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Author Topic: Twitter for advertising  (Read 2968 times)


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Re: Twitter for advertising
« Reply #15 on: 21 January 2021, 09:41:01 am »
I have been using twitter on and off for years, with a few accounts. One account I had built up nearly 4k followers and I did get clients from it.

I closed that one down and started another when I rebranded..  it only reached 1k then I got locked out because I forgot my password and didn't have  recovery set up but did get some clients and fans for onlyfans from it.

I've just started a new on new one and am going to begin an online course in social media marketing so I can get the best from it. Aside from being fairly useful for getting clients at my home base, I plan on using it to propel any touring I do next year, and promoting my online services which I have thrown myself fully into (and getting good results).

Mainly I find that fans use it as a way to keep entertained by my doings. It's an extension of my brand and this time around am really going to use social media as a way to emulate my persona, as opposed to just detailing what's been going on with me. I plan on it being much more strategic as opposed to just sharing photos and updates - this is what attracts the freebie hunters and the almost-creepy stalkers who watch and like everything I post, then relay it back to me in sessions  :-\

It can be a very useful tool when used correctly. I hope to get it right this time!


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Re: Twitter for advertising
« Reply #16 on: 07 February 2021, 10:55:14 pm »
I thought there was already a twitter thread but it's not, but here was my personal overview

Although I have to add, Twitter can be a LOT of work. You feel obligated to constantly have new content to keep people interested, people who aren't paying for it. It always paid off for me in the bookings I'd get as I said in that other linked reply, but I know some people don't get a lot of business from it at all. Know your limit going into it of how much time you want to invest in taking/editing photos, posting them, and engaging with other SWs tweets, or I promise it will become a huge time drain.

Also, given the likelihood you'll be posting more candid snaps than you would on directories, do so with caution. It can be easy to slip into giving away things in the background, your local park that you visit daily for a run/walk, your favourite coffee shop etc. Don't post pictures of inside a hotel room that you're still currently in, and be discreet if it's one you use regularly. You never know what creeps are lurking on your whereabouts and trying to look out for you IRL (that includes hotel staff).

There's also been a big hooha recently about them getting stricter about SWs on the platform, so the advice is to make sure your header image and profile image are clothed, and any nudity/nips through a sheer bra/ bum crack are marked as 'sensitive' so as to not trigger the shadow bans/account deletion, though it's safest to make sure you're at least wearing lingerie/suggestive outfits as opposed to full nudity. You can even get shadow banned for silly things like using the F word, the word 'sex', hashtagging, retweeting too much, not tweeting enough. It's incredibly frustrating when it happens - it basically means your posts get shared with far less of your followers, so you have barely any engagement and posting feels like you're just screaming into the void. It usually gets lifted if you just stay inactive for 3 days and/or delete the offensive content, but that's a whole different dicussion.


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Re: Twitter for advertising
« Reply #17 on: 03 March 2021, 11:16:44 pm »
I have been on twitter for a while and very rarely promote my escort services on there but it is great for getting guys to subscribe to PPV sites such as Onlyfans & AdmiremeVIP as a little passive income each month (although PPV sites are really hard work!)

Same as others have said, escorts do promote their services on twitter as well as posting their number but I feel like you are just asking for trouble and TWers with that.

Regarding instagram, I know of a dozen plus girls that have had their IG taken down for posting very tame pictures but mentioning onlyfans - same for tiktok!


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Re: Twitter for advertising
« Reply #18 on: 15 March 2021, 05:13:37 am »
I do but I don't post my number just links to my AW page and content sites. It helps me sell content, not sure how much it helps me with bookings. But it's fine.


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Re: Twitter for advertising
« Reply #19 on: 15 March 2021, 09:29:58 am »
I find it good when your a touring escort because you can post your dates in advance. I keep getting messages from Adultwork no to post my tours in the main page so this is a better way of doing it. Hashtags for the city your going to be in work I don’t ever hashtag escort or anything like this I would just put #Bristol #dinnerdate this like this. I find it works abs draws traffic.


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Re: Twitter for advertising
« Reply #20 on: 20 March 2021, 02:22:45 pm »
I've been on Twitter for a while with only 4-5 bookings from followers and a few more from lurkers. Most clients go to my twitter from an online advert rather than finding me organically on twitter.

Its good to have a social media account because it makes you look more professional but as stated above, it can suck the life out of you and can feel like it's more of a pissing contest between escorts.
I also dislike twitter clients, they are way more needy, stalkerish, demanding and are the ones who will text you 20 times a day. They spend hours on twitter following your every move. If you want rich business clients who travel the world and are exciting (!) you're rarely going to find them on twitter, because they simply don't have the time. If you were a popstar would you date a fan? I see it as the same thing.

Twitter IS an excellent tool and some women know how to use it really well and make big £££ but in my experience I've never liked that type of client xx


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Re: Twitter for advertising
« Reply #21 on: 20 March 2021, 06:06:37 pm »
Twitter permanently suspended my account a few mths ago and I appealed and they sent a reply the other day saying I will it will not be reinstated due to breaking twitter rules. The rules are then linked to, where it says it is forbidden to sell sexual services.
So I was definitely banned for being an escort.


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Re: Twitter for advertising
« Reply #22 on: 20 March 2021, 07:08:15 pm »
Twitter permanently suspended my account a few mths ago and I appealed and they sent a reply the other day saying I will it will not be reinstated due to breaking twitter rules. The rules are then linked to, where it says it is forbidden to sell sexual services.
So I was definitely banned for being an escort.

Sorry to hear that. Did you post a link directly to your website or AW ad on your twitter profile? That's usually the case people get banned. Just curious sorry.
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.