEO/promotion sorted for you as well; Google doesn't rank free sites unless you have your own domain. And if you have a digital camera, you can take some photos - they'll be fine and there are threads kicking about on here with tips.
Good luck and welcome to SAAFE!