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Author Topic: Well guys it's my turn to be dramatic!  (Read 10702 times)


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    • classycassieinchester
Well guys it's my turn to be dramatic!
« on: 06 December 2008, 03:19:50 pm »
I could do with some TLC here.

Just about had enough to pack it all in, 60 contacts, be it calls, emails, AW, texts - all bar one Timewasers or disgusting arseholes, I'd rather have no interest at all.

That ratio can't be normal and less than 10 of them were witheld numbers

Right now I feel cheap, used, stupid, angry and pretty hopeless. :'(

Looks like I'm of to the jobcentre on Monday.
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"


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Re: Well guys it's my turn to be dramatic!
« Reply #1 on: 06 December 2008, 03:25:22 pm »

Oh sweetie you've had a tough start-up it's true and heaven knows I've not the faintest idea why, but you know TLC is always here. I don't think you can discount your most recent interest so easily- despite all of your feelings which are justified! It might be an idea to have something else going on anyway, but I certainly don't think 'packing it in' is necessary, you're a lovely person with a great personality and attitude, your smart and funny and I'm sure once you get past this hazing you seem to be suffering the guys will be going gaga for you! You're right the ratio isn't right at all, and it seems you got off to a bad start, but a lot of things that start that way end on a much more positive note.

 Let's just work together to make sure it's as good as it can be for you and know that you're never short of support and reassurance! xxx   :-* :-* :-*


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Re: Well guys it's my turn to be dramatic!
« Reply #2 on: 06 December 2008, 03:37:40 pm »
Listen, im off to the job centre too but for the reason that Evie said.  I think its good to have something else going on to.  Dont get me wrong, i dont want a proper job, im just going to get a part time little something that i can do a couple of days a week.  My other job ends next weekend so im going to need something to get me out of the house from time to time.

Anyway, Evie has taken to calling me her manager (im not really if the law are reading... she doesnt pay me hahaha) so im going to become a bit of a manager for you today too.  I'm off to have a good look at your website and stuff and will pm you anything i think of.

GREAT BIG HUG my sweetie.  dont despair, im right there with ya!



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Re: Well guys it's my turn to be dramatic!
« Reply #3 on: 06 December 2008, 03:39:53 pm »
And its not dramatic.  its a valid concern to have and Evie will tell you that i almost jacked it in a couple of weeks ago too. 

Get a little part time job that gets you out of the house, even if its in a pub or a shop or something and that will take off a bit of the pressure.  PM coming soon!



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Re: Well guys it's my turn to be dramatic!
« Reply #4 on: 06 December 2008, 04:33:54 pm »
You're not being dramatic at all, you're well within your rights to feel a little down.  I am an ocean away so don't really have a clue what the market is like over there, but here it has dried up considerably in the past few months.  I went with an agency so that I could make quick money, and I've been able to put some of it towards building what's going to be a pretty nice website (I think!).  (I swear a link to it is coming soon, I know I've been yapping about a website for weeks - it really exists, cross my heart.)

Is agency work an avenue you want to take until things pick up for you?

Little Diamond

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Re: Well guys it's my turn to be dramatic!
« Reply #5 on: 06 December 2008, 05:21:24 pm »

Cassie, your not on your own and its not dramatic! I just think their are a lot of pervs about, that's why I came of AW, I was sick of all that shit.
I too have got a chance for an interview this week to go back to the 9-5 (ish) I really don't know what to do as I couldn't do both.



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Re: Well guys it's my turn to be dramatic!
« Reply #6 on: 06 December 2008, 07:59:38 pm »
I think most of us have been through this at one time or another, and I guess its intensified now with the current political and financial climate, least now you have fab sites such as this where we can all share it with you, I remeber my first spell in the doldrums, everybody around me seemed to be saying how wonderfull things were, and i started doubting my perfume, and then myself, as things picked up, the same people then started posting how business is getting busy, thats when I learned that you cant belive everything you read on the boards.

I agree with others if you have something else to be doing to keep you occupied, do it, these things happen in waves, tomorow/next week/who knows, but it will be like somebody has flicked a switch and things will turn themseleves around.


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Re: Well guys it's my turn to be dramatic!
« Reply #7 on: 06 December 2008, 08:10:27 pm »
Don't worry too much about it darling.
I've been going through some really quiet times, completely up and down but even when it's been busy it's still not the same volume as it was. The girls I know have been seeing everything slow down too so I would say that yes, you didn't pick the busiest time to start out.

I've had one call today, guy blatently wanting phone sex, and not a single email or even a witheld number!

Keep yourself busy; I have uni to keep me occupied, why not try a part time job?

Hope it picks up for you



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Re: Well guys it's my turn to be dramatic!
« Reply #8 on: 07 December 2008, 02:43:37 am »

Anyway, Evie has taken to calling me her manager (im not really if the law are reading... she doesnt pay me hahaha) so im going to become a bit of a manager for you today too.  I'm off to have a good look at your website and stuff and will pm you anything i think of.

GREAT BIG HUG my sweetie.  dont despair, im right there with ya!


My Cheerleader and advice columnist may be a better phrase!  :)


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Re: Well guys it's my turn to be dramatic!
« Reply #9 on: 07 December 2008, 04:02:02 am »

My Cheerleader and advice columnist may be a better phrase!  :)

Yeah thats better, i dont want the rozzers getting the wrong idea!!  Not sure im gonna look anygood in a cheerleading outfit.  Isnt cheerleading the most dangerous sport to take part in in USA.  It get the most injuries anyway and i'm a shit patient so will give that a miss thanks.  I will stick with Personal Advisor perhaps lol ;D


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Re: Well guys it's my turn to be dramatic!
« Reply #10 on: 07 December 2008, 06:58:39 am »
This is why I am about to become certified as a Project Manager with a specialty in PR and Image Consulting. Hang in there it will get better. Kisses V


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Re: Well guys it's my turn to be dramatic!
« Reply #11 on: 07 December 2008, 08:31:05 am »
I could do with some TLC here.

Just about had enough to pack it all in, 60 contacts, be it calls, emails, AW, texts - all bar one Timewasers or disgusting arseholes, I'd rather have no interest at all.

That ratio can't be normal and less than 10 of them were witheld numbers

Right now I feel cheap, used, stupid, angry and pretty hopeless. :'(

Looks like I'm of to the jobcentre on Monday.

An example of some of the shit I received this weekend:
Via text message: "Hi, want sex with you, my cock 10in if you wanna call me". Yeah, just let me drop whatever I'm doing and do just that, 'cos I don't get any cock at all in this job.

Also via text, received at 3am Saturday morning "Can you come to Southend?" Even if I was awake, that would've been a no.

Just woken up to this voicemail left at 4am this morning "I'm interested in meeting you for a coffee first to see if we're compatible. If you turn me on, then we can take it further". Charming.

It's escort life I'm afraid. It's the bottom of the barrel shite we all have to deal with. It'll probably get worse as the school holiday approaches, I'll warn you now. Let it wash off your back Cassie, you'll become immune to it soon enough and believe me, you'll even start to laugh about it, I promise you.

Welsh Lass

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Re: Well guys it's my turn to be dramatic!
« Reply #12 on: 07 December 2008, 08:44:15 am »
Cheer up Cassie.
Christmas is nearly here and I guess things are going to slow down. I had 2 weeks of nothing at all before last week then a rush and it's looking dead for the week after next.

It's always a good idea to get yourself trained in another field while doing this as your boobs are not always going to be pointing South and your face can only take so much botox! There will come a point where even the best escort has to hang up her suspender belt.

I would not give up just yet if I were you. As has been said here already - times are tough and the constant media coverage of the credit crunch is not helping at all. Add Christmas to that and it's a rotten time of year to be starting up. Your website has not really been up that long compared to others on here. Give it time.

For goodness sake ignore the idiots that text/call/mail you. There are so many of them and you should not take it personally. I have had to walk away from my computer as the desire to fire off a nasty response to these men has been overwhelming - it's better to ignore them.
Your actually not that far from me and I have noticed a definite slowing down of late. I also had a rough time getting going. Fortunately, the guys I have seen before are keeping me afloat right now but I have been going longer than you. You will get there. It does take time. It is frustrating. But there is nothing the matter with 'you'. I have been down that road, the whole, 'it must be me' route. Rubbish Cassie. Really, you can't help thinking it as your a normal, nice human being. It is not you, it really is not.
Hang in there. Go get a part time job, it is a good idea to see regular life outside of condoms and lube sometimes, study something, just have something else going on as well, it does help.

On a personal note: I am def going to get the CD's done for you after reading this, cheer you up a bit.
They're working on Viagra for women. Are they crazy? That's been around for hundreds of years - its called cash... Alonzo Boden.


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Re: Well guys it's my turn to be dramatic!
« Reply #13 on: 07 December 2008, 02:01:38 pm »
Hello everyone - and thank you for your support and advice.

I can deal with the arseholes that ask me if I can handle their 10" cocks or want to know what I'm wearing.

It's the ones that seem serious, arrange a time and date, accept I won't discuss details, etc. then cancel later or just won't confirm and try to keep me talking.
I can't help it, but everytime it seems as if I'm getting a booking my spirits lift and I get hopeful, only to be kicked in the teeth and it's that sort of emotional rollercoaster that is wearing me down.  :(

There are a number of other things going on in my life I won't bore anyone with, which all have that same pattern of hurrah - I'm getting somewhere and then crash around my ears.

I was going to argue and say that the stress of going back to a regular job, especially in my field of experience, is the last thing I need right now, but thinking about it, the normality and routine of a regular job is probably what I need, considering everything else in my life is up in the air.
I wouldn't be able to go back to my career without commiting full time, but I don't actually mind doing anytype of work and have worked in factories, pubs, as homecarer and cleaner, etc.

Thanks again for sound advice - and after night of wallowing in self-pity and indulging in being pathetic - I'm back and I'm going to crack this!

 :) :)
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"


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Re: Well guys it's my turn to be dramatic!
« Reply #14 on: 07 December 2008, 02:58:05 pm »
Time wasters, idiots etc are part and parcel of this industry.  At least, we do earn a bloody good wage for relative few hours.  Imagine some businesses who offer services and who earn far less and face as many people not showing up and failing to be polite etc.  No booking is confirmed until the money is in your paws.  That said it is worth it to check through your website and wording to see if there is anything that seems ambiguous that might give some guys the impression they can call and take the mickey.  I have paired down and wrote a very direct and humorous text on my site and must admit that I have very few time wasting calls.  My phone does not ring as much but 85% of calls turn into bookings first time and some call back and book another time.  I just keep it light and humorous.  Same goes with email inquiries - I am friendly, polite and firm.  Oh, and I have disabled voice mail as I would rather people kept trying to ring me than being able to leave messages.