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Author Topic: Webcamming advice ?  (Read 5974 times)


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Webcamming advice ?
« on: 12 May 2008, 02:57:02 pm »
Hi all
 ive been away from escorting for a while as my 13 year old son suddendly died in april , which as im sure you will all imagine is devastating . Im still waiting for the post mortem test results - looks like a heart problem. At first i felt i coudnt cope with seeing clients ( apart from a few regs maybe ) , but the financial pressures of paying for the funeral ect made me change my mind. So i put a note on my aw profile that i was back working . I havent had any major probs , its just im so much less tolerant than before - im finding my self getting annoyed at small things a client will say or do . Therefore its not good for me or them !! As i still need to earn money ( and lots of - getting a normal job will no where near cover my debt repayments ect.) , i was thinking about doing some web and phone sessions on aw . I have the cam ready to go !!
If anyone has any advice / tips , that would be great !! Im just not sure how to start a web session ? Chat ? Get straight into tittilating them ? Also i seem to clam up when it comes to phone chat , although im fine when im face 2 face with a guy . Thanks , Cleo XXX ??? ???
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Re: Webcamming advice ?
« Reply #1 on: 12 May 2008, 04:05:43 pm »
I can't offer any advice as I have no experience with webcamming or AW, but can I offer big hugs to you and say I'm so sorry to hear of your loss.


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Re: Webcamming advice ?
« Reply #2 on: 12 May 2008, 06:10:05 pm »
Oh Cleo how devestaing for you
My aunt passed away at the end of january and we were close what you have said about having no patience happened to me after too, I was very intollerant of people and sometimes just wanted to slap them, any stupid questions and I would just cut them off
if you need someone to talk to I am only a phone call away (pm me for personal number)

with the webcamming Anika has done some in the past and im sure she will be along later to give some details about it etc..XX


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Re: Webcamming advice ?
« Reply #3 on: 12 May 2008, 08:36:15 pm »
Like the others Cleo, I'm sending huge hugs to you.

I have some appreciation of what you are going through - my mum passed away last September (I was her carer) and I found it hard to get back into work but needed to as this is now my only income. Like you, I felt a bit snappy so really didnt get back into work properly til earlier this year although even now i have weeks when I get 'lazy' as the estate issues rumble on so complete closure is difficult.

I cant offer advice re webcamming but have you looked on the Money Saving Expert Site for the managing debt advice?



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Re: Webcamming advice ?
« Reply #4 on: 12 May 2008, 09:13:33 pm »
thanks !!

 Yes thats exactly how i feel = any silly questions and cut them off , want to slap people ect != that is exactly how i am at the mo !! With the exception of my nice local regular guys who know me pretty well , i cant really be arsed , but as i said financial matters are a problem !! Yes so the prob is now with my son having died obviously i dont qualify for child benefit ,  .  . As i mentioned before ive got massive outgoings of about ?100 a week debt payments before anything else like living exspenses!! Its a lot of stress i dont need really which is why i started seeing clients again !!!  :-\  Im getting some help ; towards funeral payments , which is good , but i know whatever they allow me will not cover the full bill . I havent got funeral bill yet- ive got a lot of money to find and im just trying to think of earning it in the least stress free way as possible !! Ive got a fairly decent cam which i actually bought from someone on aw for the purpose of aw webcamming - i could just do with a few pointers / tips ect !!

Ive also heard that some of the guys on directcam free chat ( they get a free 3 min preview where they can see n type chat to you ) can be arseholes !! It puts me off a bit , but then im thinking its better than having to deal with arseholes face 2 face , and you can always kick/ban the problem ones !! Im just a bit stuck on how to get over the nerves of what 2 say / do ect as a first time cammer !! thanks for all the kind messages girls ,

 love Cleo XXX :)
« Last Edit: 13 May 2008, 03:27:28 pm by kinkyvixen77 »
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Re: Webcamming advice ?
« Reply #5 on: 12 May 2008, 11:30:49 pm »
Re the funeral costs - have you looked around for organsiations who give financial help.

The Citizens Advice have a guide book with names of orgs which offer such help, I cant remember criterias off the top of my head but it may be worth a try to cut down just a litte of the stress. The CAB will also give you a debt managment pack with templates to send off to creditors to get interest frozen etc on loans and CCs etc. Some offices also have dedicated debt advisers who wil do the donkey work for you but the pack is pretty self explanatory if you have the time, although getting a CAB adviser to call and introduce themselevs as such often gets better results.

I'll have a think about webcammers and I'll try and get someone with expererience to pop on and post.


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Re: Webcamming advice ?
« Reply #6 on: 13 May 2008, 12:23:22 am »
Hi, So sad for you Cleo,

Grieving and having financial problems at the same time is incredibly stressful.

Almost two years ago for me and mine now.

I now live in a very easy going shared house and we are all happy here. We've all been through the mill in very different ways for different reasons and we help each other...

I wish you well xx
« Last Edit: 30 October 2008, 05:45:31 am by Lydia »


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Re: Webcamming advice ?
« Reply #7 on: 13 May 2008, 09:51:31 am »

First, I just want to say that my thoughts are with you.  You are one brave lady.

Please feel free to call me or mail for any info on webcam/phone chat.

I did do webcam for a while but to be honest I got pissed off with having to dress up and perform for someone I cannot see.  I find it very one way and therefore difficult.

I did do directcam on aw and at first was doing freeview - some days it was great and people would start going into private or group and the money would come in but then suddenly i found I could be on freeview say for one hour and no one would go into priv nor group.

The same pratts kept bouncing in and out of the room - yeah I blocked them eventually but found it very tiresome.

Also these freeloaders could get quite mean if I would not perform on freeview so I found it demoralising.

I then took freeview of and did directcam but found it not very profitable.

Now I just do phone chat - usually i go with the flow and you can sometimes tell if a person wants to talk sensual or dirty or just chat away (not very often - usually very dirty)>

If you want to give me a call might be easier to chat it thru.

Also, what worried me on webcam is that potentially there could be a whole office full of guys having a good look and that concerned me.  At least escorting you know who you are seeing and phone chat speaks for itself.

Also, webcam - nearly everytime they want to see your face so hardly fair to not show it if they are paying.

You can also post your time on tv schedule - and put a name to your show and time for direct cam - but again I never got much response from this

maybe because I was not constant - I think once you do it consistently then the punters that purely want webcam will get to know youo

i hope some of this helps

again this is just my personal experience of doing the webcam and phone chat - other people might differ.

my number is 07882912653 if you want to chat about any of this

i hope i am allowed to put my number here?

nell x

or see Nell2 on aw

Anika Mae

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Re: Webcamming advice ?
« Reply #8 on: 13 May 2008, 11:03:36 am »
I'm sorry for what you've been through, Cleo.

It looks like Nell's the person to talk to about webcam, I stopped years ago when there stopped being enough work to go around. I couldn't be bothered to get dressed up for just one show. I've heard lots of bad (and no good) things about directcam. You can offer only prebooked sessions, but then aw won't promote you.

I'm still registered for phone although I hardly ever make myself available. When I do, not much happens. Sometimes I get a booking. I think you need to pay for advertising to get work, I've heard that being featured (not "x of the week", just so you're in the featured list) is worth it, and it's cheaper if book slots in advance.

With phone sex I found that most of them left me to do most or all of the talking, so I suggest writing a couple of scripts to fall back on if you get tounge tied. I usually did a blow job, since I'm good at describing one in detail. I think most people repeat themselves a lot rather than going into details, but I find that difficult.

If the guy's a talker than you just need to go 'ooh' a lot, and if any actual words come to mind you can use them too. I had quite a few subs calling, they liked me to get them to hurt themselves with household implements or tell them that they had a tiny penis that would never satisfy a woman.

Directchat doesn't have any of the problems that directcam has, so you don't need to worry about getting work that way. I mostly got prebooked sessions (might have been because I charge 10p extra for direct), and with those you need to be able to bring the session to an end when the time's up. Performing an orgasm usually gets them off and then they're gone, often without a word, which I find odd.


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Re: Webcamming advice ?
« Reply #9 on: 14 May 2008, 07:15:08 am »
Phone chat

had a little giggle just now at Anika Mae - your last comment - " then they are off without a word" 

gosh yes - I find this very often and am now used to it!!!  And at first I would just think - gosh what happened !!!

About 90% of my directchat callers do this - they call up and usually just grunt or whisper !!!  and I do all the talking - yes I also go into detail of giving a blow job or I describe what I would do to them if I had them in my bedroom!!!!

they suddenly they just cut off!!

sometimes I dont even hear them cum - sometimes I do.

I also think that some of them are locked in an office toilet or something as they whisper like anything!!!!

it is funny and like you said - I usually pay a bit to feature myself and recently am doing more and more calls

i do prefer it to webcam as like you said - I hate having to get all flipping dressed up to do one cam say 10 minutes and then nothing for a while.

To Cleo - do mail or call me anytime you want to chat on any of this or anything else.  I know it is not the same but I lost a relative two years ago and grieving takes all forms.  Be strong but also lean on people as much as you need to. xx

Anika Mae

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Re: Webcamming advice ?
« Reply #10 on: 14 May 2008, 10:52:27 am »
they suddenly they just cut off!!

Now with directchat this makes sense. They've come and don't want to spend another penny. I get it with prebooked sessions too though, where all they spend by hanging on for a chat is their phone bill. I used to chat after sessions quite often when I started, but not anymore. It's ok since I don't really feel like it anymore, maybe I'm just less inviting. A "thanks, bye" would be alright though.

I've had a few sessions where there's been 10 or 15 minutes booked and the guy's cut off after two or three. I assume that means someone just turned up, and it probably accounts for some of the directchat calls too. I always send a message offering to finish off the session later, but they don't respond. It must be pretty traumatic.


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Re: Webcamming advice ?
« Reply #11 on: 24 May 2008, 04:50:04 pm »
 :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X

ID just like to thank you all for the above advice , im a bit late in replying !! i did indeed start ,my direct cam shows , so far its gone pretty well  :). Everything nell2 and anikamay said is 100% , yes you do get a lot of freeloaders bouncing in and out of free chat , but its all gone ok , ive managed to get guys to go private with me ! I still havent started my phone chat but im thinking of having a go tonight !! All your advice and comments have been very very helpfull , thankyou !!! cleo XXX
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Re: Webcamming advice ?
« Reply #12 on: 26 May 2008, 12:44:23 am »
In response to Cleo, I think it is important that we are all here for each in any way possible.

In the industry we are in, then we can only rely on each for help and support and I appreciate this site and forum for allowing us to do that.

Wish you all a great weekend
Nell x