I am signed onto a particular site and I am just fed up right now. I have to pay $89 a month (70?), or either pay $30 (23?) every 10 days with an auto-rebill. no problem. But I didnt want the re-bill because Im leaving out of town next week for 5 days, and I forgot to cancel it before it went through. They automatically sign you up for re-bill whenever you purchase the 10 days.
Well I just checked my account and they charged the $89 yesterday and neither the site or the billing company will refund me. Its not life or death money, but I am just disappointed the site doesnt even send an email or anything to let you know the auto-bill is about to occur. I have to go out of town for 5 days this week and I wont even be in town to take the damn bookings!
And I wont need it in the town I'm in because Im already set and am taking a vacation!
Its ridiculous these sites have hundreds of people signed up on them yet feel the need to charge more money than the average phone bill! Am I asking for free advertising? no, but I believe they are definently exploiting us with the fees. One of the websites Im going to call up tomorrow and ask about their advertising as I have not seen the company advertised in the gay magazine in my city like I have on the east coast.
Im not upset at the fee, because the site does attract alot of business...Im upset because for 5 days I wont be able to take any bookings and thats almost a week wasted paying for the site and they wont even give other options. And the customer service of the site is bad, they wont let me post my professional pictures with the copywrite protection, and they edit and delete words/pictures all the time for very little reason. Its ridiculous!