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Author Topic: Viva street is it a good website??  (Read 15406 times)


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Re: Viva street is it a good website??
« Reply #30 on: 03 January 2014, 12:29:56 pm »
I used to advertise on Viva street. You get a huge volume of calls but many of them are hagglers, time wasters or no shows or their english is so poor its impossible to give them say directions etc. My advice is perhaps have a seperate viva street phone so you know when they ring they will have zero info really as you can't put rates or services and if they sound at all dodgy just say you can do a half hour as like I say you will get a fair few no shows and you don't want to be booking them in for hours and turning down genuine clients.You will also get alot of late night callers, I mean at all hours.
I stopped advertising as overall I think its quite expensive for what it is and the constant stream of idiots you have to put up with on the phone to actually get a few proper bookings can start to get on your nerves. Now and then they do offers of a months free advert and thats when I go back on.


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Re: Viva street is it a good website??
« Reply #31 on: 03 January 2014, 12:31:00 pm »
The thing i dont like about Vivastreet is that they edit your advert, your not allowed to use words like GFE, sensual, sexy etc, so you cant get yourself across in your words.

The calls i get from there are mostly young foreign guys/ text speak kind of people/asian/Indian etc, which i wont see. I suppose it depends the kind of clients you want.

You can have afree listing on there, or pay to be Featured and highlighted etc.
There isn't a free listing on viva street. Even the basic advert still costs.


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Re: Viva street is it a good website??
« Reply #32 on: 03 January 2014, 12:33:07 pm »
I had my add on vivastreet in Oxford and all I used to get were young guys trying to get a freebie, even trying to convince me that they found my add in the dating section, whatever it is. I was Soooo pissed off with them by the end of the month that didn't even think about extending my add there for another month.
Viva street or the company that operates do in fact use your paid advert on their sister dating sites without telling you. I discovered this the other day, it will still say on the advert you are an escort but I guess some people see dating site and don't read the ad properly.


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Re: Viva street is it a good website??
« Reply #33 on: 03 January 2014, 12:47:04 pm »
Really Bibi?

Which sister dating sites do they use?


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Re: Viva street is it a good website??
« Reply #34 on: 03 January 2014, 01:06:26 pm »
Adsdating,timesdating,freedatingwebsite were 3 I found myself on. They also own escortmagazine which as confusing as it sounds is a website. I have an ad on there because it is free but started finding myself on these 'dating' sites after advertising on both viva and escortmagazine with my original advert take word for word. As I only write it that way for viva and escort (without rates and services etc) I know its from there.


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Re: Viva street is it a good website??
« Reply #35 on: 03 January 2014, 01:30:35 pm »
Wow what a cheek!

Thanks for getting back.


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Re: Viva street is it a good website??
« Reply #36 on: 03 January 2014, 02:33:58 pm »
bibi do you know if they would permanently remove our details on their sites but keep naturally our info on the site advert as they should do?

Is it worth me contacting them next week?  They are always very professional on the 'phone....?

Is it for all escorts they do this or just ones where we tick the third party box.  As I have not ticked the third party box perhaps they have not done this....?


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Re: Viva street is it a good website??
« Reply #37 on: 03 January 2014, 04:00:16 pm »
I have no idea love.I've not contacted them to ask to have it removed.To be honest I don't think I get contacted much due to the dating site ads.They seem to come up about 5 pages in on google so not much traffic but might explain why when you go on viva et al you get the odd confused bloke asking to date you.
But if you find yourself on one of the sites I mentioned contact the site and see what they say would be interesting to see how they explain why you are on there.I don't remember ticking any boxes about affiliate sites.


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Re: Viva street is it a good website??
« Reply #38 on: 03 January 2014, 06:26:12 pm »
Hi girls
After my buissnes slow down I decide to put more adds and I start wondering to put add on the viva street. This website it's not cheap so I want ask you if anyone working with it? Is it worth it??
Thanks for your help

It all depends on which site is used the most in your targeted are. Like here in Belfast is viva and escort Ireland that bring me the most traffic.


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Re: Viva street is it a good website??
« Reply #39 on: 04 January 2014, 12:07:06 am »
Hi Amy,

Yes, I found that thread after I posted this and almost fell off my chair.  Almost ran out there and placed an advert myself!  But it's still the most any web site commands for advertising and the end results (bookings) still seem to be hit and miss.



Pru, have you read through this thread? There's more details of the updated rules and some contact info too :).


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Re: Viva street is it a good website??
« Reply #40 on: 06 January 2014, 02:27:23 pm »
Well vivastreet is fine for me not too many nutters I have put my prices in the ad so I don't get too many timewasters calling and everybody sounded normal who rang today ...  Prior to this I hadn't put my telephone no in but they offer a protected phone number service which is good.

For some reason they are only charging me ?10 this month too!


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Re: Viva street is it a good website??
« Reply #41 on: 06 January 2014, 02:33:29 pm »
I've been using it for Birmingham and get several booking of it I use a seperate phone though as you can get a lot of tw I put my prices in it as well as that dose seem to help


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Re: Viva street is it a good website??
« Reply #42 on: 06 January 2014, 02:36:54 pm »
I made it clear in my ad I will only answer when I am available in the day for work i.e. weekdays daytimes only.

If they start doing my nut in the good thing is all I have to do is to delete the number on the ad itself!

Lisa lisa

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Re: Viva street is it a good website??
« Reply #43 on: 10 January 2014, 01:05:01 am »
I bought a separate PAYG phone, solely to use for Vivastreet.
I leave it on silent in a drawer and each night I have an Ad running, I send a template text to all the missed calls with my *website link.
They can then call me at my website number to arrange a booking.
Each month I will gain 1 or 2 genuine Clients that go on to become long-term regulars.

That's how I make Vivastreet work for me  :)

* The web-link and full info-including prices and rules of conduct etc- are also shown on my Ad ( this is all allowed now ), but you know what fellas are like when they see some tasty pics and a phone number.. :FF

This is what I do generally  but I do find it work well in some cities    Like birmingham . There is a trick with viva st to get cheap featured / reposting stuff that works brilliantly ESP in places like London where its 90 for featuring
Pm me if anyone wants to know how to get it for ?30'for 10 day

Ohhhh getting VVS cheaper. That brill babes, lucky you. I've Pm'd you for how you do it  :-*