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Author Topic: Turning down a client who looks homeless  (Read 1311 times)


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Turning down a client who looks homeless
« on: 24 November 2021, 11:21:52 pm »
Hi everyone,

Today I had my first very bad experience, when the client turned up he looked like he was homeless (white man in his 40’s). When I mean homeless I talk not only about the look but also about the smell, the manners (and the teeth as well  :-\). I’m not gonna enumerate further physical details here but it was very bad.
As soon as he entered I wondered if I should turn him down or not but in the end I didn’t dare to.
I told him to go and take a shower and make sure he cleans himself. As soon as he went out of the bathroom the smell in there was absolutely horrible (still) and the white towel literally became BROWN !! I was so so disgusted I ended up provided service but definitely not to the standard I’m used to (light kissing instead of usual DFK, didn’t allow him to lick my pussy, and very limited sex and no CIM (which I normally provide). He seemed a bit disappointed in some ways and told me that I normally provide some of the services he asked for but I didn’t do them with him. But how the f**k could I tell him that he was stinky with a horrible hygiene ??

Have you ever had similar cases ? If yes how did you deal with the situation ?

(His smell took a few hours to go away from my room, I had to disinfect and put spray all over) what a nightmare  :( :( :(
« Last Edit: 24 November 2021, 11:24:19 pm by Natalya »


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Re: Turning down a client who looks homeless
« Reply #1 on: 24 November 2021, 11:28:21 pm »
Yes, I've had clients who have turned up and their personal hygiene has been beyond vile.
I refuse service and put them back out the door. If they have showered and then their cock is dirty, I tell them and whack a condom on it.
I refuse to service smellies.
Just politely ask them to leave and say their hygiene is not up to your standard.
I state clearly and more than once on my profile that I will refuse clients with bad hygiene.
If a grown man can't clean himself then it's not my problem.


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Re: Turning down a client who looks homeless
« Reply #2 on: 24 November 2021, 11:36:31 pm »
There's a serial showerer in London who turns up to try and have a shower then leave.

He came to me and i hadnt checked clienteye before he came as i was busy but when he turned up and looking very similar to what you described. I did pretty much the same as you and did light kissing, but i made him re shower.
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Re: Turning down a client who looks homeless
« Reply #3 on: 25 November 2021, 07:11:14 am »
This made me really quite sad and more than a little angry to read. You have to become more assertive and be more direct with your clients. I don't want to tell you what to do but you need to get over this fear of being truthful with clients/turning them down/them having a low opinion of you - your opinion of your client/the man standing in front of you is more important.

I have a note on my website that all services are subject to consideration of my comfort and the client's hygiene - if their hygiene is poor, they will be asked to leave; no refunds given. (In fact, I also state that it is my right to decline a booking in person for whatever reason I wish.) Thankfully, I have yet to have to pick anyone up on their hygiene (or anything else really) and/or tell them to leave.

Natalya, you are a service provider. This does not mean you have to see anyone who walks through your door - you do have a choice. If you don't want to go through with a booking, that is your right to do so. You shouldn't have to grit your teeth and bear it it. Next time, say no. After that, it will get easier.

I implore you to take some time and think carefully about what your boundaries are re. client's hygiene (and anything else really) and state them on your profile. As the very least, this will give you some recourse when it comes to turning someone away.

For other SP's piece of mind, maybe add this man's details to CE and on here too.

« Last Edit: 25 November 2021, 07:50:07 am by Miffy »


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Re: Turning down a client who looks homeless
« Reply #4 on: 25 November 2021, 07:36:35 am »
I would turn somebody like that away.  Beyond the call of duty.


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Re: Turning down a client who looks homeless
« Reply #5 on: 25 November 2021, 08:32:24 am »
I have come across very few, but still a few who do have a home, job, business, who are still smelly after a shower and their clothes reek.

Also punters who are clean most places, but do not realise they have smegma under their foreskin (sometimes due to inability as a result of physical size(large body, small penis they can't really see).

I am tactfully honest so the person has a chance to understand, I then attempt to remedy either at request (ie need you to have had a bath or shower same day at least), or actually popping them in the shower or cleaning them myself. If that does not work then I have to say goodbye, no more bookings. One person this happened with was difficult in other ways including actually making a booking, and is the only person to have given me the shivers looking at him. I told him on next enquiry I cannot accept any more bookings. He did persist with questions, I asked him to simply stop.


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Re: Turning down a client who looks homeless
« Reply #6 on: 25 November 2021, 08:59:05 am »
Natalya, after reading a few of your threads I believe you need to work on your boundaries before you continue in this line of work otherwise you're going to burnout very very fast. Please don't take this the wrong way but all your threads are about inability to establish boundaries, lack of assertiveness and painful consequences that come with that. If I were you I would step back a little and draw a map of boundaries otherwise again... you're going to burn out with consequences to your mental health.
« Last Edit: 25 November 2021, 10:55:57 am by ana30 »
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.


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Re: Turning down a client who looks homeless
« Reply #7 on: 25 November 2021, 10:35:36 am »
I remember one night many years ago l was working in a very low end hotel.

A guy who l had met the year previously booked me for 9pm and l had already decided l was going home that night and not returning.

His circumstances had sadly changed from before and he was now homeless.

I told him an emergency had arisen and that l had to go home. I let him stay in the room all night. He would have stunk it out. I just felt so sad for him.
I'm glad I got all the Cynthia Payne books before the prices rocked to sky high.


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Re: Turning down a client who looks homeless
« Reply #8 on: 25 November 2021, 11:45:29 am »
I know I feel so stupid for accepting him. But I will never do this mistake again ! I reported him on CE as well.
About establishing boundaries, it’s not the fact that I can’t establish boundaries, I have a very strong character and this is not a problem for me, the problem is that I’m very scared of bad reviews people could right about me on alternative websites that we all know and this is what actually freaks me out, I don’t want people to say bad things about me because I’m scared it could really affect my business.

I know you gonna say that I shouldn’t care about this and that nobody reads them and stuff but actually so many people do and people do trust this website, I’m always so surprised of the amount of people who told me they found me on there.
« Last Edit: 25 November 2021, 11:55:02 am by Natalya »

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Re: Turning down a client who looks homeless
« Reply #9 on: 25 November 2021, 11:53:12 am »
Don't be scared over reviews you have to be true to yourself and not let that dictate your life and morals. Even if you do get some bad comments so what, there is plenty of men out there that are not interested or aware of any feedback.

A lot that gets written can be lies and revenge for refusing services because of bad hygiene or bad manners don't let that consume you. If someone behaves bad you do not owe them your soul.


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Re: Turning down a client who looks homeless
« Reply #10 on: 25 November 2021, 11:53:28 am »
Stop caring about reviews. Seriously. Don't even give them any headspace. The people who read and write them are around 5% of the total number of men buying sex. That is a tiny percentage. Also, from what I have read/seen, bad reviews don't really affect business either.

Should you get a bad review because you refuse service to someone with terrible hygiene, then you are well within your right to contest that review and offer your side of things. But honestly Natalya, if you are so that worried about getting a bad review that you won't decline a client because he has bad hygenie (or for any other reason), then you have no recourse or right to complain.

Re. the guy you posted about. Would you rather he gave you a truthful review stating you declined service or one saying that you refused services and his time with you was disappointing and lacklustre. I for one would prefer the former.

« Last Edit: 25 November 2021, 11:55:50 am by Miffy »


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Re: Turning down a client who looks homeless
« Reply #11 on: 25 November 2021, 11:57:33 am »
No you can’t dispute the review on the website I’m talking about that’s why, I’m not talking about AW, I’m talking about [a punting forum]

And yes Miffy you’re right actually, I prefer the first option too, but didn’t think about it on the moment.
I’m quite perfectionist and always want everything to be perfect that’s why I care so much.
But mistakes happen and mistake learned, this will not happen again
« Last Edit: 25 November 2021, 12:00:11 pm by Natalya »


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Re: Turning down a client who looks homeless
« Reply #12 on: 25 November 2021, 11:58:45 am »
No you can’t dispute the review on the website I’m talking about that’s why, I’m not talking about AW, I’m talking about [a punting forum]

I know where you're talking about and yes you can, SPs can join, do join and do contest reviews.


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Re: Turning down a client who looks homeless
« Reply #13 on: 25 November 2021, 12:01:25 pm »
No now they’ve restricted the website and the only way to join nowadays is to pay £25 in Bitcoin (and I know nothing about crypto)


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Re: Turning down a client who looks homeless
« Reply #14 on: 25 November 2021, 12:04:02 pm »
I know. There will be instructions how to purchase bitcoin in order to join - if their newest members can figure it out, I am sure you could too. But the fact remains the same, reviews don't really count for anything and the majority of punters don't read that forum.