Yes! I am in my late 20s, and, even though I'm not "old" I was looking at the gap between my legs and it seems more spread out than when I was 18 to my early 20s. I think it must change just from ageing and maturity and etc. but, that's just me! I always read online that it doesn't but my hips are wider and I have more of a "womanly" body.
That's rude he made a comment about such a thing. Maybe you just weren't into it? The other day when I had a client, he was rubbing all over me, didn't pay the extra for me to give him a blowjob without a condom and wanted me to suck his dick and he almost put his f*cking dick in my pussy without a condom (fucking disgusting). As soon as they do something as stupid as that, I end up taking charge and I think this kind of pisses them off (I act all like, letting them take charge which is honestly f*cking stupid lol). Anyway, since he killed the mood I grabbed a condom and was moving really quick to get the right angles so he would stop trying to shove his dick inside and potentially break the condom. When I moved, he had this look like his dick just slid right in, hips felt kind of wide, seemed like, he thought my vagina was really loose LOL. Must have been thinking my vagina would fall out.
I am like 99% sure that your vagina will not change because of how much dick you have taken. From what I know is that the vagina is like an elastic, and when you take dick it eventually goes back down to it's normal "resting" position after. I read a long time ago though that your vagina can get used to a certain kind of dick for example like your boyfriend, but, who knows lol.
Again, I am not sure but I do think that your vagina does change based on maturity and etc. Like your hips get wider, bones get bigger, just don't have that teenage body. But still, I think saying something like that is incredibly rude. 36? You're not even old! Like what the hell lol. I think it's mostly some type of mindset and maybe if you weren't feeling it or whatever it seems people can pick up on that and then they say a lot of stupid things.
I've heard that kegel exercises work really good! I used to do them every day and I actually got compliments. I ended up getting BV though and I think it was because I stopped cleaning it properly LOL so I threw it out and haven't used one since.