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Author Topic: [Touring advertising advice and] hotel recommendations  (Read 1065 times)


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[Touring advertising advice and] hotel recommendations
« on: 07 September 2023, 12:56:51 pm »
Hello all,

I’m new to saafe as in today! Iv been escorting on and off for years iv been on AW for years but recently come off a year and half break (maternity) I’m starting back up reactivated old AW profile but want to go to different towns when baby with his dad. I am not too sure where to start really and was looking for some guidance and help please 🙏

How do I get bookings for another town in advance? If that’s possible? So I don’t waste time or money if nobody shows up.

Is there anywhere else apart from AW I can advertise that’ll help with bookings?

And lastly does anyone have a list of workable hotels/apartments to hand in different towns as knowing my luck I’d get there and there be a key card entry or something?

If anyone has any pointers on how to get my profile to make money please help me.  My AW profile is [removed - please use PMs]

Thank you in advance I’m sorry for all the questions I’m just a bit lost doing this all iv sat for hours doing research but it’ll be really appreciated if someone that knows what they’re doing can help me.

Stay safe

Jess xxx

[identifying info removed, title edited for clarity]
« Last Edit: 07 September 2023, 01:59:10 pm by SAAFE »


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Re: [Touring advertising advice and] hotel recommendations
« Reply #1 on: 07 September 2023, 03:09:27 pm »
There is a Touring article on the main SAAFE site, and a Where to Advertise thread at the top of this section :)


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Re: [Touring advertising advice and] hotel recommendations
« Reply #2 on: 07 September 2023, 05:02:08 pm »
Thank you il have a read hopefully get some bookings 🤦‍♀️

Does anyone have a list of workable hotels at all they wouldn’t mind sending me for Leicester Coventry Birmingham Nottingham London please xx


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Re: [Touring advertising advice and] hotel recommendations
« Reply #3 on: 07 September 2023, 08:16:14 pm »
Thank you il have a read hopefully get some bookings 🤦‍♀️

Does anyone have a list of workable hotels at all they wouldn’t mind sending me for Leicester Coventry Birmingham Nottingham London please xx

You need to look on the Touring thread, alternatively there’s nothing stopping you contacting hotels independently and asking whatever questions you want to, as your idea of workable might not be everyone else’s.

I always phone hotels I’m not familiar with regardless of what other people say.


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Re: [Touring advertising advice and] hotel recommendations
« Reply #4 on: 08 September 2023, 06:54:40 am »
Thank you, yes I will contact them do I ask straight out if they have key card system? Or how do you put this to them? Xx