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Author Topic: Turning requests into actual bookings? is there a magic formula?  (Read 2095 times)


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Hi Guys

Hope you all had a good Christmas

I know you will have been asked this a zillion times before and i apologise for being annoying but i could do with some advice.

Ive just put a profile on adultworks. I have zero experience of dealing with my own bookings as i usually work through an agency.

I have advertised myself as outcall only,trying to go for a bit of a 'classier' image to try and deter the raving perves etc.

I have stated in my profle very clearly that i dont do incalls,will need full name,address etc of clients for security reasons etc and also that i would appreciate potential clients stating in their initial email the date,length and time for appointment so i can quickly confirm or not my availability.
It all seems fairly reasonable i think.

However i am getting lots of emails,the main containing some varient on the following.

Do you do incalls?
Are you free monday (or whatever) night? usually sent with no futher details and when i reply asking for  details and info for my security checks i get no response.
Are you free tonight? (sent with no other details)

So basically i havent managed to confirm a single genuine booking in 2 weeks and im getting frustrated. How on earth do you indie ladies manage to deal with the timewasters and achieve genuine bookings? Is there something im not doing? I would really appreciate any advice before i just take my profile off the site for good >:(


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Re: Turning requests into actual bookings? is there a magic formula?
« Reply #1 on: 28 December 2008, 12:48:21 pm »
I know exactly what you mean! I'm on there and get the same sort of thing all the time.
If I state clearly on my profile "Iam only available on xday, and xday every week" or "Thursday is my day off" I STILL get emails and calls asking if i will do an exception for them!!!!
Also, I have it written clearly "I do not answer withheld numbers, please call back from a non-withheld number" in 2 places, and i STILL get loads of withheld calls all day!
It drives me crazy - it's not a dating site, it's a business I'm running (or at least that's the way i try to see it as or i get lazy!lol)

The only thing I could suggest is you put your phone number up and tell potential clients to call for an appointment (not text). I find that the ones who actually call are usually genuine.

Or only reply to a couple of emails from the one person before asking them directly - "When is it you would like an appointment? Which day/time? x" This usually spurs them into action!
Anna xx


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Re: Turning requests into actual bookings? is there a magic formula?
« Reply #2 on: 28 December 2008, 01:05:09 pm »

yes i get those all the time too. its i think just as is, it seems men in general are not able to read, maybe it is there destosterone i don't know what it is .... but it happens


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Re: Turning requests into actual bookings? is there a magic formula?
« Reply #3 on: 28 December 2008, 01:05:36 pm »
I dont think it makes a whole lot of difference what instructions you write, I'm convinced that when guys go to my site they look at my tits, my name and my phone number all in that order!

I get hardly any emails and i dont mind that, id rather get phone calls as i find it easier to work out timewasters when i speak with them.  I havent found a magic formula to make them read my website and stop the obvious questions so i just go along with it.  What i wont do is go in to graphic detail about what i look like, services, what i will wear etc because I'm not offering a free sex line.  I try and keep it friendly and a bit flirty, answer any questions as best i can, refer them back to my website if necessary and hope for the best.

When i do get emails i try to reply to all of them even if it is just to say that they need to phone me to confirm a booking but i dont get involved in email tennis as its just a waste of my time.  

I also think some times i should cut some guys some slack.  When they call you can sometimes hear in their voices that they are just dead nervous so the questioning isnt because they havent read the site but more to do with babbling on till they have the guts to finalise the deal.  

No offence to any guys reading but lots of men need coaxing through everyday life... this is no different.  Coax them through the call then encourage them to finalise the deal, its all you can do really.

The best calls imo and the ones that always come good are the guys who have done this plenty of times before, know what they want and when they want it and get on with it.  the call usually only lasts a minute or so, no messing about, just get on with it.  I trust those guys much more than the rest.

I wouldnt give up just yet if i were you, AW can be frustrating but the timewasters die down a bit once you have been around there a few weeks and the 'new girl' status wears off a bit.  

I'm still not a massive fan of AW.  I must be the only person on there that gets no business from it, well not much anyway, but its free so it doesnt hurt to stay on it.

Good luck.


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Re: Turning requests into actual bookings? is there a magic formula?
« Reply #4 on: 29 December 2008, 11:30:46 pm »
You guys are right, men are visual creatures. And even when someone does read the profile, all it does it just confirms what they are seeing (height, weight, dick size, breast size etc.) the important stuff. All the 'important information' is just jargon.

Magic formula? No. Men do what they want. kinda hard to explain. But, I can say over time I'm realzing that sometimes you need to isolate the objection. There's been 2 guys I met within the past week or so that have been quite hesitant. One was so hesitant and "nervous" that he went on and on about non-sense and excuses so I just asked him straight up, "whats the issue? You can ask me anything you want, there's no need to be nervous". And it worked.

Its business...but sometimes you have to get a bit more personal to get a more comfortable vibe going.
« Last Edit: 29 December 2008, 11:32:34 pm by JoeyR »