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Author Topic: Went On a Tour With a New Duo Partner - Scared She Might Hurt My Family  (Read 2339 times)


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I recently went on a tour with a new girl. We met previously one time, the second time we agreed to go on a quick tour to a nearby city where I live.

So, I ended up being the one driving since she doesn't drive and she didn't want to take the transit she said it was too sketchy. Not to sound cocky, but this tour I ended up being pretty busy. I know it's usually hit or miss but so the last night we were there, she was complaining on how she hasn't been as busy and she's hinting that it's dead and it's really clear she wants to go home. She's almost crying because she wants to leave early and go back and see her boyfriend. Obviously, I don't want to. Plus, I was thinking, we are already here, might as well wait it out, right, that was the whole point, to work, make $$, then leave? I didn't say much, but we clearly weren't seeing eye to eye, and we both went back to our rooms. I should also add she's pretty new to the scene, she has been escorting for 2 years and she's 20 years old and I have been escorting for 3 years and I'm in my mid twenties (I don't know if age can be a determining factor for maturity here lol).

Around 8:30pm, I go out to my car to go get some food, and it looks like the back of my car got keyed. It has the worst perfect star or snowflake shaped key marks on both sides of my back bumper. Obviously, this was her doing. I came back to the hotel and parked my car where there are cameras but it's clear at this point she's just not someone to be trusted, we were briefly talking about moving in and sharing a place together to minimize costs but, this will thankfully never happen. And of course, she posts on twitter that she ended up being booked and getting flowers and so now there's the assumption that I'm the bad guy but like really, what are the odds of that happening? The first night we went to the bar together, we were there because my overnight cancelled 3 hours in, so it was my idea to go out and have a few glasses of wine and while being drunk, we ended up following each other on instagram and I guess she now knows my real name. Luckily, when I checked out, the rooms were under her name so I now know her real name too.

I guess my question is, since I don't know her boyfriend, is there any way I can protect my family from this? I'm just really scared, with her knowing my real name, luckily she doesn't know exactly where I live but at the same time, I don't know her boyfriend. I think he might be a drug dealer of some sort but I could be wrong. I dropped her off at her boyfriend's when we went home, but now I just don't trust her. I'm just scared like, what if she somehow finds where my parents or where my sibling lives? You can easily find them on Facebook and I know you can't do much about that but there's also my information on there as well. The whole hitman thing isn't really popular in Canada, and the city I live isn't one of the biggest cities, crime isn't as bad, etc. But I don't know. Am I looking too deep into this? Am I thinking I'm a little too special in this particular situation?

Any advice?
« Last Edit: 02 September 2019, 07:20:03 am by jellib33 »
From the weird, weird west :p


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Re: Went On a Tour With a New Duo Partner - Scared She Might Hurt My Family
« Reply #1 on: 02 September 2019, 07:41:01 am »
Hitman  :o ...why would she want you killed? Is she a psychopath or something? How do you know for sure that she damaged your car?


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Re: Went On a Tour With a New Duo Partner - Scared She Might Hurt My Family
« Reply #2 on: 02 September 2019, 08:25:13 am »
I’m slightly puzzled  by this post? Is there a  paragraph missing or something
You’re concerned  that she knows your real name and what if she finds out where your parents live? yet you know her real name also and exactly where her bf lives.
If you’re really concerned get rid of your Facebook profile!
I don’t think you are mature for your mid 20’s as state you are?
Sorry but I really don’t get any of this


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Re: Went On a Tour With a New Duo Partner - Scared She Might Hurt My Family
« Reply #3 on: 02 September 2019, 10:36:09 am »
Same  ???.


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Re: Went On a Tour With a New Duo Partner - Scared She Might Hurt My Family
« Reply #4 on: 02 September 2019, 10:40:22 am »
OR maybe the OP is just panicking so much about the situation that she's coming across a bit wrong on here, also yes deleting the facebook (or fakebook as I call it, it's causes nothing but bloody trouble for people) is a very good idea.


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Re: Went On a Tour With a New Duo Partner - Scared She Might Hurt My Family
« Reply #5 on: 02 September 2019, 11:13:43 am »
There is a lot to be said for keeping yourself and your personal information to yourself in this work. What a messy mental state the OP has got herself into.  A duo partner to me is one where you do 3some bookings with clients. Not clear if this is what the OP and her companion were doing but if not then they just travelled together for convenience and used the same hotel. Whichever it is the jealousy monster seems to have reared its head somewhere along the line.

The car keying part, well unless a camera picked up the act and the hotel will say yes or no to that one, nothing to be done really.


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Re: Went On a Tour With a New Duo Partner - Scared She Might Hurt My Family
« Reply #6 on: 02 September 2019, 11:46:25 am »
I really don't know how to help because this is just one of several posts which demonstrates that you don't understand boundaries. I know that sounds harsh, but you seem insistent on learning the hard way!
"There is no sin except stupidity" - Oscar Wilde


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Re: Went On a Tour With a New Duo Partner - Scared She Might Hurt My Family
« Reply #7 on: 02 September 2019, 05:44:55 pm »
I think the OP is just panicking.

I don't think she cares that much about you to look for where you live and harm you or your family. Just chalk it down to a lesson learned and move on.


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Re: Went On a Tour With a New Duo Partner - Scared She Might Hurt My Family
« Reply #8 on: 02 September 2019, 05:53:08 pm »
Why is it obvious that the key marks on your car are her doing? ??? It sounds to me like that is a very big conclusion to make and an even bigger conclusion that she now has a drug dealer for a boyfriend and she is somehow going to try and hurt you and your family.

Midlands Ms

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Re: Went On a Tour With a New Duo Partner - Scared She Might Hurt My Family
« Reply #9 on: 02 September 2019, 06:39:07 pm »
Yea like other posters I'm very confused by this, you went on a  tour with a woman it turned out you didn't get a long with, but other than the car keying (do you have any other evidence its her, like, did she hint at it in any way or threaten you in any way?) you haven't included any info about behaviours that suggest she is a danger to you?


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Re: Went On a Tour With a New Duo Partner - Scared She Might Hurt My Family
« Reply #10 on: 02 September 2019, 09:21:32 pm »
Sounds like a definite cart before the horse situation here.

Maybe she keyed your car. You'd have to file a police report to get the cameras pulled for that, yes? So do it. Or do it & find out who actually is at fault.

Now, may I put a bit of amazement & disbelief in my voice here & ask, Why on earth are you bringing up hit men as a subject?

I'm asking bc I don't understand. Did she say she would put a hit out on you? Or is your imagination running away & you've seen Goodfellas one too many times? Ok ok, I kid, but seriously, that came out of the blue.

Why would she "come after your family"? You're making this girl out to be some sort of super villain & if so, I hear Marvel's looking for another character.

You went on tour, it didn't work out, that sucks, move on. Is there an ongoing feud? Why does there have to be "anything else"?
An American on a British site, still learning the slang😉


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Re: Went On a Tour With a New Duo Partner - Scared She Might Hurt My Family
« Reply #11 on: 02 September 2019, 09:58:18 pm »
im still lost as to how you "know" it was her who keyed your car?


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Re: Went On a Tour With a New Duo Partner - Scared She Might Hurt My Family
« Reply #12 on: 02 September 2019, 10:17:07 pm »
im still lost as to how you "know" it was her who keyed your car?

same thing
why have cotton when you can have silk???


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Re: Went On a Tour With a New Duo Partner - Scared She Might Hurt My Family
« Reply #13 on: 02 September 2019, 11:48:00 pm »
Trust is quite important with a duo partner for many reasons
Safety and communication priority.
It helps to get on well too otherwise all kinds of things can happen miscommunication.
I did duo many moons ago we made it work well busy and quiet times .
Whether your in the same room sharing or separate rooms.
Take time to reflect on this situation and next time hope you have a better experience


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Re: Went On a Tour With a New Duo Partner - Scared She Might Hurt My Family
« Reply #14 on: 04 September 2019, 07:02:29 pm »
In all sincerity- if you are on meds, you need to go have them checked.  If you’re taking any kind of energy preparation- caffeine pills, energy drinks, or especially illegal drugs- you should really think about stopping.

No shade whatsoever- a lot of us are here because mental health issues interfere with a 9-5 (myself included).  If that’s not you, maybe you could benefit from a nap and some herbal tea.  If that is you- please go have it checked.