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Author Topic: Upfront payment query  (Read 2679 times)


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Upfront payment query
« on: 14 December 2015, 01:16:17 am »
Hi I hope I've put this question in the right area, apologies if not. I need some advice.whilst we have plenty of scammers in this world. What do you girls do when you have a genuine client wanting to make a part payment upfront?

The reason I ask if my bank account is in my real world name and I would never want to give out that personal detail. Any advice would be appreciated.

Wishing everyone a safe & sparkly day.


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Re: Upfront payment query
« Reply #1 on: 14 December 2015, 08:38:20 am »
Cash only, when they arrive. Does this client have a reason for wanting to make a part payment now?


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Re: Upfront payment query
« Reply #2 on: 14 December 2015, 09:01:36 am »
If you do a search for 'deposit' and maybe 'prepay card' there should be a fair few discussions coming up.

Personally I agree with Kendall, but I've taken deposits before for travel costs when I used to do distance outcalls and mostly used Amazon vouchers :).


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Re: Upfront payment query
« Reply #3 on: 14 December 2015, 09:18:10 am »
Unless it's a really long booking like a weekend  where you need to give up a lot of time and work to do it and/or have to pay up front travel costs to accommodate them is there even a reason to pay a deposit? In an ideal world they'd all use Bitcoin for it but most clients I've met aren't the most technologically advanced so they likely aren't even going to understand how to use it.


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Re: Upfront payment query
« Reply #4 on: 14 December 2015, 09:34:09 am »
Get your money cash upfront , Simple.How do you know the client is genuine ???? I have even had regulars try to steal from me ,you can't trust all of your clients upfront ,or no booking.


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Re: Upfront payment query
« Reply #5 on: 14 December 2015, 09:40:22 am »
I take deposits from new clients via payment into my bank, or amazon vouchers. Some opt to pay the whole amount in advance that way. My bank doesn't require the account name, only sort code and account number. Other banks and transfer forms sometimes require something in account name field. I give them two initials which do the job. The initials are not the ones on the account.


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Re: Upfront payment query
« Reply #6 on: 14 December 2015, 01:14:22 pm »
For a bank transfer to be made to you, the client would only need two pieces of information - the sort code and the account number. Your name isn't needed and won't show on his statement/documents.

You will however be able to see his name on your bank statement.

This doesn't mean it's 100% safe by the way but your name won't be revealed. For what it's worth I have used this method with trusted clients and so far have never had a problem. (Although I do have an account solely for this purpose that is otherwise empty, and withdraw the cash before meeting them - just on the offchance they could somehow take it back.)

"Why do people say "grow some balls"? Balls are weak and sensitive. If you wanna be tough, grow a vagina. Those things can take a pounding."

-Betty White


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Re: Upfront payment query
« Reply #7 on: 14 December 2015, 01:42:35 pm »
If its just to confirm that he's genuine you could ask him to book a week of your private gallery or buy you a phone top up, he can text you the pin number


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Re: Upfront payment query
« Reply #8 on: 14 December 2015, 06:07:13 pm »
For a bank transfer to be made to you, the client would only need two pieces of information - the sort code and the account number. Your name isn't needed and won't show on his statement/documents.

You will however be able to see his name on your bank statement.

This doesn't mean it's 100% safe by the way but your name won't be revealed. For what it's worth I have used this method with trusted clients and so far have never had a problem. (Although I do have an account solely for this purpose that is otherwise empty, and withdraw the cash before meeting them - just on the offchance they could somehow take it back.)


I always thought this would work but someone said on another thread that banks often confirm the name when someone pays in just using the account number and sort code so maybe more people know your real name than you think!


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Re: Upfront payment query
« Reply #9 on: 11 February 2016, 02:49:20 pm »
I always thought this would work but someone said on another thread that banks often confirm the name when someone pays in just using the account number and sort code so maybe more people know your real name than you think!

 :-X ..Great, I've just accepted an advanced booking for next week via bank transfer. I honestly feel queasy right now, can physically feel my stomach churning.
" Some will; Some won't; So what? Next!"


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Re: Upfront payment query
« Reply #10 on: 11 February 2016, 02:56:14 pm »
I always thought this would work but someone said on another thread that banks often confirm the name when someone pays in just using the account number and sort code so maybe more people know your real name than you think!

 :-X ..Great, I've just accepted an advanced booking for next week via bank transfer. I honestly feel queasy right now, can physically feel my stomach churning.

I've only ever done that once with an evening outcall to Gatwick with a guy from Sweden stopping over. I asked for full payment via bank transfer it took ages to come thro, literally on the day of the booking by which time I was panicking!

However duration was probably due to it being an international transfer, poor guy was having to send me copies of the transfer via email but I was still happier once I'd seen it on my bank statement, minutes before I was due to leave.


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Re: Upfront payment query
« Reply #11 on: 11 February 2016, 03:23:46 pm »
poor guy was having to send me copies of the transfer via email
  :) lol

I can't focus right now, so stressed, keep stuffing marshmallows into my mouth  :P vanilla and solves everything! 
" Some will; Some won't; So what? Next!"


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Re: Upfront payment query
« Reply #12 on: 11 February 2016, 03:28:50 pm »
poor guy was having to send me copies of the transfer via email
  :) lol

I can't focus right now, so stressed, keep stuffing marshmallows into my mouth  :P vanilla and solves everything!

Same here, enforced time off, then dead as a dodo all week  :FF

So its,quadruple Belgian chocolate cookies for me, double or triple just won't hack it.


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Re: Upfront payment query
« Reply #13 on: 11 February 2016, 03:34:10 pm »
Sorry to be a downer with bank transfers but can't bank transfers be claimed back.

There was a thread on here a while ago where the girl in question had received a bank transfer then the guy had gone to his bank and claimed he made it in error or it was a fraudulent activity and then the bank had removed the funds from her account?

I know most banks have this feature and they give a time period so you can always claim it was a mistake and get your money back.

I dont trust anything that can be claimed back.

amazon vouchers
Google wallet
Or the 3v vouchers sound like your best bet
Delivery code vouchers (as you can use this wishlist to purchase almost anything)


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Re: Upfront payment query
« Reply #14 on: 11 February 2016, 03:47:35 pm »
Same here, enforced time off, then dead as a dodo all week  :FF

So its,quadruple Belgian chocolate cookies for me, double or triple just won't hack it.

I had those yesterday  ;D If you are what you eat then I'd prob look like a giant,soft chocolate chip cookie or a family sized cadburys bar.

Sorry to be a downer with bank transfers but can't bank transfers be claimed back.

There was a thread on here a while ago where the girl in question had received a bank transfer then the guy had gone to his bank and claimed he made it in error or it was a fraudulent activity and then the bank had removed the funds from her account?

I've seen him before (once) and money was no object, paid for hotel and tip etc but at the time I had ( possible) bookings lined up so I took the risk and paid for the hotel myself in advance and then when I saw him in person he then paid me in cash.

However being feb..I dont have any bookings lined up for next week so he's volunteered to put the cash into my bank ( he can't do online transfer as he's married). This is the first time I've agreed to do this method. I'm more stressed about him knowing me name...but after eating a whole bag of marshmallows I thought " so what if he knows my first name", It's not the end of the world and if it is then I'll cross that bridge when it comes to it.   :) besides by the sounds of it he has more to lose than I do

" Some will; Some won't; So what? Next!"