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Author Topic: Vaginal tightness vs ageing and sex work  (Read 3494 times)


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Vaginal tightness vs ageing and sex work
« on: 20 November 2019, 02:57:43 pm »
I have posted about this before - but I'm getting worried that sex work is literally wearing out my bits.

I'm 36 and I have done a lot of escorting over the last 15 years. A couple of years ago I had 2 clients comment that I was not "tight" enough for them another one even put it in an AW review. At that time I got paranoid and checked myself - I was definitely getting wider inside my vagina and less able to grip/clench on anything inserted.

Now, 2 years on I'm beginning to notice it even more. If I inert the vibrator that I have had for years, there is no resistance when I push and the feeling inside is less - I used to have to give a firm push to insert it and I could really feel it.

I have also looked at my bits in the mirror and when I open my legs, the entrance to my vagina effectively gapes open without any use of fingers even when I'm not aroused. I'm certain it never used to look like this - it was closed up and tight.

Does anyone know if this is caused by age or the large amount of intercourse I'm having. I'm worried that it can only get worse.

For the record, my weight has not changed over all this time and I'm healthy in all other respects.

Thanks for any advice



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Re: Vaginal tightness vs ageing and sex work
« Reply #1 on: 20 November 2019, 03:11:37 pm »
Hi Sammy,

I am 34 years old.

The doctor or sex clinic will be able to advise to be sure.  Pelvic floor exercises might help.


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Re: Vaginal tightness vs ageing and sex work
« Reply #2 on: 20 November 2019, 03:30:49 pm »
Clients always used to comment on how ‘tight’ I was, hasn’t happened in quite a few months however. I was beginning to wonder about ‘loosening’ also, but really I think it was the case that I was seeing a different type of client who thought that sort of comment was the ‘norm’ and made the experience more pornographic for all involved. (It’s the sort of thing they’d have heard in porn a lot of the time).

I don’t believe it’s a case of too much sex having this effect, id hope it’s just how the vagina is growing, changing over time. Lots of body parts settle into place in odd ways as we get older. Lord knows what’s going to become of my boobs in the next 5-10 years. SHEESHHH.

When I first started this role it did used to hurt way more during penetration and nowadays I find it easier / less painful, which plays on my mind as to whether or not it means im becoming less “tight” and maybe it’s not as enjoyable for clients (?? Silly thoughts really).
I’m actually grateful it doesn’t hurt anymore and personally I’d rather that, than the “tight” grunts from clients.

OP if this is just a couple of comments from a couple of clients I’d ignore it altogether. Not every penis and vagina get along. Maybe they’ve not felt enough vaginas to really be a judge of yours. Maybe they’re just being spiteful. There’s plenty of comments online about a great deal of us that are lies or out of spite or boredom on the part of “clients”.

If you feel comfortable in yourself and it doesn’t seem to be affecting your work load, don’t give it a second thought. Xx


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Re: Vaginal tightness vs ageing and sex work
« Reply #3 on: 20 November 2019, 03:31:47 pm »
Have you had children?

I'm 52 and while there are obviously changes as you age I don't think my vagina has got 'bigger' or looser. If anything, having a lot of sex should keep your vagina in good shape as it's exercising the muscles.

I would strongly advise doing Kegel exercises every day, 5-6 times a day if possible. Also perhaps try one of the electronic Kegel gadgets - it gives me the giggles, but you can feel it working. Also, during sex, try clenching the cock with your vagina.
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Re: Vaginal tightness vs ageing and sex work
« Reply #4 on: 21 November 2019, 04:50:49 am »
Yes! I am in my late 20s, and, even though I'm not "old" I was looking at the gap between my legs and it seems more spread out than when I was 18 to my early 20s. I think it must change just from ageing and maturity and etc. but, that's just me! I always read online that it doesn't but my hips are wider and I have more of a "womanly" body.

That's rude he made a comment about such a thing. Maybe you just weren't into it? The other day when I had a client, he was rubbing all over me, didn't pay the extra for me to give him a blowjob without a condom and wanted me to suck his dick and he almost put his f*cking dick in my pussy without a condom (fucking disgusting). As soon as they do something as stupid as that, I end up taking charge and I think this kind of pisses them off (I act all like, letting them take charge which is honestly f*cking stupid lol). Anyway, since he killed the mood I grabbed a condom and was moving really quick to get the right angles so he would stop trying to shove his dick inside and potentially break the condom. When I moved, he had this look like his dick just slid right in, hips felt kind of wide, seemed like, he thought my vagina was really loose LOL. Must have been thinking my vagina would fall out.

I am like 99% sure that your vagina will not change because of how much dick you have taken. From what I know is that the vagina is like an elastic, and when you take dick it eventually goes back down to it's normal "resting" position after. I read a long time ago though that your vagina can get used to a certain kind of dick for example like your boyfriend, but, who knows lol.

Again, I am not sure but I do think that your vagina does change based on maturity and etc. Like your hips get wider, bones get bigger, just don't have that teenage body. But still, I think saying something like that is incredibly rude. 36? You're not even old! Like what the hell lol. I think it's mostly some type of mindset and maybe if you weren't feeling it or whatever it seems people can pick up on that and then they say a lot of stupid things.

I've heard that kegel exercises work really good! I used to do them every day and I actually got compliments. I ended up getting BV though and I think it was because I stopped cleaning it properly LOL so I threw it out and haven't used one since.
From the weird, weird west :p


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Re: Vaginal tightness vs ageing and sex work
« Reply #5 on: 21 November 2019, 06:57:05 am »
I am 56 my pussy is still tight despite 7 years of sexwork but I do get anal mainly.

I always do kegel when having vaginal sex to keep things in shape.  Also good for the guy!

I have just had the one child but born by caesarian.

Not noticed any decline in my pussy thankfully.


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Re: Vaginal tightness vs ageing and sex work
« Reply #6 on: 21 November 2019, 09:27:49 am »
Fifties here too and been doing sexwork for a decade which must work out at thousands of sex sessions with many hundreds of different men. I am as neat and tight as I was in my twenties and have given birth vaginally.

My take on this is that it is rather like other parts of our bodies which age differently to other women. Some young women in their late teens or early twenties can take a fist vaginally and it is just the way they are designed inside. Not because they have had many years of a thousand cocks inside them.

Having comments from men saying I am tight (and they are obviously surprised given my age) makes me wonder if some of them are just flattering me but I know for sure I am tight as any cock a notch up from average girth will be felt uncomfortably by me inside. I can not take a huge one at all and have stopped sex with clients who have them.

Seeing comments from online males who say women always get loose and baggy down there as they age just confirms to me that a lot of men have absolutely no idea at all.


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Re: Vaginal tightness vs ageing and sex work
« Reply #7 on: 21 November 2019, 05:49:07 pm »
ive escorted for 7 years and still tight as hell....i presume its partly becuase i have not had kids and daily exersize


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Re: Vaginal tightness vs ageing and sex work
« Reply #8 on: 21 November 2019, 11:54:31 pm »
Sex does not loosen your vagina, (if anything it strengthens it) but age may. Maybe start doing some kegels? You can even buy some small weights to insert to aid with doing them.


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Re: Vaginal tightness vs ageing and sex work
« Reply #9 on: 22 November 2019, 04:58:10 am »
I have posted about this before - but I'm getting worried that sex work is literally wearing out my bits.

I'm 36 and I have done a lot of escorting over the last 15 years. A couple of years ago I had 2 clients comment that I was not "tight" enough for them another one even put it in an AW review. At that time I got paranoid and checked myself - I was definitely getting wider inside my vagina and less able to grip/clench on anything inserted.

Now, 2 years on I'm beginning to notice it even more. If I inert the vibrator that I have had for years, there is no resistance when I push and the feeling inside is less - I used to have to give a firm push to insert it and I could really feel it.

I have also looked at my bits in the mirror and when I open my legs, the entrance to my vagina effectively gapes open without any use of fingers even when I'm not aroused. I'm certain it never used to look like this - it was closed up and tight.

Does anyone know if this is caused by age or the large amount of intercourse I'm having. I'm worried that it can only get worse.

For the record, my weight has not changed over all this time and I'm healthy in all other respects.

Thanks for any advice


1) Buy a kegel 8 machine -use it every night
2) buy some hifu vaginal tightening rejuvenation treatments
3)buy some vaginal weights for kegel exercises


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Re: Vaginal tightness vs ageing and sex work
« Reply #10 on: 22 November 2019, 07:05:39 am »

First, don't worry about stupid comments like that. Odds are you're perfectly fine.   If you're really worried, try the Kegel exercises others have mentioned.  Just remember to pee first! They are good for health in general, and can help give your muscles the control that makes your vagina appear more tight. 

After a decade plus of 20-30 penises inside me a week, I still feel as tight as ever.  Frequent and consistent sex keeps your muscles stronger/tighter, so the "loose" woman is a myth anyway. You might practice tightening your muscles during the action too---I do sometimes.

Do all of this for YOU, not because some idiot made a comment. 
« Last Edit: 30 June 2020, 11:15:50 pm by PleasureSales »


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Re: Vaginal tightness vs ageing and sex work
« Reply #11 on: 22 November 2019, 08:45:44 am »
Mid-40s sufficient sex, 12 years moderate to low volume sex work and still struggle to accommodate well endowed males orally or vaginally.

If I've not had intercourse for 24 hours even moderate to average size might have to take it easy for the first 30 seconds or so. I don't use dildos, did do years ago.


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Re: Vaginal tightness vs ageing and sex work
« Reply #12 on: 23 November 2019, 11:03:16 pm »
Late 30s here. Have had children with c sec delivery. Still very tight down below so I don’t think it’s due to age. I also practice tensing Keegals whilst having sex with clients it makes them cum super fast and replicates the pulse sensation of an orgasm so they think you are coming when they feel it gripping 

Start trying to grip them when your having sex and over time if you keep going the muscles will get stronger. Keegals are good for us young or old if you can be bothered to do them.

I feel less lubricated with age I would say and I feel my body drys up especially with clients I don’t enjoy.


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Re: Vaginal tightness vs ageing and sex work
« Reply #13 on: 24 November 2019, 04:50:48 pm »
I'm 50 and in full blown menopause.
In the past year (since my periods ended completely) I have felt different in my vagina. Sex was causing strong discomfort that would last for several days.
Almost like having permanent cystitis :'(

Alongside that, I would feel exhausted all the time..

I switched to non latex condoms and the purest of lubes which helped (even KY Jelly was too strong) and I recently decided-for other reasons too-to try HRT.

Almost immediately, my vagina felt back to normal (nasty mood swings initially, but that may be just my excuse 😛)
On the subject of tightness declining, no I definitely haven't noticed any change. Men always assume I can't possibly have given birth, but I think it's more likely that I am petite everywhere (I need child size hats and swimming goggles lol)

Still run a mile at a big willy..
« Last Edit: 24 November 2019, 04:53:51 pm by Phoenix »


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Re: Vaginal tightness vs ageing and sex work
« Reply #14 on: 24 November 2019, 05:43:56 pm »
Giving birth naturally (vaginally) is not an automatic death knoll on the tightness. Many men assume a lot of things and one of them is that a woman who has pushed a 5/6/7lb baby out will have a useless bodypart no longer any good for sex.  How wrong they are.  I wonder if any of these men discuss it with their wives if she has had his children. Or possibly some civvy women/wives are assuming the worst too.

I have wondered what the percentage of sex workers have given birth. No way of knowing.

The vaginal walls are able to stretch enormously as we females know but what some men fail to grasp (no pun intended) is that it is an elastic organ and while it may not ping back to pre birth size in a day or two it definitely can go back to its original size in a short time.  As I said earlier though not all women are this lucky and some find they have lost elasticity forever.