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Author Topic: Trouble getting prep prescribed in Ireland.  (Read 221 times)


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Trouble getting prep prescribed in Ireland.
« on: 09 March 2025, 02:39:38 pm »
I need to get my Prep prescribed, I mentioned it to my doctor (who doesn’t know of this occupation), and she gave a mumbled response along the lines of I don’t need it and being slightly unaware of its actual purpose. And I was too embarrassed to push her any further.
Is there any other way of getting it legitimately prescribed to me without going back to her and spelling it out to her in black and white.
I’m in Ireland so healthcare may be different to the UK, I’m not sure.


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Re: Trouble getting prep prescribed in Ireland.
« Reply #1 on: 09 March 2025, 03:56:18 pm »
I need to get my Prep prescribed, I mentioned it to my doctor (who doesn’t know of this occupation), and she gave a mumbled response along the lines of I don’t need it and being slightly unaware of its actual purpose. And I was too embarrassed to push her any further.
Is there any other way of getting it legitimately prescribed to me without going back to her and spelling it out to her in black and white.
I’m in Ireland so healthcare may be different to the UK, I’m not sure.

In England as far as I am aware Prep is prescribed by the GUM clinics, where do you go for STI/Sexual Health/GUM testing?


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Re: Trouble getting prep prescribed in Ireland.
« Reply #2 on: 09 March 2025, 04:07:36 pm »
I need to get my Prep prescribed, I mentioned it to my doctor (who doesn’t know of this occupation), and she gave a mumbled response along the lines of I don’t need it and being slightly unaware of its actual purpose. And I was too embarrassed to push her any further.
Is there any other way of getting it legitimately prescribed to me without going back to her and spelling it out to her in black and white.
I’m in Ireland so healthcare may be different to the UK, I’m not sure.

Well do you need PrEP? Unless you're having unprotected vaginal and anal sex with scores of random men I can't see why you would - it's expensive medication with unpleasant side effects and it seems a bit unlikely that your doctor doesn't know what it is, which is likely the reason she doesn't understand why you're asking for it.

If you're using condoms then it's not that likely that you fit the bill (and nor would you here in the UK); if you're not then I'd a) consider whether the health risks you're taking are worth it (and not just in terms of HIV but other far more common STIs which will lose you work, cost you money and possibly affect your partner) and b) see if you can get it privately? That's with the caveat that I'm not sure how private healthcare works in Ireland, although I'm more familiar with the public provision :)


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Re: Trouble getting prep prescribed in Ireland.
« Reply #3 on: 09 March 2025, 05:04:52 pm »
Thanks for the quick replies, as far as I’m aware our gum clinics here will only prescribe to treat something existing, and not anything that would require ongoing script like prep. I’ve only gathered that from what I’ve read online, but I’m actually in for tests next Friday so I can ask them then. We do actually have private health insurance, but again i’m not sure who I’d have to see in regard to it.
As for the reason, no I don’t currently do it unprotected, and don’t do any anal whatsoever. But am considering, (well, have kind of decided) to start offering bareback to some clients after being asked repeatedly, and offered double my normal rate. We have given it a lot of thought and are aware of the risks, but I don’t see a lot of clients, mostly regulars, and they’re all from the same kind of circle. It’s a very different industry over here lol


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Re: Trouble getting prep prescribed in Ireland.
« Reply #4 on: 09 March 2025, 07:28:42 pm »
Pick one of you have a actively bisexual boyfriend who doesn't use condoms with other men or you have an IV-drug using boyfriend or you have a boyfriend who does both.

'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."


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Re: Trouble getting prep prescribed in Ireland.
« Reply #5 on: 09 March 2025, 07:44:30 pm »
As for the reason, no I don’t currently do it unprotected, and don’t do any anal whatsoever. But am considering, (well, have kind of decided) to start offering bareback to some clients after being asked repeatedly, and offered double my normal rate. We have given it a lot of thought and are aware of the risks, but I don’t see a lot of clients, mostly regulars, and they’re all from the same kind of circle. It’s a very different industry over here lol

There are plenty of people here who have worked all over Ireland many times, me included (I think in 2012-13 I spent more time there than in the UK :D), and I don't even do OWO or reverse oral, let alone unprotected PIV.

If you want to offer this service that's totally your call (and I agree with xw5; claiming a non-monogamous relationship with a bi man ought to get you through the door), but don't let pestering punters try to bullshit you it's something 'everybody' does or that it's necessary to get business or make money, in Ireland or anywhere else. It really isn't.


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Re: Trouble getting prep prescribed in Ireland.
« Reply #6 on: 09 March 2025, 09:54:24 pm »
Also you say "we" have given it a lot of thought. I don't know if that is a typo but I don't think anyone else should be influencing you to make decisions regarding the services you are offering and the risks that you are taking with your health.