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Author Topic: Website Design  (Read 19732 times)


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Re: Website Design
« Reply #30 on: 01 October 2008, 04:03:54 pm »

 Well how is my script at the moment? As I'm not really ready or able yet to cater to one particular category I'm trying to make it a bit general... Any thoughts?

 xx And Lexie, Your website is fine, you've done well on a shoestring and your site is eyecatching and memorable

Actually I think your script is great. As an old bird I wished there were some things I thought of saying back when I first started that you've said yourself. It does look more professional than how you had it at the weekend. And I appreciate you taking our advice on board re: your prices. I hope the phone starts ringing off the hook for you. It's the end of the month so it should do.

Is there any way though, that you can stop your first two pages from having to be scrolled across in order to be able to read it? Readers get lazy if they feel they have to scroll across to read the text. And it looks more professional.


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Re: Website Design
« Reply #31 on: 01 October 2008, 04:18:55 pm »

Do you mean Across scrolling (width) or scrolling down?  My front page has all those links so dunno what to do with them, but I want to edit my welcome page so that you don't need to scroll - That's a good idea though, That's why I removed my about me page so it would streamline, will work on that :)


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Re: Website Design
« Reply #32 on: 01 October 2008, 04:59:43 pm »
Thank you

 Cassie I had a day getting over a cold so I put on a Simpsons boxset and played with the site the entire day  :)   

 I'd like to add an availability calendar as my schedule is kind of variable...

 With the pictures, they were taken in my bedroom with a camera on timer and a wad of blutac- I've put them on the site all with about 33-50% transparency partly because it slightly disguises the poor quality (or so I think) I've turned the % up on most of them to make it clearer, and am going to get some pro shots done when I've done a few bookings-  I may try editing a few more of the pictures I've got and adding them too!

 x Ev

I've done a few fashion shoots before and would be happy to take some shots for you for free but I can't photoshop them atm!


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Re: Website Design
« Reply #33 on: 01 October 2008, 05:38:30 pm »

Ah that's really lovely thank you-
 I've booked a pro shoot but I may take you up anyway at some point when I can find a nice bottle of wine to reimburse - Very generous offer  :)
(Or if you don't drink some sort of other gift)

Anika Mae

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Re: Website Design
« Reply #34 on: 01 October 2008, 05:40:44 pm »
Do you mean Across scrolling (width) or scrolling down?

It's the width that's the problem. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with links or text, just that the page width has been specified, and it's too much. I don't know how moonfruit works but it has to be a template setting, so see if you can find somewhere where you can change the width.


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Re: Website Design
« Reply #35 on: 01 October 2008, 05:42:09 pm »

Do you mean Across scrolling (width) or scrolling down? 

Yes, scrolling across.


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Re: Website Design
« Reply #36 on: 01 October 2008, 06:28:14 pm »

 Hmm! Maybe that's happening because I've got a big wide screen, on mine it fits properly... If that's the case then I need to be fixin it!! x


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Re: Website Design
« Reply #37 on: 01 October 2008, 06:46:04 pm »
errr, didnt i say somewhere not to ruin my illusion about men only looking at the pics & rates????  Brandy you spoil sport!!!

Go for it cassie, I cant wait to see the results.... there's goiing to be a whole host of ironing board photography out there soon :-)  I've set a new trend!!

Ive changed my text a bit on my site.  If you get the chance have a read... and see if you can resist calling me now!!!!! lol  (Brandy, feel free to act as editor and send me any corrections, like you i hate grammar and spelling mistakes but I type so quickly i often get it wrong then miss things when i read through).

Infact any suggestions would be helpful (except about ironing board photo's) and gratefully received.

Ta. x



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Re: Website Design
« Reply #38 on: 01 October 2008, 07:22:03 pm »

 It looks lovely Lexie, Nice banner, I'll add you  :)  Text is good- I know I'm gobby so I'm trying to whittle mine down. I think yours is concise. How did you do your calendar?

 Brandi & Anika - It should be better now! the width has been reduced so hoping it has fixed it- Side scrolling on the web looks ungainly.


« Last Edit: 17 October 2008, 04:40:29 am by Evie »


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Re: Website Design
« Reply #39 on: 01 October 2008, 07:24:05 pm »
the calendar was just a page option to add in on mine, and you just reminded me i have it so im going to go and update it!! lol


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Re: Website Design
« Reply #40 on: 01 October 2008, 11:52:22 pm »
Obviously we all aspire to have a sopisticated and polished site, but hey there are more important things - keeping a roof over our heads, kids to cloth and feed and to enjoy life and have a laugh.

Yes, I felt the same way as you having a site designed and maintained by professionals was something to aspire to, partially because it may make it easier for me to have more time for other things in my life anything from other work to study to whatever really.

Obviously, I'd love to be doing escort work now but it's not really practical at the moment because of things like you mention... Had my situation not changed then I think I would have stuck it out with my old site, it's just I could do without added responsibilities at the moment.

But I am looking forward and it feels better to at least have things to look forward to when everything settles again.  :)


« Last Edit: 30 October 2008, 05:10:40 am by Lydia »


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Re: Website Design
« Reply #41 on: 02 October 2008, 12:00:38 am »
Hmm that didn't quite work as I'd hoped - can someone tell me how to not have the pink quote box cover the whole message?  :D I've tried out a few idea's and it's still there...


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Re: Website Design
« Reply #42 on: 02 October 2008, 12:08:45 am »
errrr. no!  i cant.  havent worked out how to do the quote thing at all yet!!!  Well done for trying :-)


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Re: Website Design
« Reply #43 on: 02 October 2008, 12:18:41 am »
Its good to know im not the only newbie strapped for cash.  Im not in the same situation as you, i do have a part time job which will cover my rent etc but it leaves me with little else to spend on anything else and the time between pay days just seems to get longer and longer.  Either that or im just becoming dead tight with age lol

My goal this week was to get 3 bookings and I havent got one yet :-( 

I was thinking... and tell me your honest opinion... i was thinking about sneaking viagra or similar in to the local water system so that men in the area had a sudden desire to call escorts... any ideas how this can be achieved???



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Re: Website Design
« Reply #44 on: 02 October 2008, 01:08:29 am »
Drugging potential clients, now I hadn't thought about that - what a good idea, it's got legs definitely...  ;D

« Last Edit: 30 October 2008, 05:11:28 am by Lydia »