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Author Topic: WG Social Security Fraud and non payment of tax  (Read 4347 times)


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WG Social Security Fraud and non payment of tax
« on: 21 November 2007, 01:57:13 am »
Hi newbie to the forum so sorry for grammer etc. Long story short, I started escorting last year off my own website independently, and very stupidly didn't register to pay tax. (I did not claim any benefits while escorting) Then after a couple of months of working as an indie, after previously working in parlours I met my now EX who accepted my 'Profession' (Obvious why the Lazy Bastard!)So not wanting to feel totally used by this so called man I hardly 'worked' while we were together until things came to a head in March and I finally freed myself from his grip (Literally!) No laughing matter as he was violent and cruel sorry to be vague but I am now being investigated by the social security fraud team for claiming income support from march 2007 until september 2007, and I'm so worried about this. I've had a taped interview and admitted to seeing at least 1 client in the 6 mths I was in receipt of benefit as they had evidence of my website, blogs on it and dates I have updated it. Now I know I had seen a few  clients in this time because I had to wait a long time for my 1st payment which was because I genuinely couldnt work at this time and had even doctors letters to prove this and hospital letters. I then didnt recieve payment when it was due the next few times and also had accumulated a large amount of debt because I was late paying the minimum off my bills and interest had been added on then passed over to debt collection agencies. Now only a few months later I am in ?22000 debt, Facing bankruptcy and have had my car reposessed. I am still being investigated by the fraud team, What else for I dont know as I only claimed benefits for them few months and have unpaid debts fines and rent from the beggining of the year with no savings. I just want to know if any other WGS have been through a similar experience and have come through the other side! I just need some advice cos I feel so alone with this and now I am worried about the fact I havent paid tax for the last 3 years since starting as a WG and if they will be investigating me next..(can't even go back to working as WG at the moment cos I'm back with my parents ashamedly! 3 years of being a WG with much bigger debts and possible prosecution for fraud and maybe some headlines in the local press about me!) sorry if my post doesn't make to much sense Any advice or moral support really appreciated!!


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Re: WG Social Security Fraud and non payment of tax
« Reply #1 on: 22 November 2007, 11:01:44 am »
Firstly have a hug! It must feel quite daunting at the moment for you.

Secondly I am sure you are not alone. I have spoken to a few girls over the years who have either been caught working and signing and/or have grown huge debts. The problem with this job is that it is easy to look at our hourly rate and then look at a pair of shoes for ?80 and think - "ah thats only a half hours work"....its easy to put hotel bookings on credit cards and then at the end of a tour think "I've made ?1000" and then go and spend it without paying off your card when really after the expense of travel, accomodation, food etc, your profit is ?750 hence you over spend by ?250 and leave an ever increasing balance on the credit card which attracts interest etc etc.

Firstly for your debts, I'd get down to the Citzens Advice Bureau and ask to see a specialist debt adviser. You need to take a deep breathe and write down ALL your debts and outgoings in their gory detail to get a real good picture of where you are at. The CAB have templates for letters to send to creditors asking them to freeze the interest and work out payment plans etc etc. The money saving expert site can be a real useful resource too:

As for the beneft fraud bit, my experience (from working in benefit offices I might add) is that they rarely prosecute. They have targets and want to get cases closed.  My advice is to be honest and make their job easier and the probability is that you will just be put on a payment plan to pay back anything you have been over paid. Explain your financial sitation and the monthly repayment amount should be very small.

As for the tax man, well I am afraid he is a very different kettle of fish. Get them on your back and they are hard to shake and they tend to decide how much they want from you and its then up to you to disprove them hence I thoroughly recommend all girls to declare their earnings, especially when you show your face or have your website registered in your own name, as this job is ripe for Mr Tax Man to have a field day. That said, Government bodies are not well known for their joined-upness so its unlikely that the social will bring in the tax man so you may be lucky  that score.

You really are not alone though, certainly as regards the debt aspect, but well done you for facing up to it all and I wish you all the best.


« Last Edit: 22 November 2007, 06:28:28 pm by Sarah Jane »


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Re: WG Social Security Fraud and non payment of tax
« Reply #2 on: 22 November 2007, 05:45:29 pm »
I really feel for you, now as usual SJ has coverd everything in great detail, but if i can add a few things

re the benefits, as has been said, be honest, at the end of the day thier main interest is getting the money back, and as you say its only a few months its not a great amount, so its unlikley they will make a big fuss of it

now the tax, i know next to nothing, but found this link which may help

as your living with your parents, its a big step, but i would actually look into the bankrupcy option, but do get professional advice, there are so many rules and situations, i couldnt possibly list them here, but you can be discharged in as little as 12 months, depending on individual circumstances etc etc, and it doesnt now carry the same stigma it once would

I know it looks bad at the moment, but things really arnet that bad, give it time and it will all be a bad memory

« Last Edit: 22 November 2007, 05:47:12 pm by anjali »


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Re: WG Social Security Fraud and non payment of tax
« Reply #3 on: 25 November 2007, 02:36:26 pm »
you can perhaps talk things through with Welfare rights adviser (you may need someone who can represent you) or if you check the SPANKING NEW "resource section" over SAAFE, you can see whether you got an organisation supporting working girls (usually called SWOP) nearby you can get support from.  :-*

Claiming benefits like council tax or income based benefits whilst working and your financial status no longer meets the criteria receiving these state benefit that can throw you into a boiling hot water   :o


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Re: WG Social Security Fraud and non payment of tax
« Reply #4 on: 25 November 2007, 05:01:20 pm »
dont know if its any help, but i was listenging to this guy at 3am on talksport

he certainly sounded helpful


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Re: WG Social Security Fraud and non payment of tax
« Reply #5 on: 05 January 2008, 01:01:56 am »
Thankyou for all your replies and sorry I've taken so long to Thank you. Been burying my head in the sand with everything again! New year now though and time to face up to my responsibilities! I was a bit worried I'd recieve negative replies for being a "benefit cheat" but I am grateful for your supportive attitudes here on saafe and I've now put into perspective what seemed like a major catastrophe a couple of months ago!! Again I can't thankyou enough or apologise for my late apology!!! 
                                             A very Happy and safe new year to all WG'S out there!
                                                           Hugs and kisses destiny xoxoxo