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Author Topic: What are the potential downsides to working as a duo with another escort?  (Read 4161 times)


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I love duos, I started out this way, being mentored (yes exceptionally lucky) and introduced to other ladies clients before going solo.
You absolutely have to respect a code of conduct in my opinion, for example not give out your number to the client without asking who's booking it is first, even then I'd be very reluctant. Give priority to her as a 'hostess' almost introducing you as 'the new girl' to play with, using it as role play at times. Its endless the fun you can have with another girl to plot scenarios and team up to create fantasies. BUT I have to genuinely get on with my duo girl to turn that ordinary booking into a memorable one.
Otherwise I'd rather go solo.
I always meet prospective duo partners first for coffee, its essential for my clients that I can confidently reccomend them. To be groomed or dressed a certain way or act how they would like, its like interviewing each other - same thing - its a job. Its another area where your intuition is needed.
Like in any business arrangement, choose your partners to suit the needs of your client and booking. Do they like two girls of similar build, bust, colouring and demeanour or do they want a contrast. Its intuitive.
I am in the mature bracket so I think age does help suss out potential trouble makers easier. Take nothing personaly and my policy is one strike of bad behaviour and they are more duos with me, there is no space for games or drama. That wouldn't suit my clientelle and reflect badly on me.
As I am now semi retired and only see longstanding regulars, its more important than ever.
Find and meet a few good girls you can work with, help each other out, trust a little, be kind but don't trust too much with anything irretrievable physically or emotionally. Its worked brilliantly for me, and has been invaluable.
« Last Edit: 29 January 2014, 01:51:36 am by mim33 »


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I have never done a duo, but one of the best people i met out here in oz is a sex worker and we met because i was new here and emailed her asking to be her friend have someone who understood the job ect  (i know but i was lonely ok). We didn't start out being extremely open with each other however as time went on we began to trust and know alot about each other and are really good friends. for example Me, her, my bf and her daughter all went out for dinner together last night.

She is really really lovely. Don't believe everyone out there is going to f*ck you over but be weary. As many of the other ladies have already said, you sound like you have seen a change in her, and that your not comfortable with her. go with your gut. don't be friends with someone useless you like them dont work with someone unless you can trust them.

and when your naked and have hundreds of pounds in cash helps to trust them.

hope it works out for you xx

Formally known as Mia-may however I have changed my name (and whole escorting persona) for personal reasons, hope you all don't mind :D

The Bachelor

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Re: What are the potential downsides to working as a duo with another escort?
« Reply #17 on: 01 February 2014, 02:07:42 am »
Being a male escort...I just haven't found other male escorts to be even remotely considerable to do a duo with.

I don't mean to suggest that everyone has an intent to screw each other over...but I've often found merely getting to KNOW other escorts have raised brows. They can be friendly and may be open to talk lots initially, but then you start to see they are really just trying to learn about you from a competitor's standpoint...and be able to size you up, compare whether they are getting the same amount of business of not, etc.

Once they determine and milk all the information from you that they need, you'll find very often they fall to the wayside. And I would never want to have a true falling out with an escort I worked with. One guy was being so friendly nosey, I had to tell him a couple of times "that's not your business". Asking if I pay taxes, and then trying to illicit fear in me when I told him about a situation that had nothing to do with escorting.

I've been working alone for 5-6 years, and haven't found any reason to work with someone else. Non. Not 1 iota.


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Hi Ladies (^ and gents)

I thought i would update this post as quite some time has passed and i got my closure on the matter. Absolute bloody nightmare! Just like i'd expected and just like most of you had warned me. I found out from one of the clients that she'd actually confronted him about paying me more attention on a duo and been a real arse about it. She didn't say anything to me personally but had made a point of getting in touch with him to vent her frustrations.

I clearly couldn't trust her and following that i wanted no more to do with her so cut her loose whilst remaining civil then had a whole new set of problems from her during the time we didn't speak. There was no argument when we went our separate ways but my god did she turn out to be nasty and vindictive. I'll not specify exactly what happened because i don't know if she reads the forum at all and i don't want to be identified by her, but she could've made me lose my child doing what she did, a very spiteful act indeed.

I don't associate with other escorts anymore, if i've got something to offload or something i'm curious about i just come on saafe instead (notice the increase in my posts since this one lol) and the chat, advice and support is much better, with no associated bullshit on the side  ;D

I've learned from this experience that it's better to keep to myself completely in regards to 'the real me' and potential 'friends' in the industry, it's just not worth the potential (and evident) hassle in the long run.

I'm glad others manage to discover genuine friendships in other WG's though, obviously not everybody is like her or the other backstabbing ones that the ladies have mentioned in the thread  :)


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Hey everybody,

I work independently and although i am professional and responsible about the way i conduct my business there are still aspects of the industry that i am naive to. I've joined the forum to gather a little bit of advice regarding a situation i am in at the moment.

 Just lately, i have been taking bookings with another escort as a duo after we got talking and seemingly had a lot on common other than our chosen profession, so we thought it'd be a great idea to team up. The girl i am working with has worked with several girls in the past but the impression i get is that she doesn't think too highly of them now, i'm not sure why as i've not pressed the matter but after getting to know her a little better i've detected an air of bitchiness about her and now i'm not all that sure weather or not i can trust her. I'm also now aware that she tells her husband literally everything, including things that other people say to her including me - as one of my comments were relayed back to me which, although wasn't entirely personal, was something me and her were discussing that i didn't expect to be repeated.

Being an open person, and until this point having had no friends in the industry whom i could relate to/talk to, i was relatively open with her and she knows my real name, area i live in etc. Could i of made a big mistake here? She is fairly open about her escorting however i am not - i'm a fair bit younger than she is and my friends and family wouldn't be as accepting of it so i try to keep it to myself as much as possible.

A longstanding client has warned me not to get too involved with other working girls for a number of reasons, they didn't elaborate and now i'm curious as to what he could of meant. When i first became 'friends' with this girl the last thing on my mind was "What if she screws me over in the long run?" because naively, being an escort talking to an escort, i naturally assumed i could trust her as she was in a similar boat to me.

Outside of my escorting world - i'm a college student with regular friends, hobbies etc. I would be mortified if people were to find out what i do and i can't help but worry that i may of made a mistake by getting involved with this girl.

Has anybody had any negative experiences as a result of working as a twosome or getting friendly with other working girls? If so what could be the associated risks other than the obvious one of her outing me if i happen to piss her off one day. I'm a member on AW and have read several blogs referring to 'keeping themselves to themselves' and not working with other females .

Please do excuse my naivety as i'm young (19) and relatively new to the industry, this is my first working 'friend'.

Any replies/advice/guidance would be more than welcome

Thank you in advance  :-*

Lou x

Two faced springs to mind. She bad mouths others so could be about you to others as well. You get people like that even more so in this business. Remember jealousy...... Listen to you gutt feeling before you get hurt.


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I am sorry you had this crap experience. :(

I feel so fortunate to have met someone who I get along with really well, and trust completely. We've never done duo's because we've such different styles, but we have shared a flat for a time and still work quite near each other, so we meet up and socialise sometimes. It's a real blessing to have someone in the industry to be friends with.


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If you're keeping your job secret, you need to keep your private life secret. If she gossips, your clients could end up knowing your home address - you definitely dont want that. I wouldnt socialise with working girls because thats your personal have a 'working name' for a reason, its sort of putting on an act. When you go home at the end of the day, that 'working girl' skin has been shed. Its about emotionally protecting yourself, as women it can be hard to do.