i am not that long round myself but would like to share my thoughts
i would say from a marketing point of view, it is essential and important that changes happen on the site, there is something new, therefore an incentive for the browser to look at,
which means blog is a good tool, there is something more to read, new photos, oh something new to see,
i think it is good to keep it alive and changing
with regards to wording, i think that a big percentage of the base writing stays the same after time, but we do all evolve and maybe what we offer, does change, and also based on the day to day experience we do update a so called frequently asked question sections, i mean making sure that possible clients do treat us how we wish they treat us
i would say those of us who developed the site by themselves and can modify it, i would guess most would continue updating it, those of us where the web site has been done professional for them, i think the amount change can be made is much more limited.
and i think a web site, and here speaks the developer in me, is like a piece of art and never finished. like most creations there is always more you can add to it, make it better etc. or always something you would like to improve on; but i think that is a process similar to the process we call life