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Author Topic: Website Design  (Read 20021 times)

Anika Mae

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Re: Website Design
« Reply #45 on: 02 October 2008, 01:17:35 am »
The pink box is a quote, and when you're writing the message it'll look like this:

Code: [Select]
[quote]someone said this[/quote]
The things in square brackets are called tags. I'm going to use curly brackets so I don't need to put them in a code box, but pretend they're square. {Quote} is the opening tag. It means "the quote starts here". The same thing but with a forward slash is a closing tag, so {/quote} means "this is the end of the quote". Any text that's between the opening and closing tags will be in a pink box, so make sure you put what you're writing after the {/quote} tag (or before the {quote} tag).

Code: [Select]
This text will appear above the pink box.

[quote]This text will appear inside the pink box.[/quote]

This text will appear below the pink box.

If that's confusing, just make sure that when you reply to a post using the quote button, you put your cursor after the very last character of text, and start writing there.

By the way, BBcode is based on html and if what I said about tags makes sense to you, you can understand basic html. If you can and you're having trouble designing a website, you'd probably benefit from going through a basic html tutorial. There are loads of them online.


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Re: Website Design
« Reply #46 on: 02 October 2008, 07:16:21 am »
Hmm that didn't quite work as I'd hoped - can someone tell me how to not have the pink quote box cover the whole message?  :D I've tried out a few idea's and it's still there...

You just had one too many "quotes" in there. I've adjusted for you so it's easier to read. Hope that's okay.


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Re: Website Design
« Reply #47 on: 02 October 2008, 07:23:28 am »
Its good to know im not the only newbie strapped for cash.  Im not in the same situation as you, i do have a part time job which will cover my rent etc but it leaves me with little else to spend on anything else and the time between pay days just seems to get longer and longer.  Either that or im just becoming dead tight with age lol

My goal this week was to get 3 bookings and I havent got one yet :-( 

I was thinking... and tell me your honest opinion... i was thinking about sneaking viagra or similar in to the local water system so that men in the area had a sudden desire to call escorts... any ideas how this can be achieved???


Lexie, I see you're a size 16. Get yourself listed on Pretty Big Escorts. It's the biggest UK directory for escorts size 14 and above and it brings me in most of my business. Drop Dobby the site owner a line. He's a bit of miserable old goat but don't let that put you off. He's been in the business for years and he knows what works.
Tip: if you write to him and he doesn't reply, don't write again. He's got your email, but he is extremely busy as he runs quite a few successful sites.


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Re: Website Design
« Reply #48 on: 02 October 2008, 08:02:32 am »
errr, didnt i say somewhere not to ruin my illusion about men only looking at the pics & rates????  Brandy you spoil sport!!!

Go for it cassie, I cant wait to see the results.... there's goiing to be a whole host of ironing board photography out there soon :-)  I've set a new trend!!

Ive changed my text a bit on my site.  If you get the chance have a read... and see if you can resist calling me now!!!!! lol  (Brandy, feel free to act as editor and send me any corrections, like you i hate grammar and spelling mistakes but I type so quickly i often get it wrong then miss things when i read through).

Infact any suggestions would be helpful (except about ironing board photo's) and gratefully received.

Ta. x


I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to burst your bubble. Consider me chastised. :)

Your site does look great. Having a cursory glance, on the "about me" page, 3rd para down, it should be "dressed appropriately".

On the "Services" page, again 3rd para down, you're missing an apostrophe on "its". On the last line on the same page, in this context "whichever" is one word.

On the "Rates" page, you need to separate the two words "at" and "least".
The para under your quoted rates, there's no apostrophe in "applies".

On your "Etiquette" page, on "cleanliness", you need a comma here: "this is not personal, it just reassures me."

On your FAQs, there's an apostrophe in "photos" in that context. You've misspelt "believe". Again, 3rd para down, it should be "by", not "buy". In your 7th para, it looks like it reads "a swell", instead of "as well". I'm not sure if that's just the font or my eyes, though.

You might also consider on the same page, by way of an intro, where you're based, especially as you're outcall only, you could put down the areas you're willing to cover. It's not immediately apparent. You want to draw those guys in as soon as you can. If guys can't see where you are on the first page, they get lazy and give up. I know you're based in Devon, but that took me the fourth menu button to click and find that out.

That's my analytical view,lol. Considering you put it together yourself, it's a great website. Seven years later and I still know jacks**t about putting a site together. You should be proud of your work.

Anika Mae

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Re: Website Design
« Reply #49 on: 02 October 2008, 11:02:31 am »
On your FAQs, there's an apostrophe in "photos" in that context.

Because "photos" is a contraction of "photographs"? I think writing "photo's" just looks like you've made the mistake of putting an apostrophe in a plural. You can justify it if you use the apostrophe for the singular as well, photo' and photo's, but that looks weird.
« Last Edit: 02 October 2008, 11:17:07 am by Anika Mae »


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Re: Website Design
« Reply #50 on: 02 October 2008, 11:10:40 am »
Re-doing my website just now, never actually used it before!!!
It's rather daunting lol, and takes forever!!


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Re: Website Design
« Reply #51 on: 02 October 2008, 12:24:02 pm »
Obviously we all aspire to have a sopisticated and polished site, but hey there are more important things - keeping a roof over our heads, kids to cloth and feed and to enjoy life and have a laugh.

Yes, I felt the same way as you having a site designed and maintained by professionals was something to aspire to, partially because it may make it easier for me to have more time for other things in my life anything from other work to study to whatever really.

Obviously, I'd love to be doing escort work now but it's not really practical at the moment because of the things you mention, I'm on the verge of homelessness again so putting a location could be difficult, a possible lack of internet access - it would be so frustrating to have a booking partially arranged and then no access etc.. It's just me and everyone I know being financially stuffed pretty much at the moment - with so many other things going on I'm just taking it day by day and surviving on sheer hope for the future "Que sera, sera (Whatever will be, will be)"... Had my situation not changed then I think I would have stuck it out with my old site, it's just I could do without added responsibilities at the moment.

But I am looking forward and it feels better to at least have things to look forward to when everything settles again.  :)



Hi Lydia,
I see you fixed the pink box thing, lol You had me confused at one point - thinking: I'm sure I didn't write that! Then i got it, hehe.

Anyway just wanted to say good luck and hopefully by the end of the year we will all be sporting fab professional sites to rival out experienced mentors. :)

Cassie x
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"


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Re: Website Design
« Reply #52 on: 02 October 2008, 01:13:46 pm »
On your FAQs, there's an apostrophe in "photos" in that context.

Because "photos" is a contraction of "photographs"? I think writing "photo's" just looks like you've made the mistake of putting an apostrophe in a plural. You can justify it if you use the apostrophe for the singular as well, photo' and photo's, but that looks weird.

I understand that. It beats having to keep writing "photographs", like dep't for department. But I've never thought it was proper to do that for the word photo's. Because as you say, it just looks like an apostrophe where it shouldn't be. And reading it on various ladies' sites, it's always looked wrong.

That's my problem I think. I'm of the old school where apostrophes weren't used for every word. I think the usage of the English language and how it's written is more relaxed than my day. Not to mention much more Americanised. Some ladies even think it's okay to use text speak on the websites. *Shudder*.

Anika Mae

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Re: Website Design
« Reply #53 on: 02 October 2008, 01:35:24 pm »
Sorry, I thought you were saying Lexie should put an apostrophe in "photos" in her FAQ. Were you saying she should remove it, and it was already done before I had a look?


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Re: Website Design
« Reply #54 on: 02 October 2008, 01:48:50 pm »
Sorry, I thought you were saying Lexie should put an apostrophe in "photos" in her FAQ. Were you saying she should remove it, and it was already done before I had a look?

I should've made myself clear. Yes, I'm saying there are apostrophes where I don't feel they should be, here:

Can I see some more photos of you? - No, I'm sorry.  I will be adding photo's to my gallery and changing them from time to time but I will not send extras to individuals.

And here: Can I take photo's of our session together? - No, I'm sorry.

Apologies to Lexie for picking her site to bits.x


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Re: Website Design
« Reply #55 on: 02 October 2008, 03:11:00 pm »
Hey no problem.... 


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Re: Website Design
« Reply #56 on: 02 October 2008, 06:13:54 pm »
   Im in the same boat. I've been trying to get a site up and going since I posted here last. Tried at rare escorts and I keep ending up on escortsite. The plan for me to just go to a friend's to take pictures and then try to setup there.


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Re: Website Design
« Reply #57 on: 02 October 2008, 06:29:04 pm »
Hmm that didn't quite work as I'd hoped - can someone tell me how to not have the pink quote box cover the whole message?  :D I've tried out a few idea's and it's still there...

You just had one too many "quotes" in there. I've adjusted for you so it's easier to read. Hope that's okay.

Yes, I had thought that kinda happened but I couldn't seem to fix it thanks to Anika Mae's explanation I grasped how I'd gone wrong and you've fixed it for me, thanks x

BTW, I will definitely check out a few html tutorials - eek at the thought of doing my own site from scratch though!!!  :o  I always thought that'd be something I'd enjoy to do - I like doing anything that's fun so I will have a go at it.

Speaking of tutorials they have some online for grammar etc. I did have a go on a couple myself but I still don't necessarily grasp the techniques so end up getting loads wrong - these things become distant memories when you've not used them for many, many years...


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Re: Website Design
« Reply #58 on: 02 October 2008, 06:35:31 pm »
   Tried at rare escorts and I keep ending up on escortsite. The plan for me to just go to a friend's to take pictures and then try to setup there.

they are the same thing... i think rare escorts are one thing and they use escortsite for the actual site building facilities.  I dont know how it works but my site was done this way.  some of the other ladies use moonfruit.

Anika Mae

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Re: Website Design
« Reply #59 on: 02 October 2008, 07:50:34 pm »
You used to be able to make a site at rare-escorts, but it looks like they brought in escortsite as a new improved version and have now abandoned the rare-escort site generator.