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Author Topic: Website Design  (Read 20041 times)


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Re: Website Design
« Reply #15 on: 30 September 2008, 02:43:48 pm »
I used the ironing board as my tripod!!!  where there's a will theres a way!!  lol

I did a load more last night but having trouble uploading them to my laptop... did i mention they were done with a camera phone too.  I cant wait to get some decent ones on there, im sure it will make a difference.



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Re: Website Design
« Reply #16 on: 30 September 2008, 02:49:09 pm »

 I think it does, on some of the directories that have a lot of high-end escorts on with pictures I look so cheap and rubbish!!  ;D Nevermind, I'm going to get some awesome pictures done within October- Goal!

 xx Yours look fine for Ironing Board work Lexie


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Re: Website Design
« Reply #17 on: 30 September 2008, 05:35:41 pm »
Too be honest i was really worried about my photos at the begining, I did have a lot of "offers" to take pictures for me which made me more determined to find a way to  take my own lol.  I dont have a natural flair for modelling so am terrified of a professional shoot but I can definately see the benifits of pro pics so im aiming to get those done Oct/Nov time.  I dont want them to be airbrushed to make me look like a size 10, leggy lady.  I still want clients to know that its me its just a glam me so im going to have a mixture on my website of 'ironing board' photo's, pro photos and i'm hopefully going to meet with a friend soon who will be able to do a bit of an amature photo shoot for me (over a couple of glasses of wine).

I still dont like my website, i think it looks shabby and the weird disco flared woman at the top of the page makes me cringe everytime I open my site.  I Definately want a professional site done but i doubt it if will be in Oct.  Might make it my xmas present to myself... as well as the rest!!!



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Re: Website Design
« Reply #18 on: 30 September 2008, 05:43:34 pm »

 Hmmm... Well I'm enjoying toying with my site today and trying to make it passable until I can get the funds for the pro stuff! I did book a photo shoot for next week (gives me a week of situp time and perusing sites I like for ideas of what I want) I say situp time while sat on my bum eating a hotdog. go figure.

  I dropped my fees a tad and added another boob shot so It'll be a bit tidier until I can afford to get a pro site done. I'm keen on the first escort marketing - it's 100? but they've got lovely templates and an escort whose site I really like was done by them, It has a year of free hosting and a domain, so then I'd have a few :)

I'd rather have a one off of 100 then pay 30 a month I think, over time the investment pays off I think, and some of the templates they have are lovely.


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Re: Website Design
« Reply #19 on: 30 September 2008, 06:48:06 pm »
I've decided to be patient and wait until I can afford everything I think I may need for a basic professional website. I had fun making my old moonfruit one, but then at ?4/5 a month it was just a gamble and really a tool to learn from for me.

I had many thoughts about it and how things may be from what I personally wanted to achieve. It was to help me decide what I wanted to include and exclude in the future, if any bookings arose from it - great, I'd just use that towards a more professional approach and gradually improve things.

As I felt with the best will in the world no matter how professional I could make myself appear if I were attending a booking there were bound to be little bits lacking that may be there with a very experienced professional escort, so for accuracy to the client in a way - it would give him an inclination not to expect perfection but a keen learner perhaps.

In the end I'm going to settle for a happy medium so I'll try to get a simple but effective professional site  with one of the companies that handles some of the advertising as well. I have thought about a pay-per-month template but I'm going to go for a site in the end.

I think I want a few professional pictures although I like the more relaxed amateur photo's too. We're all different and I guess what may work for one of us doesn't always work for someone else - I'm just going to try to bear in mind my own personality and image (to portray) as best I can. I'm expecting to have wobbly bits no matter how much I try to plan and think about it!  :-\

* When I was taking my own amateur pics I used a tripod - they're inexpensive and really useful.
I used as much light as I could from main light and two lamps, strangely I found not using the camera flash produced better pictures and also my backdrop colour seemed to affect the whole tone of the photo; white a more bluish tone and bright pink produced a warm tone.
The main absolute pain with not having someone else take my pictures was needing to take loads before getting one that would have me placed well in the frame. 


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Re: Website Design
« Reply #20 on: 01 October 2008, 02:51:36 am »
Not quite sure how the ironig board thing works, but I'm willing to give it a try. You guys do realise that I'll be visiting all your sites again to inspect your pics, lol
actually I'll do that right now as I have a photosession booked with moi tomorrow, was going to do it today, but my back ground needed washing.

Oh and maybe I'm naive, but I have to say I find the look acheived with Moonfruit is pretty professional.

Cassie x
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"


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Re: Website Design
« Reply #21 on: 01 October 2008, 05:27:38 am »
Ive seen loads of the moonfruit sites while i have been doing my research, i think they are a lot more professional looking than the one i used but its done now.  I would love to be able to wait until i can afford a professional site but my financial situation would mean i was waiting a long time.  I figured with the amature site it would at least get me started and after a few bookings i will have the cash to sort out a pro site.  I'd love to be able to go to my bank manager and get a business loan so i could do it all right, straight from the start but I'm not sure he would be to comfortable with it!!!  My income at the moment is sparse so even paying for a domain name is going to cut in to my everyday living costs so it will be done at the end of the week when im paid, but the rest will come with time and i jsut have to be patient.

The reality is that it would be great to have planned way ahead and sorted my self out with a few hundred quid to get off the ground but I wanted to get started quickly.  And if in 2 or 3 months time, once I've had a few clients and get a feel for the work, i decide i have made a hideous mistake and go back to the day job at least I wont have lost money in the process.  If (as i suspect) im fine with the job and enjoy it and want to keep going, i fork out for the pro site, some pro pics and keep it as a work in progress.  It is, after all, my main marketing tool so i want it to be as good as it can be but we all have to start somewhere.  If it was s socially acceptable business i was entering in to I might have printed up some a5 flyers and handed them out on the high street!!!!  My first site is the equivalent!

As for the ironing board.... just prop the camera up on it aimed where you are going to be, set timer and get in position.  use books etc to get height or to rest the camera at an angle.  Easy!  I dont have background options because i live in a rented house and every wall and furnishing is magnolia or beige so i did the best i could.  I also live with other people so didnt want them hearing me setting up a temp photo studio in my bedroom and asking questions lol.  I'm no good with techy stuff so i didnt do any photoshop or touch up stuff on them as im sure you can tell.

The way i justify my ugly website and amature photos in my mind is (and please dont anyone ruin this for me lol), the men looking at my site are horny and looking for some fun.  They are going to look at the photos and decide if they like my tits and arse.  Then they are going to look at my rates and services and decide if they want to spend time with me or not.  Then they will call or email or move on to the next one.  and i do seem to be getting calls and emails... my next mission is workin out how to turn those enquiries in to bookings... ive always been crap at sales but looks like it is time to learn!


Anika Mae

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Re: Website Design
« Reply #22 on: 01 October 2008, 11:42:11 am »
Lexie, you're right. You're not in the position of having to back up your rates with a polished look, and lots of punters don't mind the amateur look.

You do have background options though, as demonstrated by this picture of me standing in front of a sheet over the shower door in my sister's bathroom.

By the way, I don't know if you've noticed but your selectanescort link went wrong. It look like you pasted in html, in which case just delete and re-do it.


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Re: Website Design
« Reply #23 on: 01 October 2008, 11:52:36 am »

 Yup- I'd like to be able to back up my rates. I've got a few domain names and I'm going to create a pro site for the escorting and rework the one I have now into a seperate linked site for BDSM interests. As for site costs and pictures, I anticipated spending about 300-350? getting going with site, pro photos, and condoms of course, and I'm comfortable enough within myself to know that I'm really ok with it and will enjoy it.

I think for me personally it will pay for itself quick enough to invest in site and pictures, and with so many professional sites for girls in London I either have to go low price or high quality, and I know which I pick in the long run. Besides, I'm gonna frame some of them and put them on my wall!

 Oh and Anika- Your Red on the Beach picture is awesome, although it does make you look very much like a friend I went to school with in NY!
« Last Edit: 05 October 2008, 01:09:14 pm by LondonEvie »

Anika Mae

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Re: Website Design
« Reply #24 on: 01 October 2008, 11:57:06 am »
Yeah, that's one of my favourites too. I'm still annoyed at that damn Canadian though, I said he could take pictures if he sent them to me, but he never did so I only have the ones that were taken on my camera.


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Re: Website Design
« Reply #25 on: 01 October 2008, 12:41:11 pm »
Yeah your right, i thought for ages about my rates and as soon as it all looks more pro I will raise them a bit!!!

Im planning to move again after the new year so the closer i get to london the more professional my site will become and the higher my rates will get lol (if only that were how it worked).  I like the pic you sent me... i really do live with lots of people at the moment though so would be killed if i spent longer than 10 mins in the bathroom at a time!!! Im slowly working my new camera out so will have new ones by the end of the week hopefully.

I also like the retro photos in red that you have on your site, its a similar dress to one i have been looking at.   And I see you have about half my shoe collection hanging of your wall (jeans photo), I did that once and slept under them.  woke up one morning when the neighbour switched on his drill and got hit in the head by stiletoes falling on me!!! Its a great way to store them though, makes picking what to wear easier. :-)

I know about the selectanescort link, i have done it exactly the same way as all the others and I have tried every method know to man (well woman as its been mostly ladies from SAAFE trying to help)  but it just doesnt work. Another reason i want a pro site, so i dont have to deal with banners or atleast can be shown properly how to get them on (please, i appreciate all the advice on banners... but no more, i cant take it)  AS soon as i find the will to try again I will fix it but im so sick of them its taking a while!! lol



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Re: Website Design
« Reply #26 on: 01 October 2008, 12:46:56 pm »
Hey Lexie,

I hope you didn't feel you had to justify yourself to me or anyone else. I think your site is really good, honestly and personally I think you are being far too hard on yourself.

Look at what you have acheived on a shoestring budget!

...and I agree with what you say about most blokes being horny and not that interested in the details.

As for my back drop, I have a choice, a lovely red curtain (which was in need of washing) I want to use, sort of beige, goldy coloured curtains, a plain green bedsheet and a grey carpet (if i ever get round to vacuuming it) - highly sophisticated - lol

Obviously we all aspire to have a sopisticated and polished site, but hey there are more important things - keeping a roof over our heads, kids to cloth and feed and to enjoy life and have a laugh.

also as an afterthough - some guys might be a little intimidated by a very sophisticated site and think twice about contacting someone they could perceive as superior to them?

Anyway I have a photo shoo to attend and my photographer (me) is getting impatient.
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"

Anika Mae

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Re: Website Design
« Reply #27 on: 01 October 2008, 01:04:29 pm »
i really do live with lots of people at the moment though so would be killed if i spent longer than 10 mins in the bathroom at a time!!!

That's all right, anywhere where you can hang a sheet can be your studio.

Unfortunately the shoes on the rail are only about half my collection too. I need a dressing-up room.


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Re: Website Design
« Reply #28 on: 01 October 2008, 01:36:24 pm »
Hey Lexie,

I hope you didn't feel you had to justify yourself to me or anyone else. I think your site is really good, honestly and personally I think you are being far too hard on yourself.

Look at what you have acheived on a shoestring budget!

...and I agree with what you say about most blokes being horny and not that interested in the details.

As for my back drop, I have a choice, a lovely red curtain (which was in need of washing) I want to use, sort of beige, goldy coloured curtains, a plain green bedsheet and a grey carpet (if i ever get round to vacuuming it) - highly sophisticated - lol

Obviously we all aspire to have a sopisticated and polished site, but hey there are more important things - keeping a roof over our heads, kids to cloth and feed and to enjoy life and have a laugh.

also as an afterthough - some guys might be a little intimidated by a very sophisticated site and think twice about contacting someone they could perceive as superior to them?

Anyway I have a photo shoo to attend and my photographer (me) is getting impatient.

It depends on the clientele you want to attract. Some guys like sophistication, especially if they're going to spend more than a two hour booking with you. They want the bells, whistles and the intelligence that comes with a sophisticated website.
But then you get guys who, as long as you present yourself accordingly on your site, i.e., good pictures, good script, reasonable rates, etc., then they'll make a booking.
Don't be fooled into thinking that most guys are just horny and just want to look at the pictures. Yes there are, but just as there are different types of escorts, there are different types of men. It depends on who you want to market yourself to.

I'm a stickler for grammar and the English language, and I read my own site from time to time and make sure that what I've written is appealing. Would you believe about a year ago, one bloke wrote to my then webmistress SJ, and told her that I had one spelling error, I had used the word "formally" instead of "formerly" in the wrong context, and he emailed her and pointed it out.
That is one extreme example sure, but don't be fooled into thinking that guys just look at pictures. They read your text too, if for nothing else other than to get a "feel" about you and who you are, before they fork out their hard-earned cash.


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Re: Website Design
« Reply #29 on: 01 October 2008, 02:19:09 pm »

 Well how is my script at the moment? As I'm not really ready or able yet to cater to one particular category I'm trying to make it a bit general... Any thoughts?

 xx And Lexie, Your website is fine, you've done well on a shoestring and your site is eyecatching and memorable